Thursday, 14 February 2013


The plan and pursuit of the whole celestial scheme was only one plan and one pursuit:  that evolving particles of consciousness would attain to degrees of self-awareness and ennoblement where they literally became gods!

Gods In School

Men and women are not vile creatures of the dust, or chance accidents of what some call atomic chemistry, but literally "gods in school", serving their educational time either in classrooms of experience or under the instruction and enlightenment of great Mentors who delayed their own progress up the constellations to give lesser developed beings the benefits of their enhanced intellects and observations about what was taking place in the Great Cosmos.

It was all a self-evaluating process, so to speak.  Men and women were "gods in school" learning to emphasize that thought till it truly penetrated their understandings, and as such were required to know all mundane experiencings in order that they might comprehend every phase and aspect of them by conscious participation in their essences.

Cosmic Bits of God

The next question we all might ask is this... How did men and women acquire the physical form they possess, making them human creatures?  And, why and how did they adopt this solar planet as a basis for their operations in the first place?  And how far might they be going with it, as a proposal in cosmic eugenics and spiritual development?  Just WHAT were men and women?

They were cosmic bits of God, to put it in ecclesiastical terms, who had found this solar planet off here in this particular "northern" corner of the heavenly galaxies, on which to perform unto themselves over untold aeons and develop their consciousness into pattern that did justice to the plan of creation.  But where did they come from originally?  Had they derived biologically from the essences of this residence-planet, as some purblind scientists assume?  No, they had not according to the Higher Intelligence of the Masters and their teachings.  There were biologic forms that did derive from the major essences of this particular planet and they were  and are the indigenous forms.

Men and women, in the creative sense, seemed to have been derived from some other planet, or some other set of star worlds, from which they had voyaged celestially to arrive on Earth and found it passably habitable.

Something Happened

Somewhere along in the grand procession of evolution, just after the cat and ape had attained to maximum physical facility, something happened!  That "something" was a vast horde of migrating spirits (souls) from a wholly separate distinction of creation, arrived within the aura of this physically habitable Earth and began to manifest in the forms and creations they found here.

But men and women ARE different creatures from anything else observable in the form of created life on this solar planet.  The evolutionist says that this is due to the fact of gradual improvement upon lower forms of life.  But the evolutionist doesn´t go overly much out of his way to explain why and wherein there are forms similar to "man" that haven´t evolved, or developed, from the early forms.  To be specific, we have the great apes with us in the jungles of tropical countries today equally as primordial as when "human evolution" is said to begun.

The Mentor Explains

Terrestrial conditions over the whole planet have not been so unique as to "evolve" one section of the ape-family and pass by another section.  Yet the biologist, lacking the secret of the unknown "human ingredient", solemnly asks us to accept that is what happened.  But the subliminal Mentors contend that it did not happen in that way at all.

Their general explanation for the events that had gone on, making human society what we find it in history and what we observe it to be today, embodied the hypotheses that "people from somewhere" came to this Earth in discarnate aspects, found animal forms in their own rights, drawing what benefits from such residence as they could. 

Star Guests

These "star guests" -- for we have every right to term them that -- found conditions here on this terrestrial ball precisely congenial for the development of their consciousness by the expedients of experience in fleshly forms, and settled down upon this planet to remain.  And by all the signs they have remained, up to this hour in terrestrial history.

They came here and settled down here to "get something" by residing in the indigenous beast forms which they found here and when they achieved it we had the beginnings of HUMAN  evolution as distinct from primate evolution.  The bodies were in a measure the same, but the "spiritual essence" inhabiting those physical organisms was different.

So, the human essences have gone on breeding and multiplying organically and the animal forms that were not interrupted by the intrusion of the star guests, have also gone on breeding and multiplying, and today we have the exhibit of the two in propinquity -- the primate inside the cage at the zoo, and his "visiting guest" outside, pay admission to view him, but the "visiting guest" enwrapped in a physical ensemble which he improved or "evolved" because of his surpassing psychical difference.

Part Two follows...

This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley.

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