Thursday, 30 May 2013


What we do not realize is that we can change the conditions of our lives.  It is our ability to use this Law that gives meaning to the concept of free WILL.  We have the power to choose the directions of our lives.

Master Morya now concludes his transmission on the application of this law :


The Master Alchemist

"The highest frequency one can see is the colour violet.  St. Germain is the ruler of the violet ray because he is the master alchemist.  In his role as Merlin, he came to Earth and brought the alchemist´s magic to assist in transforming the energies of seperateness into those of balance.  He was the metaphysical king, whilst I, Arthur, was the physical king.  Together we reigned with the vision, balance, insight, will and courage that it took to re-energize England and prepare her to assume the vibrational frequencies that are destined to balance the world.  We did so through application of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

The Colour Violet

Violet is the favourite colour of alchemists, and Merlin knew of its power.  Since this colour holds the highest vibrational frequency seen with the naked eye, it has the power to change all the frequencies that reside below it.  Violet is the last colour of the rainbow, before it turns to ultraviolet and then is reflected in the Light.  It therefore holds the highest coding of symbols, and can be used to change surrounding conditions.

Visualize this frequency daily and surround any condition in your life that is discordant with this colour.  See the condition change from a disharmonious one to one of peace and delight.  Hold this vision with the strength of the will, always from the perspective from the Higher Self, and great miracles will begin to occur.


The key to its effective use is the Higher Self.  Recognize this and all power shall be granted to you.  The lower bodies have no power on their own;  it is only the Light from the Higher Self that understands how to use this precious energy.

If one visualizes this frequency, consuming and transforming all lower, negative energies, the vibrations will change, first within the mind and then in the emotional body.  The reason this is so is that negative entities cannot stay within this higher frequency for long.  The strength of the will and the length of time this frequency is used will dictate how long it will take to clear a situation.  When using this law, always remember the importance of the breath, for it is the breath that helps one command the emotional body.

The Light

Light is a higher frequency than violet.  The white Light is the shield of protection.  Visualize the Light within and around you at all times, and it shall strengthen your will.  With a stronger will, the soul´s ability to manifest and transform events becomes more precise.

The Light also aligns the chakras with the Higher Self, thus providing the connection to the Great Central Sun, and the Source of all there is.  The Light strengthens one´s faith, hope and charitable nature, as well.

The Third Vibration

The third vibration that is important to know when using this law is PINK.  Pink is the colour of self-love and resonates on the level of the soul.  Surround others with this frequency and their attitudes will soften.  Hold them in the soft glow of this field and watch their frowns slowly turn to smiles.  The power of this frequency cannot be underestimated, for it generates much love throughout the Universe.

Be Strong

The effects of this law are seen primarily when one meditates in silence and applies the principles to situations and events in life.  Therefore, I invite all who wish to change the conditions around them to join with St. Germain in the stillness of the hearts and ask for guidance on its use.  He shall assist all to become the magicians of the new millennium, but demands that the wills be strong.

Journey with Merlin once again, Dear Children of the Heart, and learn of the magic of the ancients.

I close this transmission with a song in my heart and look forward to your accomplishments as you create a beautiful world for your children.

I AM El Morya.  So Be It!  So It Is!"

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free"

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