Wednesday, 15 August 2012


This article explains how to identify what we don´t want.  It explains the disaster of negative emotions and it examines the Law of Attraction.  It teaches us how to become "Observers" rather than "Responders".

Functioning in a Duality World


Most of us think we´d eagerly give up the problems in our lives for peace and quiet, ease and harmony.  We´d order up, "Good life only, please; hold the pain."

Well, believe it or not, contrast is why we came here.  Any realm that is three-dimensional, as ours is, functions in duality, so everything is either this or that, up or down, male or female, left or right, black or white, good or bad, right or wrong.  Our problem has been one of focus, in constantly seeing only things we don´t want, rather than learning to flow our energies to those things we do want.

"Don´t worry, I´ll get it this time," we say courageously before coming in.  But once here, we get so caught up in the low vibrations of social consciousness, we completely forget we are actually power centres of energy, creating in every moment more and more of what we don´t want just by our attention to it.  We forget we have the power to choose.  Instead, as we fall in step with humanity´s negative energy, we begin the lifelong litany of "Don´t Wants", flowing more and more energy to those things we dislike, and attracting more of the same.  We think we´re stuck with it all, so rather than exercising our right of choice and saying, "Don´t want this, so I think I´ll choose that," we shrug, "Hells Bells, I don´t want this, but guess I´m stuck."

Given An Opportunity


Contrast gives us the opportunity to find out what we don´t want, so we can call in what we do want.  Our job, then, becomes one of change of focus, of taking our closed-valve fixation OFF what we don´t want, and flipping it open to what we DO want.  WE CAN NOT BE DELIBERATE CREATORS WITHOUT CONTRAST.  So, bless it all, invite it in, and know that before too long, the contrast that is all around you will become a no-thing as you learn the incredible powers you have to use.

Contrast gives us choice, without which we´d have no desire to create a change.  Contrast is the primary forece behind deliberate creation.  "Sure don´t want this, so I´m definitely choosing that."  Bang!  We´re deliberately creating.

Until we know we have choices, we either stagnate or try getting what we want by physically whacking our desires into place, which rarely works.  The only way -- the ONLY way we can stop the Paddle Ball repeats and materialise our Wants -- is to flow opened valve energy that feels good, rather than closed valve, negative energy that feels bad.  And all Don´t Wants feel bad, no matter what kind.  So the first thing we must learn to understand is the difference in feeling between a Want and a Don´t Want.  It´s not as simple-minded as it may sound, for Don´t Wants are far more pervasive, far more all-encompassing, and far more sneaky than you may think.



The secret to magnetizing anything we want, from good health, to abundant bank accounts, to great relationships, or spiffy new cars is nothing more than flowing energy from us that feels good instead of bad.  Practice!!  Tune in to your body.  Learn to tell the difference between a high and a low frequency.  Take the time to FEEL the change in energy between being fired and getting a raise, or between holding a kitten or a poisonous snake.  The vibrations are different because your feelings are different.  Learn to tell the difference, and you will control your life.  Remember, Don´t Wants disconnect us from our Source.

It doesn´t matter whether it´s something you like or not, if there´s something in your life you´re focusing on, you´re making it bigger and drawing more of the same to you.

Don´t Wants and conditions are actually the same thing, but we often respond to them differently.  We tend to judge negative conditions far more harshly than our Don´t Wants because we see ourselves as completely removed from them;  therefore, they´re fair game to judge.  Starvation in Africa, poor reading techniques being taught in our schools, or being downsized into unemplyment are examples of negative conditions.  Yet the energy we flow BACK OUT as a result of our focus on the condition only makes the thing bigger and creates more of it.  Around and around we go, which is why, for most of us, very little changes.

Our Response and Focus


Whatever problem we´re into, whatever Don´t Want is in our face, whatever we see around us that we don´t like doesn´t mean a thing.... our RESPONSE to it is all that matters.  As long as we continue looking only at what IS, we are attracting more of that by achieving vibrational harmony with it.  Any negative situation is nothing more than an opportunity to decide what you DO want, and then get on with it.

We are, unfortunately, far more aware of conditions -- past, present, and potential -- than we are of our own energy flow, and as long as we´re reacting to conditions, something will always be "wrong".

This article is from "Tenets of Awakening"