Our whole goal in life, our ONLY goal, is to learn to live from the inside out. Until we learn to trust our Guidance, we live from the outside in, disconnected from our Source energy. Synchronicity is the YOU of you in action.
The Signs
We all want to know if some new thing we´re doing is working. "How can we be sure all this energy stuff really works?? Aside from actually GETTING our "Want", how will we know?"
By the signs, the signs, THE SIGNS!... They become the obvious markers that this is really working. They are the validation we all seek. Once you learn to spot the signs, the game gets to be more exciting and more fun than a week´s ticket at Disneyland. And why not?? You´ve just become Merlin the Magician!
Being Simultaneous
Once you´ve launched your "Want" on a Feel Good wave of energy, two things begin to happen simultaneously :
1. ideas start to light up your head
2. synchronicity begins
In an earlier article (Trust is the Name of the Game), we´ve already talked about the first, about listening and keeping your inner hearing on the default setting, meaning tuned to incoming data. And we´ve talked about learning to trust what comes in, and how to tell if it´s an inspired idea from your Expanded Self, or just another social-conscious, fear-based piece of junk from your data base of old programming.
But we´ve not talked a lot about synchronicity. As close as Webster comes to that word is synchronism : "The quality of being simultaneous; the chronological arrangment of historical events and personages so as to indicate coincidence." Well, we all know there´s no such thing as coincidence, but that sure is what synchronicity looks like. Things start to appear. Things start to happen. "Coincidences" abound!
An Example
I´ve never had to be overly concerned about my weight, but not long ago I started to gain for no apparent reason. I put out a call to the Universe, and INTENDED that I be given an answer rather quickly. About a week later, a friend called to tell me about an article she had read in a health magazine on the importance of sunshine, and how that related to those of us living in colder climates. It told of how some folks´ metabolism slows drastically without sunshine. I immediately started going to our local tanning salon, and within a month had lost all the weight I had gained without any change to my diet. I knew within minutes of my friend´s phone call that the Universe was giving me a sign, and to listen up. I did. It worked.
Another Example
A friend of mine put out a "Want" relating to a new and better job different from his current work, which was selling insurance. Although he liked the insurance industry, he hated selling. But when he started getting brochures about computers, computer programming, and computer repairs, he thought the Universe had lost its marbles. Then he went to a party and met a guy who designed web pages for the Internet. "Okay, okay, I´m listening," he said to himself. Sure enough, his new friend was looking for someone who knew the insurance industry to help him design sites for a huge new account he had just gotten from an insurance company conglomerate. He took the job. The Universe had sent enough kooky signs to get his attention. The rest was easy.
Pick a VERY simple "Want", like wanting to have some different kind of music in the house, or some new dishes or glasses, or some new kind of coffee. Start talking about it with everybody, including yourself. Script it. Feel it. Get into it. Then start WATCHING for signs. (How fast the Universe responds is how much "Feel Good" juice you´ve put into it.)
Be patient. Don´t get into "where-is-it-ness." Keep scripting for your new "thing," and start watching and listening for signs. A magazine ad?? A TV progam?? A call from a friend?? An impulse to go somewhere?? The moment you´ve given your "Want" sixteen seconds of open-valve energy, the Universe goes to work. It will bring you clues, signs, glimmers, hints and suggestions in a myriad of different, sometimes off-the-wall ways. Stay alert!!
This article is from "Tenets of Awakening"