In this article you will discover exactly what´s necessary to achieve manifestation of your "Want", and you will learn how to manufacture the energy required for your every desire.
Energy Flowing
There is a stream of energy flowing to us at all times. We call it Source energy, or the pure, positive energy of All That Is. We can feel when we´re letting it flow in (open valve), and we can feel when we´re resisting (closed valve). When we´re open to it, we feel positive emotions: happiness, elation, freedom, enthusiasm, passion, love.
If we can learn to apply those emotions directly to our desires, and stay out of the conflicting, dream-busting negative frequencies of "It´ll never happen", "Where in the hell is it?", "I don´t know how", "I´m being too selfish", we can become miracle-makers. The trick is learning to vibrate in harmony WITH our desire, not against it.
Once we align our energy (what we´re feeling) with the energy of our desires (how that desire makes us feel), the physics of the Universe takes over to create ways for that desire to become a reality. Put another way, once you start feeling what it would be like to have your desire, the Universe has no choice but to hand it to you on a silver platter. IF you can stay out of conflicting feelings.
The hardest part of manifesting our "Wants" is watching how we feel about something we Want, but don´t have yet. Obviously we wouldn´t be wanting something if we already had it. So learning to stay out of the feeling place of NOT having it is our biggest challenge. Oh yes it CAN be done! Whether you have it or not, whether it seems possible or not, or if it seems to be taking forever to manifest, YOU CAN STILL FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT, WHETHER YOU HAVE IT OR NOT. That is aligning the energy, feeling good about it, no matter what. Do that, and it´s yours. Now -- and for as long as you maintain that alignment -- you are the genie!
Since staying out of conflicting negative thoughts and emotions is the single most important aspect of miracle-making, it´s important we see how hard it is to hold on to positive thoughts and feelings about our "Wants". If you can´t hold a positive thought about your "Want" for sixteen seconds, don´t worry about it; that will come soon enough. But, let´s try....
Take just one of your major -- repeat MAJOR -- "Wants", and see if you can hold positive thoughts about it for sixteen seconds. Get into the feeling of having it, or having it happen. For just sixteen seconds, hold on to that desire like it was life itself. Feel the joy, the thrill, the accomplishment. Find a clock with a second hand, and get excited for just sixteen seconds. Repeat this three times, separated by at least a minute between each one. From this little exercise, you´ll be able to see in the days and weeks ahead how rapidly you´re progressing.
Law of Attraction
Our goal is to flow pure positive energy of any kind of joy to our "Want", and we do that by getting into the FEEEEELING PLACE of what it would be like to have it -- which brings us back to the Law of Attraction. So get into the feeling place of your "Want".
The only reason we want things is because of how they´ll make us feel. And since it´s the feeling that magnetizes, all we have to do is find different ways to pull that feeling up... to wash ourselves in it... and to basically live in it for as long as we possibly can. Once we can do that, we´ve got it made. So just plant the idea (your Want) in your mind, water and fertilize it with expectancy, and it will become manifest.
This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".