Friday, 29 July 2022



Humility has nothing to do with meekness or weakness. And neither does it mean being self-effacing or submissive. Humility is an attitude of spiritual modesty that comes from understanding our place in the larger order of things. It entails not taking our desires, successes, or failings too seriously.
In the past decade in particular, psychologists have rediscovered the importance of humility. They have established fascinating links between humility and our ability to learn and be effective leaders, and our readiness to engage in prosocial behavior.
Adopting a more humble mindset increases our overall psychological wellbeing and ensures our social functioning. Last but not least, humility is a perfect antidote to the self-fixated spirit of our age.
Humility is a core value in many ancient ethical and theological frameworks. The Confucian form of humility, for example, is profoundly other oriented in spirit, consistently valuing the social good over the satisfaction of our individual aspirations. In this ancient Chinese form, humility can significantly enhance social cohesion and our sense of belonging.
The Greek philosopher Socrates held that wisdom is, above all, knowing what we don’t know. He taught an intellectual form of humility that freely acknowledges the gaps in our knowledge and that humbly seeks to address our blind spots.
Aristotle understood humility as a moral virtue, sandwiched between the vices of arrogance and moral weakness. Like Socrates, he believed that humility must include accurate self-knowledge and a generous acknowledgment of the qualities of others that avoids distortion and extremes.
An accurate understanding of our strengths and weaknesses is still a core feature of current definitions of humility. But most of all, realizing and acknowledging our true identity and Be-ingness quickens our spiritual gratitude and blessed humility.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022



(The final article of Introduction).
At this time we can indeed see much of this resolving of past Karma going on as a world-wide activity within the many settlings of past historical grievances. This is particularly visible in the present day conflicts within the Middle East, where we see the re-surfacing of the old Christian-Muslim conflict which was first generated, and never properly resolved, during the time of the Crusades.
In conjunction with the ending of the present Major Universal Age, there is at this time being enacted by the Celestial Hierarchy a final major removal within our Galaxy of all the remaining Forces of Darkness. Much of this darkness was allowed to develop through our Creator of this Universe not fully appreciating how much it was all getting so out of hand, with His claiming that as a "Loving Creator" he did not have any previous experience of such high levels of Darkness and Negativity or the right tools to deal with it.
Thus out of control Negativity and Darkness was over time allowed to grow without the necessary restraint throughout the outer regions of our own Milky Way Galaxy/Local Universe of Nebadon, for over 500 million years until it was almost impossible to easily eradicate. Thus the Galactic Federation surrounding us in their millions to assist our Ascension, have had terrible delays and set-backs in trying to winkle-out all the Darkness and the secretly entrenched Dark Ones on Earth, known to many as the "Secret Government" or the "Dark Cabal".
Our Creator of this Universe, known as a great "Lover of Variety", had long ago made plans to eventually Ascend up to new areas of Higher Creation and joining with His Prime Creator awaiting Him up there when his Universe had fully matured. As part of this Plan, He planned to provide a special "School of Creators" down on Planet Earth with a special body of highly evolved "Explorer Race" Beings. 
These were Volunteers who came from far away areas of the Cosmos as Volunteers to join in with His Creation in order to learn to qualify as "Creators" in training, and to eventually to take over from him as a joint Cooperative Creator Body responsible for maintaining His Grand Universe when He finally makes his further Ascension. Unfortunately, his higher "Prime Creator" had given Him an "Inspirational Idea" suggesting He should try to introduce a small degree of 2% Negativity (equivalent to "stubbing your toe" or "poking someone half asleep with a stick" - but no more) to spur all his Creation's evolving Beings, many of which had become stagnated with self-satisfaction in their Worlds and in their evolutionary progress, into moving faster in their evolution and thus to more rapidly allow Him to Ascend. 
This was the Inspirational Idea that our Creator took up in the latter part of his Creation, only for it to eventually "backfire" badly. The resulting ill effects that allowed Darkness to grow unrestrained have left behind scenes of much destruction, not only on Earth, but throughout much of our Galaxy, not to mention its many Galactic Wars. As it is, the spreading tide of Darkness is only now being thoroughly cleansed and removed by the Galactic Forces of Light.
Since Planet Earth itself was put into its part-protective "Quarantine" over 200,000 years ago after the Lucifer Rebellion, it has also had to undertake the function as a virtual "Prison Planet/Remand Centre" for many of the most negative and destructive Beings who have been brought here for reform, all as part of our experience and lesson in overcoming and reforming Negativity. 
Also, Planet Earth has been given a role, as part of the same learning experience in overcoming negativity, as a "Seed Planet" for very young Souls starting out on their long Ascension and evolutionary path up from lower evolutionary levels such as the Animal Kingdom. They have had to come here as young Souls in order to learn how to control their natural animalistic emotional responses, which tends to descend into violent conflict when conditions become difficult. They need to learn a deeper respect for the "Sanctity of Life", which will then eventually allow them to move on up to a Higher Dimension, as well as providing us older Souls with the learning experience of bringing this about.
At its very Creation as a Planetary Body within this Galaxy, Planet Earth was also originally given a special role as an "Experimental Ecology Planet", in which new Life Forms and varieties of plant and insect life were to be developed. All the diversity of Biological Life found throughout the Universe has at some time been brought here by the Universe's Scientific "Life Carriers" given the job of physically creating new and improved Life Forms on this new Experimental Ecology Planet. 
Among them were many of the original Extraterrestrial Human settlers who were brought to Planet Earth millions of year ago in the Motherships of the Galactic Federation as a specially selected team of volunteer "Celestial Gardeners". They came having made a solemn pledge to help in the development of new and better varieties of plant and animal life for this new "Galactic Museum of Ecology" under a long-term "Contract" to remain here as the "Stewards of Earth" until a virtual "Garden of Eden" was finally established. Although they would eventually be dragged down into lower and lower levels of dense 3rd Dimensional physicality caused by the various invasions by the Dark Forces within our Galaxy, they nevertheless maintained a Sacred Pledge to return here repeatedly until their job was finally done. Millions of years later, many have returned as the highly evolved Ecologists who continue to carry on the work of developing a yet more beautiful and diverse Planet.
This special Planetary role as a unique Biological Showcase for the Galaxy, explains the amazingly rich variety of plant and animal life which we now enjoy. Our Planet is even now, despite Man's past destructive activities, considered by the other Inhabited Worlds as being one of the most beautiful and green Water-Planets within our Galaxy. The future levels of Earth are destined to develop this great wealth and variety of life to even greater heights, into a true Celestial "Garden of Eden", not only for our own enjoyment, but for the education and enjoyment of all the other Worlds who will be eagerly visiting us.
Apart from co-creating with our Galactic friends a beautiful Green New World, we will also be developing new and improved Social Systems. Learning from all our past and painful experiences in trying to resolve the Universal problem of self-centered "Negativity", we will also be resolving to identify and control any tendency towards negative or destructive behaviour. 
This can also infect the other "Benevolent Worlds" which themselves make up the majority of our Grand Universe. We hope eventually to become an exemplary "Showcase World" for the rest of the Galaxy and our whole Grand Universe in finally resolving this difficult problem. By then, Earth's inhabitants will have moved up from their present overall focus on pure "Self-Interest", to a more cooperative one of "Serving Others" for the benefit of the whole.
We shall have hopefully become a Loving and Cooperative society which incorporates a deeper Respect for the Integrity and Rights of Others, governed by a central Constitutional Principle which mandates "That we take all possible steps to avoid intruding into, or causing harm, to another Being". This governing "Principle of Liberty" can also be encapsulated as: "Do unto Others only as you would have them Do unto You". 
(Article from "The Earth Changes -- Book 2.)

Friday, 1 July 2022


Most of the advanced "Lightworkers" working and teaching down here on Earth have themselves come down as "Starseeds" from other Planets and Star Systems. Having already experienced living on higher Dimensions and more advanced worlds, such an Ascension will therefore not be such a big move upwards for them. On the other hand, many of the younger Souls starting out on their long evolutionary Ascension on this "Seed Planet" for new Human Souls, may not yet be ready to make a move up to the Fourth Dimensional level, and will therefore be relocated by the Galactic Federation to other worlds capable of supporting a Third Dimension vibrational level.
However, Planet Earth now badly needs to go through a vibrational reformulation as well as a major surface cleansing of the worst of the environmental detritus and destructive effects made by its present inhabitants, as this also has a negative effect on the higher dimensional levels, which are all based on the fundamental make-up of the core physical 3D Earth. This "Cleansing" will be undertaken by the Galactic Federation's Forces, whose technology can undertake this within at least a couple of years or more.
During this Planetary "Cleansing Period" certain 3D surface areas may need to go through some fairly major upheavals. Those who happen to be in areas of severe physical disruptions will be lifted off by the Galactic Federation's Scout Craft and taken up for a temporary period to the overhead Motherships. Others in areas of danger may alternatively choose to be taken down into the interior "Hollow Inner Earth", the home of an existing Fifth-dimensional civilisation named "Aghartha", which will barely be affected by the 3D surface cleansing. This Ancient Civilisation derives from the Ancient Civilisation of Lemuria which sank beneath the Pacific Ocean even before the demise of Atlantis and whose more evolved survivors escaped into the Inner Earth at the time. 
This Fifth Dimensional Civilisation has up to now not wished to reveal itself to us turbulent 3D surface dwellers. They live an almost perfect life within the hollow interior which is inside Earth's 800 mile thick outer planetary crust. They have a pristine environment of verdant landscapes, rivers, lakes, even mountains, as well as their beautiful crystal cities. All of which is illuminated by its own central interior Sun which also is the high-density crystalline magnetic core at the very centre of Planet Earth. [More information on the Inner Earth is available at the link to "The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha" at the end of this Book II]
There have in fact been many previous major surface changes and "Cleansings" to Planet Earth through realignments to her magnetic axis as a result of outside Galactic and Solar System changes and upheavals. This has been well-documented in geological studies of her past surface history, which includes entire continental landmasses either being submerged beneath the oceans, or raised up to become some of today's highest mountain ranges. Seashells and skeletons of fish have been found high up in the Himalayas and the Andes. The great plains of the USA from Mexico to Alaska are known to have been under the sea, and today's Eastern coast of America was once the 'shore-line' of what are now the Appalachian Mountains. 
The North and South Poles have also been shown to have moved rapidly to new positions with the evidence of dramatic surface and climatic changes left behind. An aspect of this was first discovered in 1799, when frozen bodies of mammoths were unearthed in the tundra of Siberia, their stomachs containing freshly eaten grasses and leaves normally belonging to tropical regions thousands of miles to the South. Former tropical coral reefs have also been discovered as far north as Spitzbergen, within what is now the Polar Circle. Coal deposits found in Antarctica indicate that the area was once covered by equatorial forests.
We need to also become aware that Mother Earth/Gaia is herself a highly evolved Spirit ensouling the Planet. She now awaits impatiently for the long-desired Ascension of Herself and her surface dwellers up to the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions. She has up to now had to maintain a long and painful duty of supporting a lowly evolved combative and turbulent Humanity as part of her Celestial service "Contract". However, she also needs to cleanse her Third Dimensional Earth Sphere (the lowest of Her 4-7D surrounding higher vibrational Earth Spheres) of all the past pollution, damage and detritus that Humanity has accumulated on her surface. 
The many areas of interior blasting within her surface Crust and Humanity's increasing extraction of oil has also caused her much 3D physical distress. Oil is in fact the very "Life-blood" of her Planetary Body, part of the system that helps her to lubricate Earth's Tectonic Plates and thus help keep them properly locked together. An insufficient quantity of this substance at the intersection of two major Continental Plates resulted in the massive underwater Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami of December 2004.
Humanity itself has to now undertake a process of erasing all past negative "Karma" before we can Ascend to the Fourth or Fifth Dimensional Earth Spheres. We therefore at this "End of Age" time need to balance out all our past Karmaic debts with those that we have previously harmed and at the same time give forgiveness to those that we consider may have wronged us in the past. Many of those long repressed emotional hurts and historical grievances which have accumulated over thousands of incarnations held as deep scars within our DNA and our Soul's memory, now need to be brought to the surface, resolved and finally transmuted before we proceed upwards with our Ascension. 

(Article from "The Earth Changes -- Book 2.)