When we accept that we are not separated from Creator, our Source, that we are not alone and we are one with All That Is, we will begin to fill the emptiness within and are introduced to the frequencies of thoughtful awareness. We will begin the move out of social consciousness and start the not-so-long journey back to ONENESS.
The Erroneous Belief
Since long before Jesus ever walked the face of this Earth, man has felt himself apart from his "Maker". When the words of what would become the Bible -- written several hundred years after Jesus -- were finally put into print, they not only continued to foster the erroneous belief that man was separate from his Maker, but served to cement that belief. Though the words of Jesus echoed over and over that "the Father and I are one", there was enough misinterpretation of his work imbedded within the biblical pages to secure the impenetrable belief that man was a lowly, sinful creature to be punished righteously by a vengeful being from the unseen.
´Tain´t so!! The aborigines know it. The Native Americans and a bunch of others know it. It´s all the rest of the World that feels alone, abandoned, and rejected, and... SEPARATE !
The Source
Every one of us was loved into existence for the express purpose of exploration, expansion. The Source from which we came wanted to know Itself better. It wanted to know Its capabilities, Its weaknesses, Its greatness. So It created different "faces" of Itself in order to know Itself better. Each of us are one of those different faces, pinched off from our Source with the full intent that we would always be equal to It.
And we are. However, from the instant we were pinched off, so to speak, we began to feel some separation. And why not?? We had been one, total consciousness, then all of a sudden we´re just a piece on our own, not part of the Whole. And moving into that new medium called "time and space" didn´t help any, either. Now we really felt abandoned. But more than that, we felt confused.
An Elusive Remembrance
Over the countless eons, that feeling has never left. More times than not, we´ve felt downright hostile, as an abandoned kid might feel towards his parents. Yet, deep within, we´ve maintained an elusive remembrance that we were perhaps a part of something much grander than our own selves.
Sadly, it was that very feeling, that unspoken, unlooked-at gnawing that gave birth to the "me here, God out there" syndrome. We no longer held the total knowingness of the Whole, so what were we?? We knew we were separate packages of something, but of what?? And in that separation, we started hurting, and feeling isolated, and very, very alone.
A Frustrated Soul
But now that deep feeling of aloneness, and our frustration of not knowing who we truly are, is pushing us to wake up and remember, a push that is coming directly from our soul, the divine record-keeper of our being. Our soul has acquired all the feelings and experiences of separation that it can handle, and is doing everything possible to force us into remembrance of where we came from and who we are, so that it can get on with what it was created to do in the first place -- record the joys and experiences of being one of the faces of the Whole.
Why has this taken so long?? Why hasn´t this awful feeling (that none of us ever talk about) been dealt with before -- like eons ago?? Because our fear and pain were so great, and created such a block, we could never hear our Source calling to us, saying, "Hey, come on! We´re all the same thing. We´re all One. You are not separate from me, and I am not seperate from you. We´re the same thing. Hello! Hello! Hello! Did you hear me?? WE ARE THE SAME BEING."
Our True Divinity
And so now, with the soul saying it can no longer operate in this environment of forgetfulness, that life spark within us -- our true divinity -- is beginning to wake up. It´s beginning to hear through our doubts, and our fears, and our isolation. It`s beginning to respond to the soul´s incessant pushing. That life spark within us wants dearly to awaken. It wants to remember where It came from so that, for the first time in Its physical existence, It can enjoy Its true reality as an INDIVIDUALIZED PORTION of the Whole : God, in a body!!
The push of the soul is happening everywhere to everyone all over our planet, yet only a few are far enough out of their anxieties of aloneness to hear the call. You have heard. And this article comes to you with the complements of your frustrated soul and awakening life spark. You are on your road to remembrance, on your road to awakening, called HOME. Yes, just like the leaves on a tree, we are the individualized pieces of the Whole.
This article is from "Tenets of Awakening"
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