Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Everything now to work on will be about raising our frequencies so that we will never again feel alone or separate from. Instead, we will feel at one with the world, sure of ourselves, in control of our lives, at peace instead of in pieces.... we will feel creative, abundant. Oh... and happy!!

Raising Those Frequencies

Raising frequencies means stepping out of social consciousness. It means we no longer allow vibrations of negative thinking to control us. It means we will be trading fear-based vibrations for those of joy, sureness, safety, and abundance.

Only by raising our frequencies out of negative feelings can we move into empowerment. And that means we can no longer think like everyone else, or react like everyone else, or feel like everyone else. It means you have to have the courage to change. Changing from victim to master by deliberately raising our frequencies from fear-based to as close as we can come to joy-based.

Causes of Attraction

Going for our Master´s means we give up games, we stop blaming the world for our troubles, we learn to approve of everything we have ever done in order to live a life without one single regret. It means that during the day, we´ll have to watch what we say and think, for that causes us to feel, which creates the frequency vibrations that cause us to attract.

The Change

Going for our Master´s also means our whole body will begin to change frequencies as we move closer and closer to our expanded selves and higher awareness. We will actually begin to grow lighter (though not noticeably, and not in weight), attracting our desires from those higher vibrations with incredible speed.

Flip The Switch

Our absolute birthright is to create a life that will make us happy, that will bring us all that we have ever desired, when and where we desire it to be. Becoming a Master is learning to flip the switch between frequencies. As we learn to do this (and it doesn´t take long at all), we begin the rapid walk up our spiritual mountain to the inexplicable freedom -- IN A BODY -- we came here to experience.

This article is from "Tenets of Awareness".

Sunday, 18 March 2012


We must learn that all circumstances are our own creation and that ALL this creation comes from our feelings. We should also understand that we operate in a sea of electromagnetic energy and that nothing is created by accident, luck or happenstance.

Everything is Energy

Everything that is... is energy. You...me..a leaf...the table...a lake...a rubber band. And on this planet, as on many others, energy is electromagnetic. That makes you, me, your in-laws, your car, and your boss all electromagnetic time bombs.

Since we´re nothing but electromagnetic energy, we´re basically magnets -- hugely powerful, highly charged magnets walking around in an energy fog, not having the faintest idea that every moment of every day we´re magnetising into our world every single thing that happens to us, good or bad.

Like Attracts Like

How so?? It´s so simple, it´s embarrassing. Yet we´ve never known this before. Here´s what all the positive thinking books missed (came close, but missed). Here is what governs how our world -- and your world -- runs. Here is why there´s no such thing as a victim. Here´s what will change your life in whatever way you want it changed. Here is the power we were given at birth, that no one ever taught us, because no one every knew. (Actually, we´ve always known this, but we forget it all the minute we pop in here.)

All life, all happenings, all circumstances, all luck is based on one simple principle of physics:

LIKE FREQUENCIES (VIBRATIONS) ATTRACT!! Everything we get in life -- or don´t get -- is based on that principle. Every car accident, every lottery win, every death, rape, wedding, raise, or divorce is based on that principle. We are electromagnetic beings. What comes or doesn´t come to us does so because we, and we alone, have caused it.

The Actual Mechanics

Here are the actual mechanics of how we attract or repel absolutely every event in our lives :

1. Everything that is...is energy, including us

2. All energy vibrates; therefore, so do we

3. "Like" vibrations attract "like" vibrations

4. The way we think causes the way we feel

5. Every feeling has its own vibration

6. Therefore, we attract -- only -- by the way we FEEL

It´s our FEELINGS (emotions) that make things happen, not our thoughts. True, our thoughts cause different feelings, but just thinking a thought, or visualizing, won´t do a thing. It´s the FEELING created from the thought or visualization that creates (as well as the feelings we generate without thought).

Pure Magnetic Energy

 Our feelings are pure magnetic energy. They´re flowing out from us every moment of every day as a vibrational frequency. This means that HOW we´ve been feeling will affect what kind of magnetic vibration we´re sending out.

You could say we´re like musical instruments. Sometimes we have lovely positive feelings, and very magnetic. Other times -- in fact most of the time -- we´re sending out low-frequency, negative vibrations from negative feelings, meaning when you´re having them, you´re transmitting negatively and therefore attracting their match. Ping a tuning fork in Yankee Stadium that´s filled with 10.000 other tuning forks, and only the ones that are calibrated exactly like yours will ping back. No others. "Like" vibrations attract only "like" vibrations.


High, fast vibrations are the feel-good kind of stuff. And they feel good because they are closer to what we are. These are divinely generated feelings.

Low, slow vibrations are all fear-based, the social consciousness kind of stuff. These are physically generated feelings. The horror is that unless we´re on some kind of downer, or really into a fear or worry that doesn´t feel good, all low, slow vibrations feel perfectly natural to us. Here´s how it works. Frightenly simple :

The way we think... causes the way we feel... and the way we feel... causes the way we vibrate... and the way we vibrate... IS HOW WE ATTRACT!!

This article is from "Tenats of Awakening".

Friday, 16 March 2012


When we accept that we are not separated from Creator, our Source, that we are not alone and we are one with All That Is, we will begin to fill the emptiness within and are introduced to the frequencies of thoughtful awareness. We will begin the move out of social consciousness and start the not-so-long journey back to ONENESS.

The Erroneous Belief

Since long before Jesus ever walked the face of this Earth, man has felt himself apart from his "Maker". When the words of what would become the Bible -- written several hundred years after Jesus -- were finally put into print, they not only continued to foster the erroneous belief that man was separate from his Maker, but served to cement that belief. Though the words of Jesus echoed over and over that "the Father and I are one", there was enough misinterpretation of his work imbedded within the biblical pages to secure the impenetrable belief that man was a lowly, sinful creature to be punished righteously by a vengeful being from the unseen.

´Tain´t so!! The aborigines know it. The Native Americans and a bunch of others know it. It´s all the rest of the World that feels alone, abandoned, and rejected, and... SEPARATE !

The Source

Every one of us was loved into existence for the express purpose of exploration, expansion. The Source from which we came wanted to know Itself better. It wanted to know Its capabilities, Its weaknesses, Its greatness. So It created different "faces" of Itself in order to know Itself better. Each of us are one of those different faces, pinched off from our Source with the full intent that we would always be equal to It.

And we are. However, from the instant we were pinched off, so to speak, we began to feel some separation. And why not?? We had been one, total consciousness, then all of a sudden we´re just a piece on our own, not part of the Whole. And moving into that new medium called "time and space" didn´t help any, either. Now we really felt abandoned. But more than that, we felt confused.

An Elusive Remembrance

Over the countless eons, that feeling has never left. More times than not, we´ve felt downright hostile, as an abandoned kid might feel towards his parents. Yet, deep within, we´ve maintained an elusive remembrance that we were perhaps a part of something much grander than our own selves.

Sadly, it was that very feeling, that unspoken, unlooked-at gnawing that gave birth to the "me here, God out there" syndrome. We no longer held the total knowingness of the Whole, so what were we?? We knew we were separate packages of something, but of what?? And in that separation, we started hurting, and feeling isolated, and very, very alone.

A Frustrated Soul

But now that deep feeling of aloneness, and our frustration of not knowing who we truly are, is pushing us to wake up and remember, a push that is coming directly from our soul, the divine record-keeper of our being. Our soul has acquired all the feelings and experiences of separation that it can handle, and is doing everything possible to force us into remembrance of where we came from and who we are, so that it can get on with what it was created to do in the first place -- record the joys and experiences of being one of the faces of the Whole.

Why has this taken so long?? Why hasn´t this awful feeling (that none of us ever talk about) been dealt with before -- like eons ago?? Because our fear and pain were so great, and created such a block, we could never hear our Source calling to us, saying, "Hey, come on! We´re all the same thing. We´re all One. You are not separate from me, and I am not seperate from you. We´re the same thing. Hello! Hello! Hello! Did you hear me?? WE ARE THE SAME BEING."

Our True Divinity

And so now, with the soul saying it can no longer operate in this environment of forgetfulness, that life spark within us -- our true divinity -- is beginning to wake up. It´s beginning to hear through our doubts, and our fears, and our isolation. It`s beginning to respond to the soul´s incessant pushing. That life spark within us wants dearly to awaken. It wants to remember where It came from so that, for the first time in Its physical existence, It can enjoy Its true reality as an INDIVIDUALIZED PORTION of the Whole : God, in a body!!

The push of the soul is happening everywhere to everyone all over our planet, yet only a few are far enough out of their anxieties of aloneness to hear the call. You have heard. And this article comes to you with the complements of your frustrated soul and awakening life spark. You are on your road to remembrance, on your road to awakening, called HOME. Yes, just like the leaves on a tree, we are the individualized pieces of the Whole.

This article is from "Tenets of Awakening"

Thursday, 15 March 2012


When we realize we are vastly more than our body we begin the walk out of limitation. We learn where our identity comes from and we open the door to true self-responsibility. It is then we plant the first seed toward accepting our own divinity.

Portion of the Whole

We think we are our bodies; but we are not. We think we are our problems, or our ancestors, or our many identities. We are not. We are not our sex, or our illnesses, or our desires. We are not our loves, our pains, or our addictions. What we are is a piece of the all that is, sired by the Light, in order that the "isness" might experience Itself greater than it was before.

We are the embodiment of love so vast, so incomprehensible, that we run from its power. Yet that power is what we are. We are the higher power that is greater than ourselves. We are a marvellous creation of mind in matter. We are the ongoingness and foreverness of everything that is.

Never Seperated from The Source

 We are a portion of the infinite, a piece of God destined to wake up one day and remember just that. We are incomprehensible forces of energy living for now inside physical instruments, because that is what we CHOSE to do. We are a portion of the Whole: therefore what God is, is what we are. We are power centers of unlimited magnificence, supreme intelligences who have never been seperated from our Source, for we are that Source.

We are what we look outside ourselves to find. We are the love we seek, the joy for which we yearn, the fervour of life we think we have lost. Our longing is but the pressing call of our Soul to wake up, and remember. This, then, is our grand journey home!!

The Longing

 Understanding what our strange longings have felt like over the years, and how we handled them helps to clear away any doubts we may have about beginning this journey back to remembrance.

Most of us have felt something was missing in our lives, that there had to be far more to life than a paycheck, a two-car garage, 2-3 kids and matching towel sets. There was an emptiness we haven´t understood and rarely spoke about, a hollowness we yearned to fill, but never did - or could.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to seek to remember who and what we are. The only way we will ever fill that longing is to walk into our own power and accept our divinity while we relish our physicalness.

Our Beliefs Form Our Reality

 If we can swallow the notion that our beliefs create our experience, that our entire physical environment is the materialisation of our beliefs, that our beliefs form every moment of our reality, and that if we really believe a thing, the effect will follow whether we want it to or not... well, if we can ultimately swallow all that, we just MIGHT realise how unimaginably powerful we are. We just MIGHT come to accept that each and every one of us is a creator god, creating at the moment by accident instead of by intent. We just MIGHT come to accept that we are made of the same omnipotent, supreme energy that creates worlds.

Sure, a lot - if not most - of our beliefs have come from others, but until we can see that we are not at their mercy unless we BELIEVE we are, we remain in that vicious circle where we´re constantly reinforcing all the stuff we´re trying so desperately to change. And wondering why it´s not happening!!

If you want to know what your beliefs are, you have only to listen to your conversation with others. Here´s the bottom line: Until we can completely and unequivocally accept the idea that our beliefs form our reality, our reality is not going to change. Period!! And we will never, but never come to believe that we are any greater than these dear bodies. Yes, the bodies are a wonder, but they are simply not what we are. Never have been, never will be. So if we can match up at least some of our beliefs with some of our problems, and vice versa, we just MIGHT be willing to accept that we are ever so much more than our bodies.

Entity and Body

 Deep inside each of us, to the left of the heart, is a little spark that is incomprehensibly powerful. That little spark is what we are, for it is a piece of our entity. It is All That Is, learning to experience more of Itself in this wonderous thing called a body. Inside us, our entity can explore its potential and understand more of what it is, meaning more of what WE are.

However, let´s not downplay the body. While it is nowhere near the totality of what we are, it holds the knowledge of all that has ever been or ever existed... anywhere... in any universe. Our journey, then, is to get the two together, entity and body. This is the journey home, the journey into remembrance, the journey back to the love from which we came and from which we were made. This is the creation of heaven on Earth.

Cosmic Omnipresence

As soon as we allow ourselves to explore possibilities beyond physicality, our minds will open like whirlwinds. No, we´re not talking "spirit world" here, but WAY beyond that into cosmic omnipresence. And no, we don´t get there by dying, for dying is just stepping into another frequency that feels good, but where we´re still basically physical. What we´re talking about here is learning to touch the realness of ourselves WHILE STILL IN THIS BODY. When we can reach in and touch that life spark, we step into a world of incomprehensible joy. We´ve mastered physicality, and we´ll never have to do anything else except play out our physical games for the remainder of the time we choose to stick around.

Image!! That´s the operative word here. Until we can see that image has been dictating our lives, not much is going to change. So let´s work at slicing away at the image, forcing new joy and new feelings into our bodies. Let´s sharpen our awareness of what our images are doing and work toward eliminating our boundaries, one by one, until there will be nothing for us to do but live from that inner spark, in joy, in harmony with all Life.

This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Perhaps it is too hard for people to accept or even understand that all fear really stems from a state of ignorance and mind control. Fear is an emotion that we have unwittingly installed or programmed into us because we have lost sight of who and what we truly are.

State of Mind

When ones awareness of the truth of our "Be-ing" returns to us, fear slowly slides away into oblivion and the power of Love, true love, begins to re-establish itself fully. For what is fear other than the other side of the coin to love. The two are complete opposites. So its time to realise that fear is actually a state of mind. And, one has the choice to choose living, thinking and behaving with love or not.

Four Vital Questions

To overcome fully fear of any sort, one must first discover whom you truly are, and acknowledge it. This is why it is so important to take on the path of rediscovery, of learning about the facts of life... and I am not referring to the birds and the bees!! I am sure many of you have heard about the four vital questions regarding life: (1) Who am I? (2) Why am I here? (3) Where am I going? (4) What´s the meaning of life? These are the first questions that must be answered and understood to achieve victory over all ones fears.

The belief that we are seperated from our Creator/God is a major factor which causes much uncertainty, anxiety and fear of the "unknown". Its time for everyone to wake up and realise that we are absolutely NOT, in any way, separated from our God. We are part of Its glorious Being and knowing this ought to bring much comfort and trust into our lives.

Our Divine Parent

When we finally realise that we are under the protection and guidance of a devoted Parent, we should be able to let go of our everyday fears, as these so-called "fears" are simply created in our own minds, and usually by our wrong thinking which, in turn, affects our emotions. Turning our thoughts inwards to communicate with our Divine Parent and seeking the help and guidance we need is the major solution to dissolving any fear. Listening to our intuition is listening to the still, quiet voice of the Divine within one.

The Subconscious Mind

You may think that I am generalising too much about this "fear factor", but, believe me, I am not. I know a lot about fear and in my earlier years have experienced it quite often. The only way around and out of fear is to face up to, question the cause of it, and then challenge it. Let it know who´s boss. Accept that it is a trick from your subconscious mind which has been wrongly programmed for so long and which now needs a new programme. By being strong and determined one can achieve this, and especially with the help of your Higher Self and Higher Consciousness guiding you.

A great Master once said... "There is nothing to fear but "fear" itself!! The most powerful weapon your little ego or personality has over the "real you" is fear. Become familiar with contacting your Soul. Let yourself be guided by your Soul and not your ego (body consciousness). You will be amazed how your life will turn around and how the anxiety of those fears just fade away. Watch your thoughts and keep your focus on the good things of life, this will create all the positive energy you will need.