Sunday, 26 July 2020


Remember the Light of God never fails and all that is happening in your world today is actually for the benefit of all mankind.

To understand this world situation one must asses WHY things are happening today as they are. There are certain changes that must occur to enlighten and awaken the higher consciousness in humanity. This will entail sudden and unexpected events not at all pleasing to the general populace.

These coming events will shake humanity to its very core, and these forthcoming events are looming close by as a storm approaching the land or township, only here it will affect the entire planet.

Consider this event as the absolute cleansing process much needed for humanity´s progress and evolution. Those that have ears to hear and eyes to see should heed this warning. Be aware, be awake and know that all is well for those working and living in the Light. Do not be afraid for God forsakes no one who loves and shares His/Her Lovelight unconditionally with all life and creation.

Now, be of good cheer and know that for many of you your mission here on this planet is nearing completion, for others it has only just begun.

>> YESHUA <<