Saturday, 2 November 2013


The purpose of attaining a high point of consciousness is not to lead a peaceful life, living in isolation from a world of which you want no part.  No, it is to go forth and to sound your note in the world at large.  The greater your point of consciousness, the greater your ability to be of service.  The Master explains how to achieve this  success...

Time of Transformation

I would like you all to understand that at this particular time in the evolutionary cycle your quest for consciousness is of supreme importance.  You are experiencing darkness in order that you may see the light more clearly.  You are experiencing darkness because in past lives, when you lived in a time of light, you chose to ignore it.  The purpose of darkness is to help you to focus on the light, and at this time in the world most people are very aware of the need for light, not the light that is capable of transforming Humanity instantly into a realised race, but the light that will help Humanity to understand more clearly the true nature of its own creations in thought, word and deed.

This is the time, above all, when Humanity must watch closely everything that it creates on every level of its existence, for this is the time of supreme testing.  This is the time of the ending of an Age, and of the changing of the Cycle, the time of the transformation of the planet into a world of which you can barely conceive.  I can tell you, with certainty, that it is how you handle this darkness, how you pursue your quest for consciousness, that will decide your role in the New Age.  Every little sacrifice that you make is noted.  Every act of service that you make, no matter how small, is noted.  Every step that you make on your quest for consciousness is noted.  So you lose nothing by your sacrifice and your service but you gain the world, for the gain in consciousness that you make now will be with you forever.

A Unique Opportunity

This point in time is also of great significance because you are being presented with a unique opportunity for realising the true nature and purpose of the drama that is being enacted for you.  Remember, however, that you, too, are a part of the drama and that it is not for you to judge or to condemn either the other actors in this drama or the roles that they are playing, rather, it is for you to observe them and to grow in wisdom from your observations.  As I am always telling you, this Earth is a school of life and at this time you are being presented with one of its supreme moments of learning.

Blaming God

In your world today many people have become disillusioned with God because of what is manifesting in the world.  Indeed, some people even blame God for the present state of the world!!  The familiar cry is often heard, "How can God permit such things to happen?  If our God is a God of love, how can He permit all the human suffering that is now taking place?  Why does He not stop it?".  The people who make such statements do not understand the role of God in this great drama, for God is not the intervener, God is the observer!

Humanity is simply suffering what Humanity has created by its own actions.  God will help YOU to change this world but God will not change this world simply to remove Humanity´s suffering.  God will help YOU to transform your being but God will not transform your being just because you ask Him to, rather like a wizard waving his magic wand.  The whole purpose of this school of life is that you learn from your actions, as you sow, so shall you reap.  The great Law of Karma is all pervading in this respect.

Character of the Soul

As any good teacher will tell you, any learning experience is directly related to the energy, the effort and the sacrifice that is expended by the pupil.  It is the same with life.  The greater the test, the greater the opportunity to strengthen the character of the soul.  Those tests in which you have died in past lives have had a profound effect upon your soul being and have been primarily responsible for moulding your point of consciousness and for establishing your understanding of what is Truth.  You are prepared to die and, indeed, have often done so in past lives, for what you know to be the Truth, for there is no greater God than Truth, and what is Truth but God´s Will made manifest on the Earth.  So in these times of darkness there is a great opportunity for seeing Truth, for discovering God´s Will, both for you and for this planet.

Every day you are presented with new challenges so that you can hone and evolve your point of consciousness.  It is not for you to question and to judge that day, rather it is for you to observe that day with an aware eye, to be open to its every moment.  You should be prepared to serve the day rather than expecting the day to serve you.  You should be prepared to give of your consciousness no matter what the cost, and as you give, so shall you receive.

Time is Speeding Up

I wonder if you all realise how fast time is racing by, how soon your physical lives will be over.  No matter how old you are, most people can sense that time is speeding up.  Moreover, there is a physical time scale to this presnet Cycle.  Each day, therefore, must be grasped as a heaven-sent opportunity for gaining consciousness, for seeing the consciousness of God in every aspect of life around you, for that is the only God that you can ever know whilst you are in physical incarnation.  That is one of the limitations of this world of matter in which you live.

You have been placed in a dense body of matter, placed in a school of learning, shut off from many of your higher senses, just to witness this very special drama created for you by your Creator.  You have been separated from your Creator so that through the drama of life you will find your way back to your Creator, from whence you came.

Part Two --  Write Title in Search box, top left, and add "Part Two".

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".