Wednesday, 27 November 2013


See clearly that the difference between the divine and the satanic is guidance.  It is guidance, or the absence of it, that decides the nature of the path that you walk in life.




Empower Yourself

How easy it would be if you could just close your eyes, enter into the stillness of your being and receive divine guidance, rather like turning on the radio in the morning in order to listen to the news.  But, alas, you all know better!  Why should this be so?  Because, using the analogy of the radio, your radio has very little power and can only receive guidance very faintly.  Your radio is quite serviceable but it needs to be empowered before it can operate efficiently, in just the same way that you have to connect a radio to a power supply before you can receive the radio station.  So you have to empower yourselves in order to obtain this guidance.  You have to empower yourselves by purifying yourselves in thought, word and deed and by establishing a pattern of stillness and silence, times when you consciously attune and direct your thoughts towards the Creator of all Life and humbly offer your being in service to that Lord with no thought of return or reward.

Knowing Intuitively

How many of you actually attune to your Creator on a conscious level during your everyday lives??  How many of you actually make the effort to quieten your minds and bodies at fixed intervals throughout the day and try to attune to your Creator and Its Will for you??  That is the guidance of which I speak.  Now, for most people, guidance does not come as that still small voice within, telling you clearly what to do in any given situation.  Guidance, for the most part, comes from the practice of constantly attuning to the Creator of all Life so that you know, almost intuitively, the path of right action without even having to ask.

By seeking the counsel and wisdom of your Creator in times of peace you will be able to attune automatically to them in times of crisis.  Remember, also, that your every action causes a reaction, that is the Law of Karma, and how the Universe responds to your actions enables you to check on the rightfulness and appropriateness of those actions.  I call this process "universal feedback".  How the Universe or the world around you is responding, provides a mirror to your actions.  This enables you to check on all your actions.


The world today presents you with a great challenge.  It is a time when you must go boldly forth into the unknown.  It is a time when you must explore new relationships, both with your fellow human beings and with the three other Kingdoms of Matter, for it is only by so doing that both Humanity and this planet will be saved.  It does not need a wise person to see that little has changed in the field of human relationships over the known course of human history.

Humanity today behave in much the same way as it did in ancient India ad Sumeria, certainly as it did in ancient Greece or Rome.  The only differene between then and now is that the vibratory rate to which Humanity is being subjected is much higher, because the vibratory rate of the Earth is being speeded up.  One result of this vibratory increase is a great intensification in human relationships.  This not only brings out all the weaknesses of Humanity but also all of its strengths.  So it is a time when all people of consciousness should stand forth and be counted, should sound their note.  God works through people and the New Age has to be grounded on the Earth by the people who are open to the new, by the people who are attuning to the note of the new rather than of the old.

A Quantum Leap

Those who seek and follow their own divine guidance will discover not just the reality of life on Earth but the presence and purpose of their Creator in all things.  Now is the time to take a quantum leap forward in consciousness, to discover that everything in creation has God-consciousness and responds to Divine Will.  It is important, therefore, that you create your moments of attunement, that you try to become still and to contact the I AM presence of God within you, that you truly follow the ancient commandment "Be still, and know that I am God".  For without these moments of stillness you will follow the path of the vast mass of Humanity and will be swept along like lemmings to destruction.

Just because society as a whole follows a certain course of action and adopts certain values, that does not mean that you have to join them.  Surely you can see that many, if not all, of the great advances in human understanding have come about only because certain individuals chose to stand against the tide of popular belief, and by stand against I do not mean by consciously opposing but, rather, by simply upholding what they knew to be true.  How did they know it to be true??  Because of their own inner guidance.

Making Choices

If I use orthodox Christian terminology it will, perhaps, help you to distinguish between the paths that are open to you.  As you walk through life you are constantly choosing between what has been called the divine and the satanic paths.  The divine path is the path that leads to oneness with the Creator of all Life and, as such, is empowered by the will of your Creator.  The satanic path is the path which Humanity creates in response to its own egotistical thought forms, to its own desires to be as god.  However, because Humanity cannot accept that it alone creates the satanic path, so it has to place the responsibility for such a creation on some poor individual called the Devil or Satan who has to shoulder the burden of human guilt!!

But, truly, the satanic path is just the other side of the coin.  You all have to make choices, every minute of your conscious lives.  Unless you are a living Master, and have become one with the Creator, then, inevitably, you will err.  Do not be ashamed or downhearted.  To err is only human and, of course, your Creator has made allowance for that in the Divine Plan.  Just realise that it was simply seperation from your God, from your guidance, that created that situation of error in the first place and resolve to learn from that experience and never to repeat the same mistake again.  Life is a classroom.  You are allowed to make mistakes.  So recognise that suffering is simply the repetition of the same mistake -- separation from God.

A Learning Experience

I would like you to see clearly that the difference between the divine and the satanic is guidance.  It is guidance, or the absence of it, that decides the nature of the path that you will walk in life.  Do not, however, think that guidance will guarantee you a smooth path in life.  Look at the life of the Master Jesus.  You all have lessons to learn and karma to transmute.  What guidance will do is to ensure that you fulfil your chosen destiny and fulfil it with understanding and commitment.  Remember that guidance not only flows through you but that it also flows through other people and that God works through all people.  So be aware that everything in life, the people and the things that you like as much as the people and things that you dislike, has a message for you, is a learning experience for you, is your guidance as well.  So you must always be open to the moment and greet it openly and joyfully, for it truly represents your Creator talking to you, guiding you.

It is an aware person who sees the hand of God manifesting in their daily lives and who acknowledges and gives thanks for that presence.  That is true communion.  Recognise that you can choose whether to walk your path in life hand in hand with God, or not.  Indeed, that is the only path that an evolved soul can walk, for that is the path to the mastery of the physical plane of life.  You will only be able to accept the happenings of the next years physically, mentally and spiritually if you are truly walking hand in hand with your God, if you are at one with the Creator of this great drama.


The world today is approaching a time of great testing and, therefore, a time of great evolution.  It is a time of the sorting of the wheat from the chaff, a time when many will fall by the wayside and will perish.  But it is also a time of great beginnings.  It is a time of great happenings on all of the many planes of life.  It is, so to speak, the final act of a great drama that began almost seven thousand years ago.  You are all privileged to be here to see the transformation of Humanity into the Golden Age of Aquarius.  So face this great challenge with trust in your Creator.  Go boldly forth into the new Age, secure in the guidance of the God within you, which is truly the one and only guidance that you have.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


The accuracy of any prophecy, channelling or teaching is directly proportional to the purity and the soul-consciousness both of the source of the teaching and of the human instrument that is receiving and grounding it. 



Almost inevitably, any message, any teaching, coming through a physical instrument is distorted to a degree and will be inaccurate in some respect.  And, almost inevitably, the soul and the personality consciousness of the physical instrument will influence both the message and the teaching.  That is why there are those who say that they have seen the future, who know the timing of the worldshattering events that are to overtake Humanity, who have led their followers to places of "survival", who have stablished religious practices designed to "save" the souls of their followers and yet who, in the short term anyway, have been proved wrong.

That is why there is so much conflict amongst the so-called New Age Movement.  That is why there are so many "answers" to the problems now facing Humanity.  That is why there are so many gurus appearing all over the planet who are offering conflicting teachings about the path of human salvation.  One fact, however, is indisputable, even to the most unobservant of human minds, namely, that the pace of life on the Earth is rapidly increasing.

Time Speeding Up

So on the physical, material level the path of human evolution is changing dramatically.  Time is speeding up.  The vibratory rate of the Earth is being quickened by the actions of great Cosmic Lords in order to balance the denseness of human behaviour which is threatening the very existence of the planet.  However, this quickening has increased not only the pace of physical life but also the rate of karmic settlement.  This means that Humanity is being compelled to face tests which strain its point of consciousness, its spiritual understanding, to the very limit.

Only those who are truly God-centered, who are coming from a point of God consciousness rather than body consciousness, will be able to handle this great cosmic challenge.  Again, I will compare this present situation to the problems that have been caused by the advances in speed, size and frequency of public transportation by air.  This means that much of Humanity has the freedom to travel all over the planet with the result that many human problems, instead of being rooted in one place or in one country, are now spread all over the world.  Local problems have now become planetary problems.  Humanity can no longer act in isolation.

Modern Technology

Modern technological advances have intensified rather than moderated the physical challenge to Humanity.  Here, in the Western World, you are in the forefront of this technological revolution, but has it led to a comparable revolution in human consciousness??  Is Humanity really any more evolved, any more aware, any more God conscious, than it was one, two or even three thousand years ago??  Recognise that amidst all of this twenty-first century technology the basic equation of life, namely, man, woman and human relationships, still remains.  Are you any more happy, any more contented, any more wise because of all this technological progress??  Yes, you have a higher standard of living.  Yes, you have a plentiful supply of food and water, available to you at very little personal sacrifice.  Yes, you have a life where most of the physical dangers have been removed, where disease only rarely threatens.  But if this is the case, then why are most people so unhappy with their lives??  Why has the suicide rate increased in most western countries??  Why are human relationships, and the institution of marriage in particular, disintegrating??  Why does Humanity no longer respect the sanctity of all life and pay homage to its Creator??

Divine Link

Humanity has, to a large extent, lost touch with its roots.  Living in a world dominated by human technology, it has forgotten whence it came and whither it will go when it dies.  Humanity has forgotten exactly what is the motive power of all life, what is the source of the energy which creates impels and controls all things.  Above all, Humanity has forgotten its own divine link, its own divine heritage.  It has lost sight of the fact that every human being is either a son or a daughter of God.  Inherent in this divine heritage is the guidance that any earthly father would give to his son or daughter and this is especially true of your Divine Father.  Your Creator is both omniscient and omnipresent and will always guide you if you will but seek Its guidance with an open heart and an open mind.

Moreover, at your very moment of birth you are linked with the celestial beings who will be with you for the whole of your mortal life, your two guardian angels and your doorkeeper, and they have but one purpose in life and that is to serve and to guide you.  Finally, remember that there is always available to you the guidance not only of the great Masters but also of the whole Spiritual Hierarchy on the higher planes of life.  All that is needed to tap into this source is a few minutes of invocatory attunement.


Now many people in your world today believe that all this advanced technology will, somehow, proved the answers to all the problems of life that Humanity is now facing.  They have made Science into a god.  Of course, Science is, in reality, the study of God, but it is not, and never will be, God!  A closer look  will reveal that many of the problems now facing Humanity, especially the environmental ones, are caused by that very same Science!

Humanity, as a whole, and Science, in particular, are now becomig aware that it is the effluent from cars, planes, power stations and industry in general that is destroying the delicate environment of the planet just as much as the rapid increase in erroneous thoughts, words and deeds by the human population.  However, even though the major causes of pollution have been identified, is Humanity prepared to change its patterns of behaviour??  Is Humanity prepared to make the necessary physical sacrifices in order to save the environment of the planet??  You must understand that all technology is but a tool in the hand of Humanity, and if the hand that uses that tool is not aware, is not properly guided, is not working with divine intent, then it can be a very dangerous tool.

Seeking Divine Guidance

Does Humanity, however,  have either the power or the will to transform this present situation, especially if it has not been able to do so in the face of far lesser challenges over the past five thousand years??  Is Humanity capable of suddenly bringing about a change in its behaviour?? Only if it recognises its divine birthright and seeks divine guidance!!  It is only the clear mind, the clean intellect, that can see that Humanity has to find a new form of guidance and by this I mean guidance not of this Earth, guidance that is not subject to human conditioning, to the material concepts of life, to the restrictions of time and space, that has been polluted by the dense vibrations of the physical plane of Earth.  Such guidance can only come from that point of stillness within you, from the God-centre within each and every one of you.

This, therefore, is the real challenge that faces Humanity at this time.  You all have to choose where you want to stand on the wheel of life.  Do you want to stand on the periphery of the wheel, being spun round at high speed, in a confused and bewildered state, constantly being ruled by time and matter, or do you want to stand in the centre of the wheel, in a place of peace and stillness, in the innermost part of your being, your divine spirit.  It is only from such a centre that you can draw on divine inspiration and take right action.

Being Unique

The one and only guidance is the divine guidance which comes from deep within your soul being, which you receive in those moments of stillness, of silent attunement to the Source of all Life.  Such guidance will reveal paths to walk and understandings to follow that are very different to those held and generally accepted by the world today.  It therefore requires great courage and faith not just to listen to but also to put into practice such guidance.  It is difficult to walk alone, against the stream of life and public acceptance, but you must learn to do it.  Do not be afraid of being ahead of your time, of being mocked and even persecuted for heralding the New Age.  Your demonstration is your lesson, is your karma, is your passport into the New Age.  Grow to recognise that every human being is unique, unique not just in their soul being and soul note, but in the path of life that they have walked and in the balance of their karmic account.  So it follows that for every human being divine guidance will be unique, responding to the unique soul note of the individual concerned.

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

Saturday, 2 November 2013


Value every second of your day as a great opportunity for the gaining of consciousness.  Handle all the tests that you have to face with equanimity, in the knowledge that you are never alone unless you choose to be, and that your Creator is only an invocation away.  The Master concludes his teaching on

  Attune Consciously

So as you wake up each morning be aware of your quest for consciousness.  Attune consciously to that quest and let it motivate your every thought, word and deed during the day.  If you align your being with your quest then your day will have both purpose and meaning.  If you awake each morning to the thought of "How can I serve you this day, O Lord" rather than of "O Lord, how are You going to serve me this day", you will be establishing the correct balance for the day.  If you follow that simple rule, then, as the days go by, you will know the reality of that great cosmic truth, that as you give, so shall you receive.  You will know that any sacrifice that you make with pure motivation will be rewarded tenfold, for even if you sacrifice your life, what are you actually losing??

What, in reality, belongs to you??  Your physical body belongs to the Earth.  The material possessions which you prize so greatly and which you think belong to you, in reality belong to, and are controlled by, the Lord of this Earth and will eventually return to the Earth.  The truth of your reality is that you possess only one thing and that is your consciousness or, what I call, knowingness of God present in your soul being.  This is the knowledge which is yours for eternity.  This is the knowledge which is the key to the door that leads to a universe of expanded consciousness.  You are learning through incarnation on this small planet, in this small solar system, to be gods of the Universe.  It may appear to you to be a very hard lesson, but remember that that which is of the greatest value always requires the greatest sacrifice.  It is by the greatest sacrifice that you will acquire the greatest consciousness.

Individual Quests

Recognise that all of you, being unique aspects of Infinite Spirit are following very individual quests.  All of you are sounding differing notes and, as such, are responding even now to my message in differing ways.  Such is the individuality of the Human Race and yet in that individuality lies great strength, for when all the individualised aspects of human consciousness have evolved and have grown together they will form a great cosmic being.  Nevertheless, at this time in the world, you can only be responsible for the evolution of your own point of consciousness.  It is not for you to judge others, to criticise their path, to question the nature of their being.  You can only sound your note and walk your path to the highest of your consciousness.  You can only follow your quest for consciousness.

Align Your Being

Before concluding, I would ask you to examine deeply the true nature of your own being.  At all times seek to align your being with the universal force of Infinite Spirit.  Realise the temporality of this physical world.  Value every second of your day as a great opportunity for the gaining of consciousness.  Handle all the tests that you have to face with equanimity, in the knowledge that you are never alone unless you choose to be, and that your Creator is only an invocation away.

Consider yourselves as chalice cups waiting to be filled with divine energy.  The only thing that prevents your cup from being filled is if it is already full of your own ego-self with all its blockages and limitations.  The only difference between you and a great Master is that the cup of a great master has been filled with divine spirit, whilst yours is probably only a quarter full.  So remember that you have to empty the cup first before it can be filled.  You have to accept the preference of a divine world over your world.

Sacrificial Service

I know how hard it is for you to surrender, to sacrifice of your being, for you feel that you are surrendering a most precious part of yourself.  But have you ever stopped to consider what it is that you are actually surrendering??  It is your ego-self, it is the personality opinion that you have formed of yourself, the importance that you have attached to your concepts of who and what you are.  That is why you find it so difficult of serve, especially to serve those in need, those who have not yet walked the spiritual path as far as you have.  The lesson of this school of life called Earth is sacrificial service.  When you deny your birthright by refusing to serve you are denying your very purpose for being here, you are cutting off the flow of the Universe to you, for as you serve others, so others serve you, as you express your divinity, so the Divine expresses Itself to you.

Never Alone

Finally, remember, that as you walk your path in life, the Universe is walking it with you, for you are never alone.  Your every thought, word and deed is watched and noted by beings on many different levels of life, who are watching with interest this experiment in human evolution.  There are those who say that the experiment will never work, that Humanity will never be prepared to sacrifice itself for the whole, but there are others who believe that such a transformation is possible.  Such beings hold the vision that one day a race of Humanity will walk the face of the Earth who will regard the country as being of more importance than the individual, the race as being of more importance than the country, the planet as being of more importance that the race.

Such a race of Humanity will have gained the consciousness to recognise that by sacrificing to the whole they have in reality lost nothing but have gained the Holy Grail --  the presence of God in their own beings.  They will know that it is that very God-presence in them that will raise them to levels as yet undiscovered, that will enable them to achieve that which they had previously thought to be impossible.  Your task, today, is to allow the Holy Grail to fill your cup, and to join that select band of Masters who have evolved beyond the need for physical incarnation, who now stand above the Earth and who serve not just the Human Race, not just the planet and this solar system, but the whole Cosmos.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".


The purpose of attaining a high point of consciousness is not to lead a peaceful life, living in isolation from a world of which you want no part.  No, it is to go forth and to sound your note in the world at large.  The greater your point of consciousness, the greater your ability to be of service.  The Master explains how to achieve this  success...

Time of Transformation

I would like you all to understand that at this particular time in the evolutionary cycle your quest for consciousness is of supreme importance.  You are experiencing darkness in order that you may see the light more clearly.  You are experiencing darkness because in past lives, when you lived in a time of light, you chose to ignore it.  The purpose of darkness is to help you to focus on the light, and at this time in the world most people are very aware of the need for light, not the light that is capable of transforming Humanity instantly into a realised race, but the light that will help Humanity to understand more clearly the true nature of its own creations in thought, word and deed.

This is the time, above all, when Humanity must watch closely everything that it creates on every level of its existence, for this is the time of supreme testing.  This is the time of the ending of an Age, and of the changing of the Cycle, the time of the transformation of the planet into a world of which you can barely conceive.  I can tell you, with certainty, that it is how you handle this darkness, how you pursue your quest for consciousness, that will decide your role in the New Age.  Every little sacrifice that you make is noted.  Every act of service that you make, no matter how small, is noted.  Every step that you make on your quest for consciousness is noted.  So you lose nothing by your sacrifice and your service but you gain the world, for the gain in consciousness that you make now will be with you forever.

A Unique Opportunity

This point in time is also of great significance because you are being presented with a unique opportunity for realising the true nature and purpose of the drama that is being enacted for you.  Remember, however, that you, too, are a part of the drama and that it is not for you to judge or to condemn either the other actors in this drama or the roles that they are playing, rather, it is for you to observe them and to grow in wisdom from your observations.  As I am always telling you, this Earth is a school of life and at this time you are being presented with one of its supreme moments of learning.

Blaming God

In your world today many people have become disillusioned with God because of what is manifesting in the world.  Indeed, some people even blame God for the present state of the world!!  The familiar cry is often heard, "How can God permit such things to happen?  If our God is a God of love, how can He permit all the human suffering that is now taking place?  Why does He not stop it?".  The people who make such statements do not understand the role of God in this great drama, for God is not the intervener, God is the observer!

Humanity is simply suffering what Humanity has created by its own actions.  God will help YOU to change this world but God will not change this world simply to remove Humanity´s suffering.  God will help YOU to transform your being but God will not transform your being just because you ask Him to, rather like a wizard waving his magic wand.  The whole purpose of this school of life is that you learn from your actions, as you sow, so shall you reap.  The great Law of Karma is all pervading in this respect.

Character of the Soul

As any good teacher will tell you, any learning experience is directly related to the energy, the effort and the sacrifice that is expended by the pupil.  It is the same with life.  The greater the test, the greater the opportunity to strengthen the character of the soul.  Those tests in which you have died in past lives have had a profound effect upon your soul being and have been primarily responsible for moulding your point of consciousness and for establishing your understanding of what is Truth.  You are prepared to die and, indeed, have often done so in past lives, for what you know to be the Truth, for there is no greater God than Truth, and what is Truth but God´s Will made manifest on the Earth.  So in these times of darkness there is a great opportunity for seeing Truth, for discovering God´s Will, both for you and for this planet.

Every day you are presented with new challenges so that you can hone and evolve your point of consciousness.  It is not for you to question and to judge that day, rather it is for you to observe that day with an aware eye, to be open to its every moment.  You should be prepared to serve the day rather than expecting the day to serve you.  You should be prepared to give of your consciousness no matter what the cost, and as you give, so shall you receive.

Time is Speeding Up

I wonder if you all realise how fast time is racing by, how soon your physical lives will be over.  No matter how old you are, most people can sense that time is speeding up.  Moreover, there is a physical time scale to this presnet Cycle.  Each day, therefore, must be grasped as a heaven-sent opportunity for gaining consciousness, for seeing the consciousness of God in every aspect of life around you, for that is the only God that you can ever know whilst you are in physical incarnation.  That is one of the limitations of this world of matter in which you live.

You have been placed in a dense body of matter, placed in a school of learning, shut off from many of your higher senses, just to witness this very special drama created for you by your Creator.  You have been separated from your Creator so that through the drama of life you will find your way back to your Creator, from whence you came.

Part Two --  Write Title in Search box, top left, and add "Part Two".

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".