Tuesday, 1 September 2020



The following article is an excerpt of a powerful teaching from Yeshua (Jesus) given to a select group of followers.



Who is God?? And where is the God that your whole thought actions, if centered, are or focused upon?

God is not a great being outside of you, that you are going to bring within and then present to the world. God is that power that is generated and exhilarated by your own thought action. It is true that the power is within and all about you, but it is inactive until you think of it and know that it does exist. Then you see it flowing forth from you in limitless measure. You present it to the world and the world is benefited by your presentation. You, yourself, must present the accomplishment by putting forth the driving force of all Good, God your Father (Spirit), the power to accomplish, behind every thought and act. Now you are God fulfilling or filling full the accomplishment. This is God, the true and only God, standing forth from you.

You are then God the Father, the husbandman, the amplifier and the projector, the definite and positive accomplisher. It is then that legions fly to do your bidding.



The moment you say wholeheartedly, with reverence and deep meaning, that God is in his Holy Temple and know that this temple is your pure body, just as you present it and as you truly stand today, that you, the true Christ, live one with God right within this temple, and that your exalted body is a holy abiding place, a whole and all-inclusive abode, you are an energizer, and all-including and outpouring vessel for this true and divine principle to flow through. Then you pour out more and more of the God which you are and which you love.

You worship, you praise, and with your ever-expanding love, you pour out to all mankind that they may see the Christ, the God-man standing forth triumphant.



Now you say with the keenest joy, “Whosoever will, let him/her come and drink deeply of the waters of pure life”. Those who do this will never thirst again. This power you are using and sending forth is God. The Son accomplishes readily what the Father accomplishes. This is also being humble to and bowing before this great power. This is true humility stepping forth in humble mien, one with your own driving force and power.

By constantly contemplating, praising, blessing and giving thanks to this power you increase its flow and, as you do this, it becomes potent and more readily accessible to you. Therefore, I say, pray without ceasing. Your daily life is true prayer.



By first KNOWING that this power does exist, then using it with absolute confidence, you soon become wholly conscious of it. You soon KNOW that it is all-inclusive in and through you. If you will but let it flow, it will rush to you in every instance. It flows to you as you let it flow from you. Stand forth as God and give it out. This is God your Father in you and you and your Father are one. Not servants but SONS, Sons of First Primal Cause. All that I AM has, is yours; for you are I AM.

It is not I who do the work, it is I AM in the Father (Spirit) and the Father in me brings forth the great accomplishment. As you know that you work, one with the Father, there are no limitations, no boundaries; you know it is your divine right to accomplish all things.


(Article from the book "The Life of the Masters of the Far East” Vol. 3.)