People come here on the Earth plane for the very purpose of forging their spiritual mastery.
Message from ADAMA, a Master of Inner Earth...
Unless you diligently work at it, it simply does not happen. This is why you have chosen to incarnate so many times. You cannot expect to gain full mastery of the divine by simply wishing it or by association. It does not work this way. The perfection and refinement of the soul is accomplished through a series of incarnations in the third dimension. For those of you who live with the illusion that the space brothers are going to come to rescue you, hoping to escape doing your spiritual work to evolve your consciousness, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment. Those thinking that you are simply going to be taken unconditionally into the light realm, I say, revise your thinking. The space brothers are not allowed to come and rescue you. And there is no need for rescue because you have created the lifetime that you are now living for the explicit purpose of soul growth.
In every lifetime, you incarnate back on earth because of a personal choice you make. You have never been forced to come back here.
In each and every lifetime, you choose the goals and experiences of your incarnation for the purpose of evolving your consciousness to gain greater mastery. When you are on the other side between incarnations, fully aware of all you left undone during your last incarnation, you truly want to return, to align and fulfill all the goals that were not met. You ask for another opportunity again and again, until you feel you have completed this phase of your evolution.
Each time you arrive here in the physical body, the veil of forgetfulness is activated; you feel trapped and cut off, totally immersed in the illusion again. Life on this planet has known many cycles of hardship for humanity because the consciousness of people living on the surface dropped to such a low level of separation from divine principles. Separation took place as far as it could go. The lessons learned, the experience gathered and the knowledge added to the whole has been amazing.
This situation is now gradually changing with the enormous and unprecedented assistance from the light realm, from the space brothers and from the civilizations of the earth's interior. Separation into the third dimension took place as an experiment to understand how souls would react once they would be totally cut off from God. All of you here in physical bodies have volunteered for this cosmic project; otherwise you would not be here.
This great experiment you so excitedly volunteered to participate in from the various worlds and universes you all come from had a beginning timeframe and an ending one, which happened millions of years ago. This grand experiment has assisted the people of Earth in becoming strong and courageous souls. And because of their great sacrifices, the souls of Earth are now being lifted into greater glory, forging for themselves a destiny so grand. You are destined to become the showcase of this universe and the teachers of the new civilizations to be born.
( From "The Seven Sacred Flames" by Aurelia).