Although many will find the following details difficult to comprehend and understand, the best and easiest way to grasp these truths about oneself is to stop indentifying with the body as the real you and realise you are Spirit. You are an individualization of Divinity, a Soul with a body to function in whilst incarnating here on Earth. Never consider yourself a body with a Soul, as this is so misleading.
WHO AM I ?? = I AM the very essence of Divinity. I AM God. Nothing exists outside of God because God is actually ALL that exists. God is Life itself, but unfortunately not everyone is aware of this Truth in their daily existence and consciousness.
WHAT AM I ?? = In my human form I AM an aspect or facet of God in manifestation. I experience life in this third dimension through my creations. But, I experience life in many other dimensions of existence as well, for I AM multi-dimensional.
WHERE AM I ?? = I AM everywhere, in everything and everybody. I AM Omnipresent. The Divine Spark of my essence is in the heart of every living thing and being.
WHY AM I ?? = All of my creation is continually developing and expanding and Souls (aspects of myself) incarnate in various places and dimensions to eventually learn, understand and remember their Divine Roots and Be-ingness.
It is God´s intention for humanity to grow and evolve in consciousness so as to live and manifest their divine qualities and gifts which lay latent within them. To also realise that all of life is One as there exists only the ONE without a second. <3 Namastè.