Thursday, 23 February 2012


It is difficult for people to understand, let alone accept the fact, that all life is unified and functions as "One" in the heartbeat of our great Cosmos, and yet this fact is true.

Picture of Creation

We seem to have a somewhat distorted picture of the Creation we live in. We tend to believe that each entity and place in the Creation is and has its own separate existence, functioning independently from one another. But nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps I should use an analogy to describe more simply the situation, as I perceive it, of Creation.

Imagine the Cosmos as an enormous piece of machinery and all the various lifeforms within it are the important parts necessary for the "machinery" to function. This analogy should start to form a picture in your mind´s eye to help you understand the situation. Any and every machine must have all its parts intact and present to function perfectly. Let us just say that this enormous "machine" is the Creator Itself, the centre and core of all life. Now you can begin to fathom and appreciate that actually everything in existence IS the Creator, or at least a part of the Creator. This is why a great Master once said... "There is only the One without a Second", as ALL IS GOD !

Evolving Kingdoms

On our planet Earth there are, as you know, four Kingdoms which are evolving. The Mineral, the Vegetable, the Animal and supposedly the Human. The Human status is slightly debatable at present, for our level of consciousness still puts us more at the top of the Animal Kingdom. The description "Human" really means H=Higher U=Universal MAN, and I doubt that we have quite achieved this standard as yet, especially with the attitude people and countries have toward one another.

When a new soul incarnates here on Earth it has to go through the entire process of evolving through each of these four Kingdoms, which, you can imagine, takes thousands and thousands of years and incarnations before it reaches even the stage that Humanity has achieved today. At present Humanity is striving to become the true and actual HU-man being. When this state of being and consciousness is achieved we will have fulfilled and completed our lessons here on Earth and again we will be able to return to the higher stations of life where we can wander amongst the stars... so to speak.

Universal Family

Most of our Universal and Galactic Family have already achieved this feat. With the exception of the few less evolved civilizations, our cosmic brothers and sisters are way ahead of us in their evolvement. They have been through the necessary evolving process long before us and many of them are around us and our planet at this time to assist in the "ascension" of Mother Earth and her children to the higher dimensions of life. We will, one day very soon, experience the joy and privilege of meeting them once more.

Chain of Evolution

The point I am trying to make here is this... all life is a "chain of evolution" and therefore inter-connected. The Creator wishes to experience life through each and every one of Its creations. If you think about it, it is the ONLY way God or Creator can "experience" life. So, let us try to look at life from a different perspective than we have been used to and see the "Unity in the Diversity" or if you prefer, the "Diversity in the Unity", for ALL LIFE IS ONE.

Here is a link to a marvellous video from our universal friends. Excellent viewing so take the time to watch and listen.

Monday, 20 February 2012


Know that life is a never-ending experience, that there is no death only other dimensions of existence. Understand and accept that this so-called "death" is but a mere transition into another level of life and that the departed are regularly amongst us, helping, guiding and loving us.  
The Web of Life  
Caught up in the web of life, in this physical experience, people confront death with an accumulation of feelings that include fear, sorrow, loss, regret, resentment, desertion, loneliness and so on. But what people do not take into account is that there IS no death, at least not in the sense that we recognise it. After lifetimes of programming that our physical life is our reality, we have almost completely forgotten our spiritual roots and reality. We are convinced that our physical body is the "real me"... which it is NOT. The "real me" is Spirit and comes from an entirely different dimension. Life here in this third dimension is an illusion, but simply appears real because our souls are here to experience the lessons of life from a third dimensional perspective, which requires a physical body and a physical world.
 Another Dimension 
Saying good-bye to anyone always has a twinge of sadness to it, even if we are seeing friends or loved ones off on a trip or a journey to a new life in another country. We live on in the hope and comforting thought that we will catch up with them at a later date. It is the same when attending a funeral to say our last good-byes to someone we have known and cared for in this lifetime. They haven´t left us permanently never to be greeted again. They have simply crossed over to another and higher dimension of life that exists parallel to our own. This higher dimension has no use for the physical body, and the soul within it enters back into a lighter, etheric body which vibrates at a higher level than the physical. This is why the person whom has passed on becomes invisible to the human eye.
 Appreciate The Truth 
To understand and appreciate this truth one will have to acknowledge that we humans are actually Souls incarnated into physical vehicles (bodies) whilst experiencing life here on planet Earth. It is the SOUL, which is a portion of your Spirit, that is the "real me". Hence, it would be wise to remind oneself regularly... "I am Soul with a body" and NOT "I am the body with a Soul."
Letting Go
I look forward to the day when people accept this reality and celebrate the passing over and moving on of a Soul to the next level of life. Yes, there will be a sense of loss. But, ask yourself, which part of you is experiencing this feeling?? Is it not the personality or the ego-self?? In truth, we should rejoice on behalf of the person that has left this world having fulfilled his/her life experience on Earth, for they are returning HOME, back to the world of Spirit for a well earned pause before taking on another class of lessons for their soul´s evolution. This is the journey of life, for life is an everlasting and never-ending experience for Soul expansion.