Saturday 2 November 2013


Value every second of your day as a great opportunity for the gaining of consciousness.  Handle all the tests that you have to face with equanimity, in the knowledge that you are never alone unless you choose to be, and that your Creator is only an invocation away.  The Master concludes his teaching on

  Attune Consciously

So as you wake up each morning be aware of your quest for consciousness.  Attune consciously to that quest and let it motivate your every thought, word and deed during the day.  If you align your being with your quest then your day will have both purpose and meaning.  If you awake each morning to the thought of "How can I serve you this day, O Lord" rather than of "O Lord, how are You going to serve me this day", you will be establishing the correct balance for the day.  If you follow that simple rule, then, as the days go by, you will know the reality of that great cosmic truth, that as you give, so shall you receive.  You will know that any sacrifice that you make with pure motivation will be rewarded tenfold, for even if you sacrifice your life, what are you actually losing??

What, in reality, belongs to you??  Your physical body belongs to the Earth.  The material possessions which you prize so greatly and which you think belong to you, in reality belong to, and are controlled by, the Lord of this Earth and will eventually return to the Earth.  The truth of your reality is that you possess only one thing and that is your consciousness or, what I call, knowingness of God present in your soul being.  This is the knowledge which is yours for eternity.  This is the knowledge which is the key to the door that leads to a universe of expanded consciousness.  You are learning through incarnation on this small planet, in this small solar system, to be gods of the Universe.  It may appear to you to be a very hard lesson, but remember that that which is of the greatest value always requires the greatest sacrifice.  It is by the greatest sacrifice that you will acquire the greatest consciousness.

Individual Quests

Recognise that all of you, being unique aspects of Infinite Spirit are following very individual quests.  All of you are sounding differing notes and, as such, are responding even now to my message in differing ways.  Such is the individuality of the Human Race and yet in that individuality lies great strength, for when all the individualised aspects of human consciousness have evolved and have grown together they will form a great cosmic being.  Nevertheless, at this time in the world, you can only be responsible for the evolution of your own point of consciousness.  It is not for you to judge others, to criticise their path, to question the nature of their being.  You can only sound your note and walk your path to the highest of your consciousness.  You can only follow your quest for consciousness.

Align Your Being

Before concluding, I would ask you to examine deeply the true nature of your own being.  At all times seek to align your being with the universal force of Infinite Spirit.  Realise the temporality of this physical world.  Value every second of your day as a great opportunity for the gaining of consciousness.  Handle all the tests that you have to face with equanimity, in the knowledge that you are never alone unless you choose to be, and that your Creator is only an invocation away.

Consider yourselves as chalice cups waiting to be filled with divine energy.  The only thing that prevents your cup from being filled is if it is already full of your own ego-self with all its blockages and limitations.  The only difference between you and a great Master is that the cup of a great master has been filled with divine spirit, whilst yours is probably only a quarter full.  So remember that you have to empty the cup first before it can be filled.  You have to accept the preference of a divine world over your world.

Sacrificial Service

I know how hard it is for you to surrender, to sacrifice of your being, for you feel that you are surrendering a most precious part of yourself.  But have you ever stopped to consider what it is that you are actually surrendering??  It is your ego-self, it is the personality opinion that you have formed of yourself, the importance that you have attached to your concepts of who and what you are.  That is why you find it so difficult of serve, especially to serve those in need, those who have not yet walked the spiritual path as far as you have.  The lesson of this school of life called Earth is sacrificial service.  When you deny your birthright by refusing to serve you are denying your very purpose for being here, you are cutting off the flow of the Universe to you, for as you serve others, so others serve you, as you express your divinity, so the Divine expresses Itself to you.

Never Alone

Finally, remember, that as you walk your path in life, the Universe is walking it with you, for you are never alone.  Your every thought, word and deed is watched and noted by beings on many different levels of life, who are watching with interest this experiment in human evolution.  There are those who say that the experiment will never work, that Humanity will never be prepared to sacrifice itself for the whole, but there are others who believe that such a transformation is possible.  Such beings hold the vision that one day a race of Humanity will walk the face of the Earth who will regard the country as being of more importance than the individual, the race as being of more importance than the country, the planet as being of more importance that the race.

Such a race of Humanity will have gained the consciousness to recognise that by sacrificing to the whole they have in reality lost nothing but have gained the Holy Grail --  the presence of God in their own beings.  They will know that it is that very God-presence in them that will raise them to levels as yet undiscovered, that will enable them to achieve that which they had previously thought to be impossible.  Your task, today, is to allow the Holy Grail to fill your cup, and to join that select band of Masters who have evolved beyond the need for physical incarnation, who now stand above the Earth and who serve not just the Human Race, not just the planet and this solar system, but the whole Cosmos.

This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".

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