The soul always hungers for what it has never experienced.
Jewel of the Universe
It might annoy you a tad to find out that Earth was created as a playground for the gods. Really!! This place that our unseen friends call "the jewel of the Universe" was originally designed as a vast cosmic library where every single thing that had ever been created, or a portion of that thing, would be placed to be archived forever more. At the same time, since all the goodies of the Universe would be here, what a fun experience it would be to go through a lifetime or two here, in this very different place, to further the soul´s growth.
Good idea, but it backfired. Over eons the place became so popular, any idea of "playground" went by the wayside as groups struggled to live in a sometimes hostile arena. Why??! Why would a being choose to bip into a place that´s in such apparent disharmony and fear and hate and lack?? What would be the point??
Diverse Programming
There were a lot of us who continued to think we could come here and just have a good time, like having a rest between classes, so to speak. After all, it´s still a unique sandbox to play around in. And in fact, a few (VERY few) will pop in each year to do just that: Play. (Lucky them!) But for the vast majority of us, we´re here at the beckoning of our soul, that little tiny spark tucked away just behind our heart. We call it the soul, but in fact, that little spark is why we are here.
The "playground of the gods" soon became the "in" place to be to fulfil the diverse programming requirements of multitudinous diverse souls. Since each soul carries within its ultra-high frequencies the original intent package of the Source, and since all intent packages differ, what better place to play a good game of Treasure Hunt??
Emotional Memory Bank
This thing we call the soul is like a computer chip, designed exclusively to hold data in the form of emotions and feelings. It holds the emotional memory from every life we´ve ever lived and every experience we´ve ever had, from this lifetime back to our beginnings. It is the gigantic emotional memory bank of our being (for memory is emotion, not intellect), retaining all the happiness and pain that HAS been dealt with, and all that HAS NOT.
If we´ve never dealt with a particular pain, the soul presses us to experience something similar again in order to own it. If we have a yen to do something or go somewhere (like Egypt, not the grocery store), then the soul needs a particular emotional experience to fill the requirements of its emotional Treasure Hunt. Something is still missing to complete its journey.
The Need to Experience
Either way, whether it´s an old hurt or pain you´ve never owned -- therefore the need to experience it again to put it to rest -- or a new type of emotion you´ve never experienced (from elation to terror), the soul will push the pants off you to get you into an experience that will, if you OWN it, satisfy the requirements set up by its original package. When that one´s finished, the soul will take on another hunger, and you´ll be propelled into a new adventure or new experience... because you need to, and now want to.
If there´s something you´ve always wanted to do, you´d be wise to find a way to do it. That´s your soul trying to get you into the experience so it can put that emotional requirement to rest and then send you on to another. When you go against a strong desire or yearning to experience something... well, we call it despair, depression, sickness, neurosis, etc.
Hungering for the Light
The things you don´t want to do you´ve probably already done, either here or someplace else. The soul´s already gleaned and recorded the wisdom you gained from that experience, and wants you to move on.
Now, here´s the not-so-comfortable news: As you fuel your desire to turn to the Light, the soul´s activity increases proportionately. That little "spark" knows where every tiny piece of your resistance is, and will do everything in its power to pull you into experiences to blast open those areas of resistance. And so now comes the "Repeat Bar" effect, only more so -- faster, bigger, better. In other words, just by hungering for the Light, which was a soul push, you´ve given the soul permission to do whatever is necessary to get you there.
There is no mystery about this; it´s all done electromagnetically. If you need it, the soul will push you to experiece it, again and again and again until you can say, "Oh happy days, I GOT IT!!"
This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".