Thursday, 29 November 2012


In this article you will discover exactly what´s necessary to achieve manifestation of your "Want", and you will learn how to manufacture the energy required for your every desire.






Energy Flowing

There is a stream of energy flowing to us at all times.  We call it Source energy, or the pure, positive energy of All That Is.  We can feel when we´re letting it flow in (open valve), and we can feel when we´re resisting (closed valve).  When we´re open to it, we feel positive emotions:  happiness, elation, freedom, enthusiasm, passion, love.

If we can learn to apply those emotions directly to our desires, and stay out of the conflicting, dream-busting negative frequencies of "It´ll never happen", "Where in the hell is it?", "I don´t know how", "I´m being too selfish", we can become miracle-makers.  The trick is learning to vibrate in harmony WITH our desire, not against it.


Once we align our energy (what we´re feeling) with the energy of our desires (how that desire makes us feel), the physics of the Universe takes over to create ways for that desire to become a reality.  Put another way, once you start feeling what it would be like to have your desire, the Universe has no choice but to hand it to you on a silver platter.  IF you can stay out of conflicting feelings.

The hardest part of manifesting our "Wants" is watching how we feel about something we Want, but don´t have yet.  Obviously we wouldn´t be wanting something if we already had it.  So learning to stay out of the feeling place of NOT having it is our biggest challenge.  Oh yes it CAN be done!  Whether you have it or not, whether it seems possible or not, or if it seems to be taking forever to manifest, YOU CAN STILL FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT, WHETHER YOU HAVE IT OR NOT.  That is aligning the energy, feeling good about it, no matter what.  Do that, and it´s yours.  Now -- and for as long as you maintain that alignment -- you are the genie!


Since staying out of conflicting negative thoughts and emotions is the single most important aspect of miracle-making, it´s important we see how hard it is to hold on to positive thoughts and feelings about our "Wants".  If you can´t hold a positive thought about your "Want" for sixteen seconds, don´t worry about it; that will come soon enough.  But, let´s try....

Take just one of your major -- repeat MAJOR -- "Wants", and see if you can hold positive thoughts about it for sixteen seconds.  Get into the feeling of having it, or having it happen.  For just sixteen seconds, hold on to that desire like it was life itself.  Feel the joy, the thrill, the accomplishment.  Find a clock with a second hand, and get excited for just sixteen seconds.  Repeat this three times, separated by at least a minute between each one.  From this little exercise, you´ll be able to see in the days and weeks ahead how rapidly you´re progressing.

Law of Attraction

Our goal is to flow pure positive energy of any kind of joy to our "Want", and we do that by getting into the FEEEEELING PLACE of what it would be like to have it -- which brings us back to the Law of Attraction.  So get into the feeling place of your "Want".

The only reason we want things is because of how they´ll make us feel.  And since it´s the feeling that magnetizes, all we have to do is find different ways to pull that feeling up... to wash ourselves in it... and to basically live in it for as long as we possibly can.  Once we can do that, we´ve got it made.  So just plant the idea (your Want) in your mind, water and fertilize it with expectancy, and it will become manifest.

This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".

Sunday, 18 November 2012


There are many, many feelings we flow out when thinking about our wants and desires, but these will help you to see where you´re coming from, and what kind of negative emotions have been holding those Wants away from you.




Squelching Our Desires

The point of this article is to show how great is our need to squelch our desires, whether from fear of disappointment, or fear of disapproval, or just our own feelings of unworthiness.  Day in and day out, we deny ourselves our number one right.... the right to any desire we may have.

Now granted, if your desire is to rule the world, and you couldn´t care less how you  get there, then we´d have a good argument in the works all about evil, and right or wrong, etc.  So when we talk about "your right" to have whatever your desire may be, let´s not get hung up on moral semantics.  That is not our issue here.


What we need to see is how easily and effortlessly we keep our happiness away from ourselves.  We also need to see the excuses we usually chalk up to "reality".... "Well, the reality is, I can´t afford it."  Or "the reality is I don´t have the education."  Or "the reality is it´s just an impossible dream."

There is no "reality" that can not or will not change, no matter how real it seems to us, but we have to give it something to change TO.  If all we ever feel when thinking about a "Want" is some degree of shame or fear, the Universe has no alternative but to bring us the match of that negative energy, called Struggle!!

Our Energy Flow

Anything we allow to affect our vibration affects our manifestation.  So here´s the flash:  There is not a dream, desire, or hankering that, when put into the proper vibrational flow, can not be drawn into your reality and enjoyed to the fullest measure.  Not one!  NOT ONE!!!  The Universe has no standards for us.  It will never withhold a thing from us, or judge us in any way for our desires.  The only thing that keeps our desire away is our own energy flow.

If we are to walk into empowerment, we must -- repeat, MUST -- get beyond the Rights and Wrongs of wanting.  That is only social-conscious nonsense.  If what we come to receive makes us happy, then every person on the face of this planet -- including family, friends, and coworkers -- will benefit, regardless of how it may appear in the moment.  UNTIL DEEP DESIRES ARE TOUCHED AND RELEASED, A LIFE CAN DO NOTHING BUT STAGNATE.

Society´s Judgements

"Wants" must rise above society´s judgements.  To the degree we continue to seek approval outside of ourselves, to put greater stock in what others think of us than in our own desires, we deny our divinity and view ourselves as limited human beings.

For us to release the shame of wanting, it´s important we understand the benefits which accrue to others -- not just to ourselves -- when "Wants" are fulfilled, and how to walk out of that ill-placed guilt of putting ourselves before others.

Denying Ourselves

We cannot deny ourselves without denying others.  If we deny ourselves some deep desire in order to please others, we´re imposing our own guilt on those persons by claiming we are doing it for them.  That puts us in the low-frequency position of being spiritually superior, of knowing what is best for all souls.

Our natural flow of consciousness is towards the Light, but the only way to accomplish that is to remove ourselves as much as possible from the low frequences of social consciousness.  As we learn to engage the higher frequencies of desire, we soon see that in choosing this freedom for ourselves, we are offering it to others by example, by love of Self, by showing that choice is a divine right and power unto itself.


Where, then, does our responsibility lie??  To a stranger hurt by the wayside, we have a responsibility outside of "me".  To our children and families, if we hold the love we profess we have a responsibility to bring the Light of Empowerment to teach and show the way.  So, is wanting selfish??  Definitely!!  And so is divinity.  The choice is not always easy, but it is most assuredly necessary if one is to reach out of social-conscious limitations.  This brings us to what this entire lesson is about...  The Law of Attraction and identifying what we DO want.

We can identify all we want, but then comes the test.  Can we step out of our unworthiness, our shame, our guilt, and everything else having to do with the social-conscious thinking of "Oh dear, what will they think," and go for it??

Accepting our right to want, and then ALLOWING ourselves to want is the biggest test we shall ever face on this journey.  Bottom line : This is a test we MUST pass if empowerment is to remain our deepest desire.  ---  "A DESIRE THAT IS WITHIN YOU THAT IS NOT LACED WITH DOUBT, IS DIVINE.  BUT A DESIRE THAT IS WITHIN YOU THAT IS LACED WITH DOUBT, IS YEARNING." ---Abraham.

This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


We cannot find the Light until we acknowledge the darkness, and this is called "Owning"!





Until we own it all, every hurt feeling, every piece of guilt or shame, every resentment, all the pain, and all the disapproval of ourselves (not to mention everyone else), we can only flow low-frequency energy every day of our lives.  That energy flows out from us, attracting more of its unpleasant kind and Paddle Ball experiences like bees to honey until we finally get the message that we still haven´t owned the emotion.  We need only allow ourselves to feel the stuffed guilt, or hate, or whatever, one last big time, then let the bl.... thing go!!  Owning is releasing that negative energy.  Once owned, the soul lets up.  Otherwise..... UNTIL WE OWN IT, WE´LL REPEAT IT!!

The actual physics of owning, meaning what happens to you as a result of owning, is astronomical.  Remember, the way we think causes the way we feel, and the way we feel causes the way we attract.


Until we clear the lessons, there will sit in our energy field (the light field which surrounds our bodies, also called the aura), little blobs of electromagnetic energy clearly visable as small black splotches that can be seen by any good clairvoyant.  Those blotches are highly charged with whatever energy (negative or positive) is necessary to draw to us the circumstances required for us to gain the emotional wisdom of the lesson.  And they´ll stay there, drawing new people, places, or things into our lives until we´ve owned the lesson.

The same is true of any kind of issue, which is also a form of lesson (though we always seem to add a bunch more issues as a lifetime goes on).  The more we think about the issue, the stronger we feel about it.  The stronger we feel about it, the more of it we attract!!


Energy Valve

But now look what happens when we learn the lesson within one of those black blotches.  The energy of that particular lesson, or issue, is instantly dissipated, meaning we won´t be attracting it again!  Our valve for higher energy opens a bit more, and now, with just that one black blob gone from our field, we allow more light (energy) into our beings, making it possible for us to feel -- and attract -- far more positively.

All it takes is a decision to stop thinking about an issue and own the fool thing, meaning admitting you were a dork, and move on.  It´s no big deal.  Who cares anyhow??  No one but you!  But if you continue to get a rush from crucifying yourself --  or someone else -- for past actions, remember this: All things are done in co-creation.  If it was done TO you, you agreed to it -- from another level -- to experience whatever lesson was up for you.  If you did it to someone else, same thing.  You both -- always -- did what you did to learn something.

Facing Acknowledgements

If you want to open your valve and move on into new realms, new awarenesses, and new frequencies that are going to bring you unimagined joys... GET OFF YOUR CASE, GIVE IT UP, LET THE DAMN THING GO!!  You have nothing to lose but your unhappiness.

Here is a short list of acknowledgments you may have to face :

Allowing the pain -- I created it all -- no regrets -- not denying -- taking responsibility for all emotions -- releasing by accepting -- not rejecting the past -- admitting -- forgetting about blame -- allowing the feeling -- turning away from nothing -- taking hold of your past, and owning it all -- knowing no one´s responsible but you -- getting rid of "If Only´s" -- giving up guilt, for good -- not regretting.

This article is from "Tenets Of Awakening".

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Issues are lessons, and lessons are issues, but since issues seem more "everyday" to us, we can often spot them easier than those big old lessons.





Before we go any further into the sometimes boring topic of lessons (like who needs  ´em anyhow?!), it´s important we remember Who and What we are, and why we´re here.  Yes, "remember", because believe me, you DO know.  First, we are eternal beings of Light, ongoing immortal "pinch offs" of whatever Source we came from (there are many Sources).  Some of us were created just for physicality; some of us were created for -- and come from -- other realities.  One is not better than the other.

But whatever reality or Source we come from, not only are we learning to clear away "normal" issues so that we might grow into the totality of our being (as all of humanity is doing and has done since it began), but there´s something more.  Much more!!  A group we´ll call "The Point Gang" is being pushed by their soul´s blueprint into something that has never been accomplished --  ever.

The Point Gang

A small group of us, including you, volunteered to be part of the "somebody´s-gotta-do-it" group who are here to pave the way for all of humankind to eventually become an individuated Self that shall be more --  that´s right, MORE -- than the Source from which it came.  That human shall be a Self, a Creator, and a Source, all in one.  It has never happened before.  And, by the simple virtue of your interest in this article, you can be assured that you are one who volunteered to come and trailblaze a path for others to follow.


Not an easy job, and not always a fun one.  Pioneers are out on an edge, asking for trouble while at the same time finding a thrill in the risk.  They´re the ones who trip the most, lose their way, and get cut by the entangling brush.  But something keeps them going.  Over and over you see them picking themselves up, brushing themselves off, and moving on.  Not an elite group, not a special group, just a bunch of hopelessly driven voluteers with an unspeakable, indefinable passion.  Like it or not, you are one of those pioneers.

Making The Shift

Lessons, for anyone on this so-called "path" today, are coming fast with big wallops.  We´re hitting repeat bars faster, and security rugs are being pulled out from under us (and everybody) everywhere we turn.  But the thing is, the sooner WE get what our lessons are all about, the sooner mankind will get the message too.  So the push is on for us to get what we came here to get, because every time WE get it, social consciousness rises.  Every time WE own a past issue, or let go of an old sore, or stop another old game dressed up with new players, every single time we make a shift in US, we make a shift in mass consciousness.

Low-frequency Energy

While every issue we have is a lesson of some sort, what´s more important is that when we´re into issues, no matter how small or petty, we´re into --  and magnetizing more -- low-frequency energy.  So everything we do from here on in will be about dumping issues, clearing lessons, and bringing us into a state of "life is good, people are good, and all is well with me and mine."  That´s called joy!!  And no one else is our business.   Just realise that "Issues" are ALWAYS negative energy!!

This article is from "Tenets of Awakening".