Fears are really the absence of trust.... Trusting in God!
Motivated by Spirit
So where there is union with Infinite Knowledge, where there is union with God, there can be no fear. That is why fear can be defined as the absence of God or, rather, as the absence of a trust in God, for if you are linked to the Source of all Life there is no place for fear. If you are empowered and motivated by your spirit, by the force of God in motion within you, then you have knowledge of all of God´s creations and manifestations. Now, of course, as you face the problems and tests of everyday living you will frequently have to act without this certain knowledge. There will be times when you will have to take a step forward in what you call faith -- not blind faith but certain faith. Knowing the force of God in motion as you do, having opened yourself and your intuitive process to the wisdom of Its Being, feeling that this is the correct action to take, you will proceed in faith. After such a step observe very closely to see whether the world around you supports or denies your action, to see whether you are at one with the flow of the Universe.
Motivated by Fear
You should never take action out of fear, for that means that you are not taking action in the moment but rather out of fear for what you think may happen in the future, a future that exists only in your own mind, a future that is based purely on your projection of the present. Be aware that any action that is not grounded in your present reality, that is based on what I call psychological as opposed to real time, is motivated by fear and will indeed only lead to further fear. Recognise that for the person who is linked to the God within and who has true awareness of the moment in time that they are experiencing, who has a spiritual understanding of life that they are living, there can be no fear.
Knowledge of Your Creator
The most precious thing that you can possess, therefore, is a knowledge of your Creator. For if that knowledge removes fear then just think how much of your time will be released for spiritual growth and learning. Think of how your relationships will change overnight. Think of how you will look afresh at your husband or wife, at your children, at your possessions, at your own needs for material security. Think of how you will look at the world anew. So recognise that the end-purpose of knowledge is the abolition of fear, for fear can only function in the unknown. When you know, you no longer fear. When your thoughts, words and deeds are motivated by Divine Will then there is no place for fear.
A person that is fearful cannot act with the same power as a person who is at one with the Source of all Life. A person who lives in fear cannot function effectively on any level. When you see a person acting out of spiritual knowledge you see a Master of this plane of life. When you see a person acting as one with God, demonstrating the I AM God presence in the world, you see a being that has abolished fear.
Processing Fear
It is the birthright of every human being to live without fear. You are only fearful if you choose to be so. Therefore if you are a fearful person examine the cause of your worst fear. Spend time and energy processing that fear, for in that you acknowledge and come to terms with your worst fear you will establish the understanding and the knowledge to handle all your other fears. So many of you live from fear to fear. As one fear is removed you create another fear and the process multiplies with the diversity of your fears. A person who is fearful is helpless and cannot help another but a person who is fearless can change the world, can influence the course of history, for what is there to fear when you act as one with God??
Nothing to Fear
There are many things in the world at this time which can create fear. There are many karmic situations coming that will create even greater fear. Fear can be likened to a contagious disease that can quickly spread and affect many people. So it is vital that all old souls who possess the knowledge and the wisdom of the Divine that they should stand forth and demonstrate that fear is not a part of their being. All young souls should try to understand the root cause of fear, namely, a lack of trust in the Creator which created them and in the world in which they live. A Godless person is a fearful person. A God-filled person is a being of joy, a saviour of the world. I can say to you in all honesty that truly you have nothing to fear but yourself.
A Question and Answer
Q: On a soul level do we have fears? Is there such a thing as a soul fear?
A: The soul, which can be likened to the memory of spirit, is a record of all past life experiences. Now these experiences present themselves to your subconscious mind not as a specific recall of past life events but more as an instinctive feeling. It is this feeling which can be projected into the conscious mind as a physical fear. For example, if in one of your more recent lives you were, shall we say, burnt at the stake as a heretic or as a witch, then you would incarnate with a deep awareness of that death by fire and of the physical conditions that led to your death. These could manifest on the physical level either as a fear of fire or of putting yourself into a position where you could be persecuted for your spiritual beliefs. Moreover, if in this life you were again to meet the very souls who were responsible for your death, you would feel deep concern about them and would exercise great caution in your dealings with them. It is these feelings that can sometimes develop into psychological fear.
This article is from "The Fantastic Teachings of Ramala".