At this time, when we are surrounded by so much darkness (ignorance and unawareness), it is difficult for us to realise that there is a light switch, so to speak, under our very control, namely our spiritual point of consciousness. Following is the Master´s teaching...
The Illusion
Many names, in many different religions and understandings of life, have been given to this period of dark times, such as Kali Yuga, Armageddon, the Confluence Age, the Day of Judgement and so on. It is a time when human understanding is being pushed to the limits of its boundaries. So, it is important that you understand what is the nature of darkness.
You know when you enter a room that is dark you can experience that darkness, and yet by simply turning on an electric light, the darkness is instantly banished. But where has that darkness gone?? The potential for darkness is still there because if that light were to be turned off, the former darkness would immediately return. So we can see clearly that darkness is only the absence of light. It is not a state of reality. It is a state of illusion, which is there one minute and can be gone the next, and in your personal lives you are only too aware of how a moment of darkness can be replaced by a moment of light and vice versa.
Ability To Control
One must recognise, therefore, that to a large extent it is you, and you alone, that determines your periods of light and your periods of darkness. You have the ability to control your own personal light switch, so to speak, using the analogy of the electric light, and to decide whether you are to live in a state of darkness of in a state of light. Nevertheless, you should understand that the darkness has a great meaning and purpose for you, for it is only when you are in the darkness that you grow to understand and appreciate the light.
If you are one of those people who live the sunlight, who likes to feel the sun´s warmth on your skin and to observe Nature responding to the sun´s energy, then if you were forced to live in an underground cave you would yearn for the sunlight. So you can appreciate how the absence of the light brings forth a yearning for it, an appreciation of it, and a desire never to be parted from it again.
The purpose of all darkness, therefore, is to lead you forth into a stronger yearning for the light. Truly, if you will but examine the nature of your own darkness, you will discover that it is illusory, that it is not of God, and by that I mean that it is not of God in the sense that the essence of darkness is that it can only exist where there is no light.
Your Choice
At this time, when you are surrounded by so much darkness, it is difficult for you to realise that there is a light switch, so to speak, under your very control, namely your spiritual point of consciousness. You must recognise, of course, that the power of your consciousness, of your light alone, is not sufficient to light up the whole World and to remove all the darkness in that World. Nevertheless, in your own small world, you are the master of your own light switch and by the shining of your light you can illumine the darkness around you.
I would like you to understand clearly that in this struggle between the darkness and the light what you are in fact faced with is a choice between mortality and immortality. For it is that which is eternal or immortal, which knows no limits, which knows no form, that is the light, and that which is mortal, has limits, can be defined in form and is the darkness.
This darkness only exists on what is called the physical plane of life. Beyond this plane of life, after physical death, there is no darkness, only light. It is only on the physical plane of life that you have to face this great test of darkness. Therefore, you, and you alone, decide the nature of your light and the nature of your darkness. It is you, and you alone, that can apply the great test of mortality or immortalaity to every action in your life and so determine your own light and your own darkness.
The Full Implication
I wonder if any of you have really understood the full implication of immortality, if you truly recognise, not as an intellectual concept but as a integral part of your whole being, that you are immortal?? If you truly can accept that you were in existence before birth, that you will be in existence after death and that, even now, whilst dwelling on the physical plane of life, you are also dwelling on other planes, then you have recognised the immortality of your spirit. You have understood the promise of your Creator that It will never extinguish your spirit, that you are an eternal being of light.
If you have reached this point of consciousness when you know that you will never die, when you know that even if you were to lose your physical body you would still live on other planes of existence, then you must also recognise the illusory nature of everything that exists on the physical plane of life, which is so very mortal. You must also know that the material possessions which you covet so greatly are all illusory, that they can never be regarded as permanent, that they will all decay into the matter of the Earth from which they came.
Part Two follows....
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".
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