Tuesday, 29 October 2013


If you can accept that God´s Will manifests in every aspect of life around you, then you must also accept that the physical life that you are now experiencing is the very life that God wants you to face.  Here the Master concludes his instruction.





I want you to see very clearly that if you become attached to the desires of physical life, which I have shown to be illusory, then your state of being is doomed to rise and fall with the fulfilment of those desires.  So you are basing your life on an illusion!!  It is a wise soul, therefore, that at this time, above all, can understand and practice the quality of non-attachment and, by that, I mean can differentiate between the immortality of the spirit and the mortality of every aspect of physical life around it.

The non-attached person understands that the physical aspects of life that are around them are mortal and are, therefore, illusory, and that to become attached to them or to the fruits of their actions is to invite suffering.  The only attachment one can, and should, have is to God.

Face The Tests

When you accept that God´s Will manifests is every aspect of life around you, then you must also accept that the physical life that you are now experiencing is the very life God wants you to face.  It is the test that you have drawn to yourself, the understanding of life that you have come to learn.  Life is God´s Will for you this day.  It is in the nature of how you respond to the day, your attitude to the day, that brings growth and evolution.

If you worship anything before your God, and by God I mean God´s Will for you and for this planet, then you are doomed to a life of sorrow and grief because, inevitably, God´s Will will be done, and if you have not aligned yourself with that Will, if you oppose that Will, then you will suffer.  If you place anything -- your husband, your wife, your children, your relations, your country -- before your God, then you are doomed to sorrow.

Let us understand the nature of that sorrow.  The sorrow lies in the fact that your desires for your family, your relations, your country, and your understanding of life, are not being fulfilled.  You are unhappy because your will is not manifesting on the Earth, and yet how can your little will ever manifest on the Earth if it is subject to the greater Will of your Creator??  So grow to recognise that it is the little wills of Man and Woman, the foibles of human desire, that create confusion and conflict in the World, and at the same time search for and try to align yourself with the Will of God which controls all things.

Compassion And Detachment

Now when I say that you should strive to be non-attached, I do not mean that you should isolate yourself from life, that you do not have compassion for whatever is manifesting around you.  Compassion means passion for, passion with, understanding for the paths that others are walking, for their needs, for their spiritual requirements.  You can truly look at a person who is suffering and give them your love and your understanding without having to identify with their suffering, without becoming a part of that suffering.  You can do this in the knowledge that their lesson is not your lesson and that your support, your love, can help them learn their lesson.  It is not for you to remove that lesson, to block that lesson.  It is for you to support the Will of God flowing through that person and that lesson.

Desire Creates Attachment

Now, if you become attached to your own ideas of creation, to your own ideas of God, to your own concepts of life, then inevitably there will be sorrow.  Most people in the World today are totally attached to their mortality, to their thought forms, to their desires.  Are you not even now full of physical desires -- the desire for material possessions, the desire for happy relationships, the desire for peace of Earth??  Yet those desires are born out of your mortality and not your immortality, for what is death of even your husband or your wife in the scale of immortality??  What is death of even a country in the eternity of the Divine Plan for human evolution??

It is a wise soul who knows that death is but a moment of rebirth.  I want you to see clearly that out of every death there is a birth.  That is the promise of immortality.  That is why you are eternal beings.  As you die, so you are born again.  As you descend into the physical matter of life at birth, so you have the divine promise of life after your physical death.  As you enter into this school of life on Earth, so you know that you will have to leave it, one day, when your lessons are learned, to return again to your true form, to your true spiritual home.  That is the promise of immortality and if you really understand and live life as an immortal being then you are living life without fear.  Fear, basically, is a lack of faith in your immortality.  Fear is a lack of understanding that the nature of life is immortality.

Part Of The Plan

The essence of non-attachment, therefore, lies in the understanding of the quality of immortality.  It lies in the recognition that God´s Will, which is immortal, that God´s Plan, which is eternal, manifests on this Earth and that you, as divine beings, are part of that Plan and can therefore never know death.  I wish you to see clearly, especially at this time when there is so much violent death and suffering in the World, that truly all this darkness an be removed by the turning on of your own personal "light-switch".  The darkness is still there but the presence of the light has removed it.  So grow to recognise the light and the darkness in your own being.  See clearly how the presence of light in your own being removes your darkness, which is your fear, your greed, your pride, the darkness of those qualities in your being which you have yet to understand and master.

Live In The NOW

Above all, do not become attached to the world in which you live.  Surely you can see that at this time of great change, where nothing is constant, where nothing is fixed, where the understanding of yesterday is soon replaced by the understanding of today, that to become attached to anything invites sorrow and suffering.  If you become attached to your mortality, to that which is of the Earth, then you are doomed to suffer the results of change, for the things which you love, and from which you derive pleasure today, may not be here tomorrow.  The past has gone forever and if you choose to live in the past then you will experience a life of unhappiness.  You can, and must live today to the highest of your spiritual consciousness and as this day too passes, so release it and go forward to face the new day unencumbered by the loss of what has passed.

A Summary

Great changes are coming.  It is only the soul that is free from attachment that will comprehend the nature and purpose of those changes, that will understand the nature and the purpose of life around it.  It is only the soul that is free from attachment that will be capable of recognising the nature of its own immortality, that will be able to die with a true understanding of its being.  The purpose of life is the gaining of consciousness and death is but the transfer of that consciousness onto a higher plane of life, on which you will create, yet again, in another form, in another dimension.

You are eternal beings of creation.  You are not limited by this Earth or by your physical body.  They are the tests which you have to face at this time.  You are not of the Earth or of the body, for you are divine, you are gods in the making.  Know your birthright.  Become attached to that which is divine and eternal, become non-attached to that which is of the Earth and is mortal.  Knowing that you can truly do that, then you will be able to understand and release, in the twinkling of an eye, all that appears as darkness.  The suffering that you perceive is the suffering Humanity has created.  Your God does not create suffering.  Humanity suffers through its own ignorance, through its own lack of understanding of the true relationship of the human spirit with the human form.  For those who truly recognise the divinity of both the form and the spirit there is Heaven on Earth, which is your birthright.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala.

Monday, 28 October 2013


Always remember that we come into this world only with consciousness and that we leave this world only with consciousness.  Everything else between birth and death is but modelling clay in our hands.  The Master continues his dialogue...




Your Qualities of Life

In your brief physical lives you are constantly faced with the choice of having to decide just what it is in life that is important to you, just what really matters to you.  Is it the size of your house and the quality of the furnishings in it, how much money you have in the bank, the make and year of your car, the good opinion of your friends, the recognition of your intellectual prowess by your peers, the achievements of your children and so on??  Are these the aspects of physical life that are important to you??  Are these the qualities of life to which you have become attached??  Or is a deeper understanding of life beginning to make its presence felt??  Is the feeling beginning to emerge that behind all these physical attachments there exists an eternal being that has quite a different set of values??

On many occasions in the past I have said that you come into this world only with consciousness and that you leave this world only with consciousness.  Everything else between birth and death is but modelling clay in your hands, the physical aspects of matter with which you play and learn your lessons in this school of life called Earth.  Now whilst, of course, you must respect every aspect of physical matter that is placed in your guardianship, for you are divine beings and have been given dominion over the three Kingdoms of Matter, nevertheless, you should also realise the temporality, the mortality, of those Kingdoms.  You should understand the nature of their divine purpose.

One Quest Alone

Above all, you should realise that you, as human beings, are here on one quest, on one quest alone, and that is the quest for consciousness.  For as you die, so you will be born again.  Everything and everybody that you have not released in this life will be with you in your next life.  All the karma that you have not transmuted in this life will have to be faced again in future lives, whereas all the karma you have transmuted, released and learned from in this life will be gone forever.

Know, therefore, that the nature of the consciousness that you take with you at your moment of death is of supreme importance, and that if the remembrance that you take with you is of your physical possessions, your physical achievements, your relationships with those you have loved and hated, the world in which you have lived, then you will surely return to those attachments in your next life.


The mark of and evolved soul, therefore, is that they are beginning to grow into an understanding of the necessity for not becoming attached to the material or physical aspects of life.  They have reached that point of consciousness when they can begin to see that there is no such thing as perfection in this World and that even the greatest Master, on incarnating into this World, will, to a degree, become tainted by the World and will, to a degree, reflect some imperfection.  So it is essential, at this most testing time, that you understand the nature of what is actually manifesting on the Earth, recognise the nature of its imperfection, and so not become attached to the results of that imperfection.  You must recognise the immortality of your own being, the eternity of your own nature and the quest upon which you are now set.


In truth, what is this Earth but a questing place for consciousness and anything which distracts you from that quest should be regarded as a temptation.  Of course an evolved soul can incarnate onto the physical plane of life and can choose, if it so wishes, to lead a life of wealth and luxury, a life of spiritual isolation.  It can draw to itself everything that it needs on the physical plane.  That, surely, was one of the great temptatons or tests that the Master Jesus had to face.    For with the cosmic powers at his command he could have had a vast temporal kingdom, together with all the temporal power, the wealth, the palaces and the servants, that he could have desired, coupled with the blind adoration and obedience of those who served him.  Nonetheless, he chose to reject all of that, to give up that temporal path and to follow a path of sacrifice and service, in order that he could ground the Christ Consciousness on the plane of Earth.

Mortal And Illusory

Each of you is called to handle the physical matter of this Earth which is given to you by your Creator, according to your karmic needs.  You should therefore respect every aspect of matter that comes into your aura, but at the same time do not forget that it is only modelling clay!  It has simply been placed in your karmic pattern for your karmic needs.  Remember that all matter is mortal and, therefore, is illusory.  So if you become attached to that which is mortal and illusory, then you are doomed to a life of unhappiness, for you are continually questing for something that is not real.  Your life becomes a process of desire after desire.  It is a wise person who sees clearly that on the physical, material level they can never be satisfied, that they can never have what they want because, by its inherent nature, it is illusory.

The Sacrifices

You may spend a lot of time and money in order to buy the latest model car which has become the apple of your eye.  But once you have acquired it, does not the pleasure that the car gives you begin to decline with the passing of time until, when the next model is produced a year later, along comes another desire and the first car is discarded even though there is no need for a change.  But have you thought about the sacrifices of the Mineral and Vegetable Kingdoms that were needed in order to make that car??  Have you thought about what you yourself sacrificed to earn the money to buy that car??

Have you every considered how much of your immortal life you sacrifice for a mortal desire??  Do you ever think about your fellow human beings all over the world, of their right to health and happiness, to the essential elements of life, and of how your lifestyle affects them??  Do you ever think of the sacrifices that have to be made by other people so that you can achieve your short term desire??  How much does the Western World today, with its vast financial and industrial empires, take from the rest of Humanity in order to satisfy its short term desires??  Just think about it!

Part Three follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


At this time, when we are surrounded by so much darkness (ignorance and unawareness), it is difficult for us to realise that there is a light switch, so to speak, under our very control, namely our spiritual point of consciousness.  Following is the Master´s teaching...



The Illusion

Many names, in many different religions and understandings of life, have been given to this period of dark times, such as Kali Yuga, Armageddon, the Confluence Age, the Day of Judgement and so on.  It is a time when human understanding is being pushed to the limits of its boundaries.  So, it is important that you understand what is the nature of darkness.

You know when you enter a room that is dark you can experience that darkness, and yet by simply turning on an electric light, the darkness is instantly banished.  But where has that darkness gone??  The potential  for darkness is still there because if that light were to be turned off, the former darkness would immediately return.  So we can see clearly that darkness is only the absence of light.  It is not a state of reality.  It is a state of illusion, which is there one minute and can be gone the next, and in your personal lives you are only too aware of how a moment of darkness can be replaced by a moment of light and vice versa.

Ability To Control

One must recognise, therefore, that to a large extent it is you, and you alone, that determines your periods of light and your periods of darkness.  You have the ability to control your own personal light switch, so to speak, using the analogy of the electric light, and to decide whether you are to live in a state of darkness of in a state of light.  Nevertheless, you should understand that the darkness has a great meaning and purpose for you, for it is only when you are in the darkness that you grow to understand and appreciate the light.

If you are one of those people who live the sunlight, who likes to feel the sun´s warmth on your skin and to observe Nature responding to the sun´s energy, then if you were forced to live in an underground cave you would yearn for the sunlight.  So you can appreciate how the absence of the light brings forth a yearning for it, an appreciation of it, and a desire never to be parted from it again.

The purpose of all darkness, therefore, is to lead you forth into a stronger yearning for the light.  Truly, if you will but examine the nature of your own darkness, you will discover that it is illusory, that it is not of God, and by that I mean that it is not of God in the sense that the essence of darkness is that it can only exist where there is no light.

Your Choice

At this time, when you are surrounded by so much darkness, it is difficult for you to realise that there is a light switch, so to speak, under your very control, namely your spiritual point of consciousness.  You must recognise, of course, that the power of your consciousness, of your light alone, is not sufficient to light up the whole World and to remove all the darkness in that World.  Nevertheless, in your own small world, you are the master of your own light switch and by the shining of your light you can illumine the darkness around you.

I would like you to understand clearly that in this struggle between the darkness and the light what you are in fact faced with is a choice between mortality and immortality.  For it is that which is eternal or immortal, which knows no limits, which knows no form, that is the light, and that which is mortal, has limits, can be defined in form and is the darkness.

This darkness only exists on what is called the physical plane of life.  Beyond this plane of life, after physical death, there is no darkness, only light.  It is only on the physical plane of life that you have to face this great test of darkness.  Therefore, you, and you alone, decide the nature of your light and the nature of your darkness.  It is you, and you alone, that can apply the great test of mortality or immortalaity to every action in your life and so determine your own light and your own darkness.

The Full Implication

I wonder if any of you have really understood the full implication of immortality, if you truly recognise, not as an intellectual concept but as a integral part of your whole being, that you are immortal??  If you truly can accept that you were in existence before birth, that you will be in existence after death and that, even now, whilst dwelling on the physical plane of life, you are also dwelling on other planes, then you have recognised the immortality of your spirit.  You have understood the promise of your Creator that It will never extinguish your spirit, that you are an eternal being of light.

If you have reached this point of consciousness when you know that you will never die, when you know that even if you were to lose your physical body you would still live on other planes of existence, then you must also recognise the illusory nature of everything that exists on the physical plane of life, which is so very mortal.  You must also know that the material possessions which you covet so greatly are all illusory, that they can never be regarded as permanent, that they will all decay into the matter of the Earth from which they came.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".