I wonder just how many of you are aware of that our beautiful planet, Mother Earth, is actually a school / college / university for all souls going for their "Masters" (examination)??
Only by the soul experiencing life on planet Earth is it able to achieve the completion of karmic incarnations created here. And only when one has accomplished mastery over the physical challenges and desires presented to our lower nature and ego, plus the acknowledging and recognition of one´s own divinity and connection to Source is liberation made available.
Graduation from a continual cycle of these karmic incarnations is successfully achieved when one has mastered the test for "Detachment". Detachment does not mean that one lacks compassion or kindness or even love, it simply means one is not disturbed or affected or thrown out of inner calmness and balance. One must maintain equilibrium in every circumstance. That is Mastership -- although not always an easy task.
Some clues here to help us all on this path to graduation : -
Always watch and check your thoughts; your feelings; your words; and your actions. Listen always to your intuition, that inner still voice within, and observe always that "gut feeling".
Success comes when you realise "Detachment" brings "Freedom" and "Freedom" brings "Liberation" and "Liberation" brings "Graduation" leading to "Divine Mastership".