Friday, 4 December 2020




The Pole Star had, in the beginning, a mighty influence upon human life. It receives the influence of all the planets concerned with the evolution of life on Earth.
This star is like a magnetic star, and through it the rays are directed on Earth´s humanity. The light and the power of this Pole Star fell upon the very early peoples of what we might call the Polarian Age, the age when people were directly under the Star, an age of light and brotherhood. But, with what is known as the Fall, people chose, of their own free will, a certain path, which caused the whole of the life on Earth to change. 
This caused the spiritual magnetic pole to be a little out of alignment, which has brought all manner of sorrow and suffering, and so-called evil; but humanity is learning once again to return to polarisation with that Pole Star. This Star which many follow -- the six-pointed Star -- is really symbolical of the Pole Star above, to which all humanity will learn in time to be polarised, so that the direct rays of the great Star will fall again upon humanity, bringing brotherhood and light and the perfect age.
Let us draw your attention to the symbol of the Christ Star -- built up, created as a beautiful, blazing Star pulsating with Light. The rays stream forth afar and the symbol is ever-living; its rays are continually going out, illuminating the Earth. What is the origin of this Star?? Insofar as this particular manifestation is concerned, it is the result of a long period of God-thought, good thought, loving thought, constructive thought, which has been sent forth by those working on Earth and in spirit. This concerted effort, this power which has been going out for so long, creates this form. It is, however, far more than a thought-form, and is being projected out over the world and into the invisible spheres which surround this planet.
The symbol of the six-pointed Star is to be found in age-old esoteric teaching and used by brotherhoods all over the world, in many ages. The six-pointed Star is the most beautiful symbol of the perfectly-balanced soul, the soul whose head is in heaven, whose faculties are quickened to receive the Light from above, and whose feet are firmly planted upon the road of Earth, which the soul traverses with one object in view -- to find and give true happiness of the spirit.
Whichever way you turn it, and whichever way you use it, it remains the same: perfectly balanced, a focal point (if held with love, concentration and devotion) to attract the angelic hosts from the Christ spheres who work ceaselessy for the Christ power to manifest on Earth. Where the Star shines by the will and by the love of earthly men and women, the effect over chaos and disorder, war, and al the evils in the world can be truly magical.
The Star is not only a great cosmic powerm it is also a tender loving, guiding power; a protecting power in your own lives. If you can surrender yourselves to the sweet and lovely Star radiance, you will find that your pathway will be one of Light and happiness and gentle peace. The Master knows your fears and your sorrows, and you will receive the comfort, the guidance and the love that you need as you go to him/her, as you go into the Star. Nothing matters more that this spiritual life in you. It is the key to heaven, heaven on Earth, as well as the heaven world after death.
During a healing meditation when you send out the Light of the Star, do not force it out from your brow. Open yourself in humility, sweetness and love to the Christos, to the one who is called Christ -- the human being who is made perfect -- the perfect Son/Sol/Sun of God. When you want to send out the Light of the Star, try first to get that feeling of love in your heart. The Master said so simply.... LOVE ONE ANOTHER. So we love God. We raise our thoughts to the apex of the golden triangle and visualize there the glorious Star. We hold that Star -- that point of Light -- and in that point of Light, right in the centre of that perfect, geometrical, six-ponted Star, we may hold the image of anyone or any place we desire to help. Or we may just hold the Star and see its rays raying forth.
If you do this properly and in sincerity, you will succeed not only in helping your patients, but also helping the world by sending out Light into the darkness of matter; and you will at the same time be developing within yourself that lovely Golden Flower, of which we have spoken of before, and be living in a Star Temple.
Here is the secret: to live, to know and to be in the consciousness of the Infinite Love and Light, and to live for Spirit and not for matter. Matter is secondary; Spirit is the first and foremost in human life, and to live rightly you must live to develop the consciousness of the Great White Light or the Christ within yourself.
Do not focus in the brow, but in your heart and in the thousand-petalled lotus at the apex of your triangle, and the Star. The triangle is in the Star -- your triangle on its base, and the balancing triangle penetrating, coming down to unite and form the Star (the six-pointed Star). You are in it, so become aware that you are in it, and develop the consciousness of the power of the Star to perform miracles. But remember, it is not your will when a miracle is performed. It is God´s power, it is God´s will. God is the Light in humanity and God alone gives or withdraws according to His-Her wisdom. We hope you understand that, and will not force what you think ought to be done. Surrender to God´s Will in all things.
(Article from "The Light Bringer".)