If you can accept that God´s Will manifests in every aspect of life around you, then you must also accept that the physical life that you are now experiencing is the very life that God wants you to face. Here the Master concludes his instruction.
I want you to see very clearly that if you become attached to the desires of physical life, which I have shown to be illusory, then your state of being is doomed to rise and fall with the fulfilment of those desires. So you are basing your life on an illusion!! It is a wise soul, therefore, that at this time, above all, can understand and practice the quality of non-attachment and, by that, I mean can differentiate between the immortality of the spirit and the mortality of every aspect of physical life around it.
The non-attached person understands that the physical aspects of life that are around them are mortal and are, therefore, illusory, and that to become attached to them or to the fruits of their actions is to invite suffering. The only attachment one can, and should, have is to God.
Face The Tests
When you accept that God´s Will manifests is every aspect of life around you, then you must also accept that the physical life that you are now experiencing is the very life God wants you to face. It is the test that you have drawn to yourself, the understanding of life that you have come to learn. Life is God´s Will for you this day. It is in the nature of how you respond to the day, your attitude to the day, that brings growth and evolution.
If you worship anything before your God, and by God I mean God´s Will for you and for this planet, then you are doomed to a life of sorrow and grief because, inevitably, God´s Will will be done, and if you have not aligned yourself with that Will, if you oppose that Will, then you will suffer. If you place anything -- your husband, your wife, your children, your relations, your country -- before your God, then you are doomed to sorrow.
Let us understand the nature of that sorrow. The sorrow lies in the fact that your desires for your family, your relations, your country, and your understanding of life, are not being fulfilled. You are unhappy because your will is not manifesting on the Earth, and yet how can your little will ever manifest on the Earth if it is subject to the greater Will of your Creator?? So grow to recognise that it is the little wills of Man and Woman, the foibles of human desire, that create confusion and conflict in the World, and at the same time search for and try to align yourself with the Will of God which controls all things.
Compassion And Detachment
Now when I say that you should strive to be non-attached, I do not mean that you should isolate yourself from life, that you do not have compassion for whatever is manifesting around you. Compassion means passion for, passion with, understanding for the paths that others are walking, for their needs, for their spiritual requirements. You can truly look at a person who is suffering and give them your love and your understanding without having to identify with their suffering, without becoming a part of that suffering. You can do this in the knowledge that their lesson is not your lesson and that your support, your love, can help them learn their lesson. It is not for you to remove that lesson, to block that lesson. It is for you to support the Will of God flowing through that person and that lesson.
Desire Creates Attachment
Now, if you become attached to your own ideas of creation, to your own ideas of God, to your own concepts of life, then inevitably there will be sorrow. Most people in the World today are totally attached to their mortality, to their thought forms, to their desires. Are you not even now full of physical desires -- the desire for material possessions, the desire for happy relationships, the desire for peace of Earth?? Yet those desires are born out of your mortality and not your immortality, for what is death of even your husband or your wife in the scale of immortality?? What is death of even a country in the eternity of the Divine Plan for human evolution??
It is a wise soul who knows that death is but a moment of rebirth. I want you to see clearly that out of every death there is a birth. That is the promise of immortality. That is why you are eternal beings. As you die, so you are born again. As you descend into the physical matter of life at birth, so you have the divine promise of life after your physical death. As you enter into this school of life on Earth, so you know that you will have to leave it, one day, when your lessons are learned, to return again to your true form, to your true spiritual home. That is the promise of immortality and if you really understand and live life as an immortal being then you are living life without fear. Fear, basically, is a lack of faith in your immortality. Fear is a lack of understanding that the nature of life is immortality.
Part Of The Plan
The essence of non-attachment, therefore, lies in the understanding of the quality of immortality. It lies in the recognition that God´s Will, which is immortal, that God´s Plan, which is eternal, manifests on this Earth and that you, as divine beings, are part of that Plan and can therefore never know death. I wish you to see clearly, especially at this time when there is so much violent death and suffering in the World, that truly all this darkness an be removed by the turning on of your own personal "light-switch". The darkness is still there but the presence of the light has removed it. So grow to recognise the light and the darkness in your own being. See clearly how the presence of light in your own being removes your darkness, which is your fear, your greed, your pride, the darkness of those qualities in your being which you have yet to understand and master.
Live In The NOW
Above all, do not become attached to the world in which you live. Surely you can see that at this time of great change, where nothing is constant, where nothing is fixed, where the understanding of yesterday is soon replaced by the understanding of today, that to become attached to anything invites sorrow and suffering. If you become attached to your mortality, to that which is of the Earth, then you are doomed to suffer the results of change, for the things which you love, and from which you derive pleasure today, may not be here tomorrow. The past has gone forever and if you choose to live in the past then you will experience a life of unhappiness. You can, and must live today to the highest of your spiritual consciousness and as this day too passes, so release it and go forward to face the new day unencumbered by the loss of what has passed.
A Summary
Great changes are coming. It is only the soul that is free from attachment that will comprehend the nature and purpose of those changes, that will understand the nature and the purpose of life around it. It is only the soul that is free from attachment that will be capable of recognising the nature of its own immortality, that will be able to die with a true understanding of its being. The purpose of life is the gaining of consciousness and death is but the transfer of that consciousness onto a higher plane of life, on which you will create, yet again, in another form, in another dimension.
You are eternal beings of creation. You are not limited by this Earth or by your physical body. They are the tests which you have to face at this time. You are not of the Earth or of the body, for you are divine, you are gods in the making. Know your birthright. Become attached to that which is divine and eternal, become non-attached to that which is of the Earth and is mortal. Knowing that you can truly do that, then you will be able to understand and release, in the twinkling of an eye, all that appears as darkness. The suffering that you perceive is the suffering Humanity has created. Your God does not create suffering. Humanity suffers through its own ignorance, through its own lack of understanding of the true relationship of the human spirit with the human form. For those who truly recognise the divinity of both the form and the spirit there is Heaven on Earth, which is your birthright.
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala.