Tuesday, 20 August 2019


In an almighty revelation, cutting away the very ground of ignorance where, until now, we have taken our stand, Sai Baba gave this spiritual practice of Holding to Truth as part of his Birthday Discourse, November 23, 1983. 

He said.....

"If you´re yearning to experience Brahmananda, the Sath-Chith-Ananda (Truth-Awareness-Bliss), which is sincere and pure, from this day, keep ever in your memory what I am about to tell you" :

(And inspite of what we have been previously taught, know that the following statements apply to us all)...Pauline.

(1) "I am God; I am not different from God.” -- Be conscious of this always. Keep it ever in mind. “I am God; I am God, I am not different from God.” Be reminding yourself of this. Pray that you may not fail in this spiritual exercise."

(2) “I am the Indivisible Supreme Absolute.” -- This is the second Truth to be established in the consciousness by unremitting repetition and prayer."

(3) "I am Sath-Chith-Ananda.” >> i.e. Truth (Being), Awareness, Bliss <<.

(4) "Grief and anxiety can never affect me.” -- Develop this faith and convince yourselves of this Truth by repeated assurance and prayer."

(5) “I am ever content; fear can never enter me." -- Feel this for ever. Pray that this conviction grows stronger and stronger."

"As the physical body is maintained healthy and strong by the five vital airs (prana), these five prayers will endow you with the 'awareness of Brahman' which is the same as the status of Brahman Itself!"  Namastè.

Friday, 9 August 2019


                                                  NO VICTIMS OR VILLAINS

But.... How can those of us who seek to raise our own consciousness, and try to assist in helping to raise the consciousness of humanity, enlarge this understanding??
Answer - : - Speak to humanity of the Tools of Creation. THOUGHT, WORD and DEED. These are the devices with which you create your micro-reality. These tools are perfect. They are magnificently effective.

What you think, what you say and what you do creates the experience that you call "you" and the conditions and circumstances of your life.
It is as I have always said : If you think that you are a victim, say that you are a victim and act as if you are a victim, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE YOURSELF AS A VICTIM in spite of the fact that you are not.

The same will be true when you decide to label the experience of others. If you think that another is a victim, and act as if that person is a victim, you will experience that other person as a victim in spite of the fact that he or she is not.

It is impossible to be a victim of circumstances you create. Always remember that.
Therefore, to be a victim of circumstances, you must swear that you did not create them. But this tells a lie about you.

You create all of the circumstances of your life. If you create them at a conscious level, you will be aware of it. If you create them at a subconscious of super-conscious level, you may not. But... YOU WILL HAVE CREATED THE CIRCUMSTANCES NONETHELESS.
All Masters know this, which is why no Master ever points a finger at another person and says, "You did this to me."

Yet you may experience whatever you choose. You may experience what you have come to know about who you are as a result of your life in the spiritual realm before your birth, or you may experience something other than that, something less than that. In this, as in all matters, you have free will.

(An excerpt from the book "Home With God".)



"Everyone is subject to rhythms in their lives. Everyone goes through high periods when an inflow of blessedness brings you all the things you have every wanted and you are on a peak of human happiness and success. You rejoice! Then comes the time when suddenly the rhythm of life changes, resources dry up, relationships become difficult and precarious, your career takes a downward turn, or obstacles occur which keep you static for a long time. You may ask yourself what you have done wrong. Previously you worked very successfully within the LAWS of EXISTENCE but now there are daily challenges and nothing you think or do is truly alleviating the stress of your daily life.

When - if - these times come upon you - be still and quiet within your heart and mind - and know that you are still drawing life and direction from Divine Consciousness, despite appearances to the contrary, despite the superficial agonies. At these times it is essential to withdraw and take stock of the ways in which you may have slipped in consciousness during your "up" times - and strengthen your dependence on Divine Consciousness.

Without these dark periods of depression, you would not grow in spiritual stature. They have a special message for you so do not give way to despair or bitterness. Although you may feel fragile, this is your winter season of self-discovery and inner renewal which will ultimately prove to be of greater blessing than ever were your "peak periods". Take heart and do not lose faith. Hold on patiently until winter gradually yields to your spiritual spring again.

Persevere in relaxing and confidently waiting for the time when Divine Life will again flow into your mind, heart and earthly life and all you had hoped for will begin to manifest in your experience. And throughout this time, realise and hold on to the fact that if you are no longer aware of the inflow of Divine Consciousness during your meditations, it is not because you have been abandoned but because your own cosmic - and therefore your personal consciousness vibrations - are at a low ebb and you are no longer able to rise to experience the vibrations of Divine Consciousness as you did previously. Although you may not feel them, rest assured that always you are enfolded in them and in DIVINE LOVE."

(From letter 9 of "Letters from Christ" -- https://www.christsway.co.za/letters ).

Thursday, 1 August 2019



The subconscious is the place of experience at which you do not know about, or consciously create, your reality. You do so "subconsciously" -- that is, with very little awareness that you are even doing this, much less why.

This is not a "bad" level of experience, so do not judge it. It is a gift, because it allows you to DO THINKS AUTOMATICALLY. That is functions such as growing your hair, blinking your eyes, or beating your heart are examples of things that you do automatically. You don´t sit down and think, "I´ve got to blink my eyes or I´ve got to grow my fingernails." These things occur -- your entire bodily system operates itself -- without specific conscious instruction from you.


The subconscious also creates instant solutions to problems. It checks incoming data, then goes into its memory bank and comes up with rapid-fire responses to a myriad of situations, again automatically. If you touch a hot pan, you don´t have to think about moving your hand away. You jerk it away in a split second. This is an AUTOMATED RESPONSE BASED ON PRIOR DATA.

The subconscious can save your life. Yet if you are unaware of what parts of your life you have chosen to create automatically, you could imagine yourself to be at the "effect" of life, rather than at the cause in the matter. You could even create yourself as a victim. Therefore, if is important to be aware of what you have chosen to be UNaware of.


The Conscious Level is the place of experience at which you know about, and create, your reality with some awareness of what you are doing. How much of which you are aware depends upon your "level of consciousness". This is the physical level.
When you are commited to the spiritual path, you move through life ever seeking to "elevate your consciousness", or to enlarge the experience of your physical reality to include and encompass what you know, at another level, is true about you.


The Superconscious Level is the place of experience at which you know about, and create, your reality with full awareness of what you are doing. This is the soul level. Most of you are not aware at a conscious level of your superconscious intentions -- unless you are.
The superconscious is the part of you that holds the larger agenda of the soul -- which is to move to Completion in what you came to the body to experience and to feel. The superconscious is constantly leading you to your next most desired growth experience, drawing to you the exact, right, and perfect people, places, and events with which to have that, so that you may achieve the combination of KNOWING and EXPERIENCING that will produce FEELING -- thus creating Awareness of your True Being.


This three-in-one level of consciousness is called the SUPRAconscious. Some of you also call it "Christ Consciousness" or "Elevated/Higher Consciousness".
You can all go to this place. Some people do it in meditation, others in deep prayer, others through ritual or dance or through sacred ceremony -- and others throught process that you call "death". There are many ways to get there. When you are in this place, you are fully creative. All three levels of consciousness have become one. You are said to "have it all together". But it is really more than that, because in this, as in all things, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Supra-consciousness is not simply a combination of the subconscious, the conscious, the superconscious. It is what happens when all are combined AND THEN TRANSCENDED. You then move into pure BEINGNESS. This BEINGNESS is the Ultimate Source of Creation within you. And you may experience this before your "death" or after it.

(Excerpt from book "Home With God".)