To understand the following facts and Truth, you will need to realize and acknowledge that in your essence you are Spirit…. A Soul experiencing life in a body whilst in the physical world. People tend to identify with the body which they believe has a Soul. Once you accept the reverse, that you are actually a Soul with a body your whole perspective and understanding of life will change.
WHO AM I ?? — I AM the very essence of Divinity. I AM God Itself, because nothing exists outside of God´s creation. God is all that exists. Not everyone is aware of this fact in their human consciousness, but one´s Soul knows this Truth. God, creation and mankind are One.
WHAT AM I ?? — I AM an aspect or facet of God manifested here on planet Earth. I AM experiencing life and God´s creation in this third dimension, but I AM also experiencing life, at the same time, on many other planes of existence. I AM a multi-dimensional Be-ing.
WHERE AM I ?? — I AM Omnipresent, I.e. I AM in everything, everywhere. Know that the Divine Spark of my essence is to be found in every living thing and being. Knowing this Truth should explain to you why we must respect, appreciate and love all of life.
WHY AM I ?? — All of creation is under expansion and growth. Souls incarnate on planet Earth and elsewhere to learn and remember their divine roots and Be-ingness. It is God´s intention for humanity to expand its consciousness and awareness so as to manifest the divine qualities and gifts that lay latent within them.
Reflect upon the words of the famous philosopher Socrates when he said.... "Mankind, Know Thyself". What do you suppose he meant by that??