When we´re not connected to our Guidance, we have not real sense of what we´re doing or where we´re going. So we become conformists (better known as sheep... or SHEEPLE).
Lessons to be Learnt
"But what if my ideas aren´t really inspired?? What if they´re coming from my need to fix or succeed?? How can I trust that what I´m getting is from my Expanded Self or those who walk with me??"
Believing we´ll be judged or hurt by society, we do everything in our power not to make mistakes. Yet this is simply social-conscious kind of thinking. In reality, there is no such thing as a mistake -- just lessons we came here to learn.
Inner Guidance or Intellect?
Trusting our hunches is not easy; we always want to second-guess ourselves. We want verification that what we´re getting is the real McCoy, straight from our Expanded Selves. We want documentation, or some kind of credential behind our ideas to prove they´re the real thing instead of more of our low-frequency fears. We want a set of rules OUTSIDE of ourselves with which to play this game. We are so unsure of ourselves in the arena of trusting our inner Guidance, that when an inspired thought COMES in, more times than not we´ll try to intellectualize it or override it in order to feel secure and safe.
Plugging In
The truth is that the Universe doesn´t give out Certificates of Authentic Inspiration; it only gives feelings. If we don´t learn to plug into what "feels good", we´re going to miss the connection to our infinite intelligence that can give us all the answers to all of our problems.
Your Inner Being/Expanded Self is aware of your every Want, of all your believe, and of all you´re working on. Put forth the INTENT that you are going to learn to trust the ideas that give you a twinge of excitement. They´re coming in on wings of positive energy. Learn to trust the way you feel.
Following Our Impulses
In every case, what we want is created, but we don´t allow it to come to us because of old vibrational patterns. We don´t trust what we´re getting. Yet nothing is more valuable than following our impulses. Your Inner Being will never let you down.
Your Guidance System
Did you know that your Guidance system never shuts down?? In every moment of every day you are being guided, coached, gently maneuvered, or sometimes hit over the heard with a cosmic 2 x 4. So now that you´re learning to listen, the next step is to trust. When a thought feels good, you are in harmony with your intentions. Follow it through, and watch what happens. Remember, if it feels unpleasant or seems as though it would be difficult to do, it is not Inspired Action. But if it gives you a twinge of excitement, trust it, follow it, DO IT!!
The only way we "hear" inspiration is when we´re in a high, positive vibration. Then we´re matching US with IT. Inspiration is only, and always, of a high vibration... which is why we "feel good" when we get it.
This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".