In the human equation, Love is the creator of all that is in harmony with Universal Spirit. Then when this equation is accomplished, Love is its perfect flower.
Bear with us while we develop this theme on Love a bit further... We have said that you must learn first, last, and always, the real meaning of Love. Wisdom you must also know, for Love without Wisdom is a paradox.
Wisdom is the highest point ot which humanity may aspire because it is the perfect synchronisation between Love and Intelligence -- hence between Soul and Spirit.
When Love becomes sentimentality, or mere emotionalism, then it is Love divorced from Intelligence and therefore not Wisdom.
When the world uses the word Love, it means almost always the emotion that attends on Love, which may have no kinship whatever with the divine force. It is thus that we see the apparent impossibility of selfish love, or even foolish love, or too indulgent love. There can be no such thing. If love is more than an emotion, it is wise with the instinctive wisdom inherent in the Great Creative Force in the Universe. When Love is truly Love, it sees first and foremost and clearly the highest need, utterly regardless of return or reward. There are few in the flesh who can so love, and fewer still who can love not only those whose destiny is linked with theirs but all the world. Love is the Creative Force! LOVE IS SPIRIT IN ACTION!
The Creator of All
So is Love the beginning and end of Man the Microcosm, as of the Universe the Macrocosm. So is Love the beginning and the end, and so there is one beginning and one end, and hence no beginning and no end.
Love is harmony, as we have said. But do you know how complex and wonderful are the laws even of musical harmony? Do you know the part that mathematics must play in the composing and rendering of the most spiritual and ethereal music?
There is harmony, indeed, in the whole universe and its laws are no less accurately worked out than the laws of music. You need not, of course, learn mathematical formula. The only thing to remember is, that for a really intellectual grasp of such problems as that of the Fourth Dimension, you would need the mind of an astronomer or even a musical genius. Death itself is but a passing through into this Fourth Dimension. You live in it then, and FEEL its meaning, without being able to convert it into words.
The Use of Harmony
All these laws of Love by which the Spirit works in the Universe and in the souls of men, are not our immediate concern. From time to time we can give you glimpses into their workings and into the Inner Meaning of the Fourth Dimension. But it will come out in connection with other matters and will be a feeling such as those on This Side have, rather than an intellectual realisation. Now to return to Love...
Love must accomplish its end by the use of Harmony, but after your many visits to Earth in pursuit of the brevet (agreement) you have taken upon yourselves, you will have learned the mathematics of that Harmony and become able, so to speak, to compose by instinct.
So when your human soul is in its highest developed state it is able to operate in accordance with laws of Harmony it has no conscious knowledge of. But these intricacies are safely stored in Subconscious Memory.
It is this which you mean when you say that you have recognised a "kindred spirit"... you have become conscious of the synchronisation of vibrations of whose very existence you were hitherto unaware. Your task is to keep yourself so finely and exquisitely attuned that you may never be unaware of the beauty of the tone that comes from such synchronisation.
Creative Forces
We have heard you remarrk that it is rather a sort of subcoscous compatibility that you recognise between yourselves and others, for which vibrations are responsible. But this is not quite so. Compatibility usually implies and intellectual parity of some kind and you may have this sense of Oneness with a child, a genius, or a moron. This is the explanation of many strange friendships and marriages.
Love, as the world is accustomed to use the word, is synonymous with almost everything in the universe excepting Love. Weakness, sentimentality, possessiveness, selfishness -- all these are hidden under the sacred name of Love. But there is a touchstone...
If Love be truly present, you may know it by the miracles it works. Weakness becomes strength. Sentimentality becomes sympathy without pity. Possessiveness becomes the desire to serve. Selfishness becomes selflessness. And all of life flows together in one joyous rhythm until earth is lost in heaven and heaven is in man´s heart.
When you are vibrating at a rate that raises you above the ordinary run of human vibrations, you have the power to carry others with you to a higher point than they could get alone. Love and Harmony are the only creative forces -- the ONLY forces in the creative sense of the word.
Part Three follows...
This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley.
I want to vibrate at a rate above the ordinary. Good article. Thank you!