See clearly that the difference between the divine and the satanic is guidance. It is guidance, or the absence of it, that decides the nature of the path that you walk in life.
Empower Yourself
How easy it would be if you could just close your eyes, enter into the stillness of your being and receive divine guidance, rather like turning on the radio in the morning in order to listen to the news. But, alas, you all know better! Why should this be so? Because, using the analogy of the radio, your radio has very little power and can only receive guidance very faintly. Your radio is quite serviceable but it needs to be empowered before it can operate efficiently, in just the same way that you have to connect a radio to a power supply before you can receive the radio station. So you have to empower yourselves in order to obtain this guidance. You have to empower yourselves by purifying yourselves in thought, word and deed and by establishing a pattern of stillness and silence, times when you consciously attune and direct your thoughts towards the Creator of all Life and humbly offer your being in service to that Lord with no thought of return or reward.
Knowing Intuitively
How many of you actually attune to your Creator on a conscious level during your everyday lives?? How many of you actually make the effort to quieten your minds and bodies at fixed intervals throughout the day and try to attune to your Creator and Its Will for you?? That is the guidance of which I speak. Now, for most people, guidance does not come as that still small voice within, telling you clearly what to do in any given situation. Guidance, for the most part, comes from the practice of constantly attuning to the Creator of all Life so that you know, almost intuitively, the path of right action without even having to ask.
By seeking the counsel and wisdom of your Creator in times of peace you will be able to attune automatically to them in times of crisis. Remember, also, that your every action causes a reaction, that is the Law of Karma, and how the Universe responds to your actions enables you to check on the rightfulness and appropriateness of those actions. I call this process "universal feedback". How the Universe or the world around you is responding, provides a mirror to your actions. This enables you to check on all your actions.
The world today presents you with a great challenge. It is a time when you must go boldly forth into the unknown. It is a time when you must explore new relationships, both with your fellow human beings and with the three other Kingdoms of Matter, for it is only by so doing that both Humanity and this planet will be saved. It does not need a wise person to see that little has changed in the field of human relationships over the known course of human history.
Humanity today behave in much the same way as it did in ancient India ad Sumeria, certainly as it did in ancient Greece or Rome. The only differene between then and now is that the vibratory rate to which Humanity is being subjected is much higher, because the vibratory rate of the Earth is being speeded up. One result of this vibratory increase is a great intensification in human relationships. This not only brings out all the weaknesses of Humanity but also all of its strengths. So it is a time when all people of consciousness should stand forth and be counted, should sound their note. God works through people and the New Age has to be grounded on the Earth by the people who are open to the new, by the people who are attuning to the note of the new rather than of the old.
A Quantum Leap
Those who seek and follow their own divine guidance will discover not just the reality of life on Earth but the presence and purpose of their Creator in all things. Now is the time to take a quantum leap forward in consciousness, to discover that everything in creation has God-consciousness and responds to Divine Will. It is important, therefore, that you create your moments of attunement, that you try to become still and to contact the I AM presence of God within you, that you truly follow the ancient commandment "Be still, and know that I am God". For without these moments of stillness you will follow the path of the vast mass of Humanity and will be swept along like lemmings to destruction.
Just because society as a whole follows a certain course of action and adopts certain values, that does not mean that you have to join them. Surely you can see that many, if not all, of the great advances in human understanding have come about only because certain individuals chose to stand against the tide of popular belief, and by stand against I do not mean by consciously opposing but, rather, by simply upholding what they knew to be true. How did they know it to be true?? Because of their own inner guidance.
Making Choices
If I use orthodox Christian terminology it will, perhaps, help you to distinguish between the paths that are open to you. As you walk through life you are constantly choosing between what has been called the divine and the satanic paths. The divine path is the path that leads to oneness with the Creator of all Life and, as such, is empowered by the will of your Creator. The satanic path is the path which Humanity creates in response to its own egotistical thought forms, to its own desires to be as god. However, because Humanity cannot accept that it alone creates the satanic path, so it has to place the responsibility for such a creation on some poor individual called the Devil or Satan who has to shoulder the burden of human guilt!!
But, truly, the satanic path is just the other side of the coin. You all have to make choices, every minute of your conscious lives. Unless you are a living Master, and have become one with the Creator, then, inevitably, you will err. Do not be ashamed or downhearted. To err is only human and, of course, your Creator has made allowance for that in the Divine Plan. Just realise that it was simply seperation from your God, from your guidance, that created that situation of error in the first place and resolve to learn from that experience and never to repeat the same mistake again. Life is a classroom. You are allowed to make mistakes. So recognise that suffering is simply the repetition of the same mistake -- separation from God.
A Learning Experience
I would like you to see clearly that the difference between the divine and the satanic is guidance. It is guidance, or the absence of it, that decides the nature of the path that you will walk in life. Do not, however, think that guidance will guarantee you a smooth path in life. Look at the life of the Master Jesus. You all have lessons to learn and karma to transmute. What guidance will do is to ensure that you fulfil your chosen destiny and fulfil it with understanding and commitment. Remember that guidance not only flows through you but that it also flows through other people and that God works through all people. So be aware that everything in life, the people and the things that you like as much as the people and things that you dislike, has a message for you, is a learning experience for you, is your guidance as well. So you must always be open to the moment and greet it openly and joyfully, for it truly represents your Creator talking to you, guiding you.
It is an aware person who sees the hand of God manifesting in their daily lives and who acknowledges and gives thanks for that presence. That is true communion. Recognise that you can choose whether to walk your path in life hand in hand with God, or not. Indeed, that is the only path that an evolved soul can walk, for that is the path to the mastery of the physical plane of life. You will only be able to accept the happenings of the next years physically, mentally and spiritually if you are truly walking hand in hand with your God, if you are at one with the Creator of this great drama.
The world today is approaching a time of great testing and, therefore, a time of great evolution. It is a time of the sorting of the wheat from the chaff, a time when many will fall by the wayside and will perish. But it is also a time of great beginnings. It is a time of great happenings on all of the many planes of life. It is, so to speak, the final act of a great drama that began almost seven thousand years ago. You are all privileged to be here to see the transformation of Humanity into the Golden Age of Aquarius. So face this great challenge with trust in your Creator. Go boldly forth into the new Age, secure in the guidance of the God within you, which is truly the one and only guidance that you have.
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".