Sunday, 9 June 2013


The Law of Relativity begins with our understanding that each of us is provided with problems or Tests of Initiation.  These tests are designed to assess where we are on our spiritual paths and what experiences we need to learn.

El Morya speaks to us  :

"I, El Morya, speak with the wisdom my soul commanded when I was Solomon centuries ago.  It is with great pleasure that I come forth today and transmit my understanding of this most important law."

Tests of Initiation

"This message on the Law of Relativity is protected in the Light of the Most Radiant One and transmitted with the vibration of the Highest.  It speaks of observation and choice, and teaches the importance of applying the Law of Vibration (see earlier article) to the choices each makes.

Inherent in understanding the Law of Relativity is an awareness of the Tests of Initiation, which are lessons that all must learn to become enlightened.  These tests determine how quickly the soul advances on the spiritual path, and how many times it must be reborn on the Earth plane for the purpose of making choices again.

The Pharisees

Although the Law of Relativity has been in existence as long as the Universe, it received its current name from the Pharisees of old.  The Pharisees I speak of were the ones who lived when the Age of Pisces was new.  These learned ones understood the importance of maintaining a higher standard of living while practicing spiritual laws.  Many who resided in Israel enjoyed the status of their positions and protected their ranks by citing the laws as the defense for their actions.  They spoke with precision, for they had memorized the laws, and their minds understood the impeccable application of these statutes in the world.

They were, however, remiss on one count.  Their hearts were not connected to the spirit of the laws.  An intellectual interpretation of the law often differs from the spiritual intent, which was usually the reason the law was created in the first place.  Unless a soul is sufficiently advanced to accept the spirit of the law, its meaning and intent often are lost in the winds of time.  The Law of Relativity is one of the laws that has been lost in the winds.

Options Are Given

Basically, the Law of Relativity assures that each soul will receive a series of tests (problems, if you will), designed for the purpose of strengthening the Light within.  As each soul is tested and provided with opportunities for advancement, options are given that guide the possible choices to be made.  These options allow the soul to use the understanding of the Law of Vibration for either advancement or regression.

Everything in life is relative, Oh Sisters and Brothers on the path.  All is the All.  There are no judgments regarding good or bad, better or worse.  Everything is relative, balanced within the mental and emotional state of the person in any given moment of time.  The reason one believes that things are better or worse is because the mind makes comparisons with people, things and events that are not relevant, and applies these comparisons to the present situation.

Comparisons Are Frequent

Each event in one´s life stands alone and should not be compard with other things.  That is because each event has its own vibrational frequency, with unique lessons to learn, and should be analyzed from the perspective of "What is it I am to learn from this situation?"  Instead of approaching life from this perspective, individuals frequently choose to compare their lives and situaions with those of others, and it is through these comparisons that they often become depressed, believing that others are more blessed than they are."

Part Two  --  Write title in search box, top left, and add "Part Two".

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you for sending me your blog. I love you!
