Saturday 4 January 2020


The Master Guru continues....


Joyous festivities on high astral planets like Hiranyaloka take place when a being is liberated from the astral world through spiritual advancement and is therefore ready to enter the heavens of the causal world. On such occasions the Invisible Heavenly Father, and the saints who are merged in Him, manifest Themselves in exquisite astral bodies and join the celebration.

To please His beloved child the Lord assumes the form desired by him/her. If the devotee has worshipped through devotion, he/she will see God as the Divine Mother. To the Master Jesus, the Father-aspect of the Infinite was appealing beyond other conceptions. The individuality with which the Creator has endowed each of His creatures makes every conceivable and inconceavable demand on the Lord´s versatality!


Friends of other lives easily recognise one another in the astral world. Rejoicing at the immortality of friendship, they realise the indestructibility of love, often doubted at the time of the sad, delusive partings of earthly life.

By intuition astral persons pierce the veil and observe human activities, but mankind cannot view the astral spheres unless their sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth dwellers have momentarily glimpsed an astral being or an astral world.


Nirbikalpa ectasy is union with God/Creator. The advanced beings on Hiranyaloka generally remain awake in Nirbikalpa ectasy during the long astral day and night, helping to work out intricate problems of cosmic government and the redemption of the prodical sons and daughters earthbound souls. When Hiranyaloka beings sleep, they have occasional dreamlike experiences and astral visions.

Inhabitants of all parts of the astral cosmos are still subject to mental agonies. The sensitive minds of the exalted devotees on planets like Hiranyaloka feel keen pain if any mistake is made in conduct or in perception of truth. These advanced beings endeavour to attune their every act and thought with perfection of spiritual law.


Communication among all astral-world residents is effected entirely by telepathy and astral television. The confusion and misunderstanding of the spoken and written word, prevelant on Earth, are unknown in astral worlds.

Just as mankind on the cinema screen, through a series of light-produced pictures, move and engage in activities but do not actually breathe, so astral persons walk and work as intelligently guided and co-ordinated beings whose essence is Light and who require no oxygen to animate them. Mankind is vitally dependent on solids, liquids, gases, and life energy in the air; but astral-world inhabitants are sustained principally by Cosmic Light.


Luminous raylike vegetables abound in the astral soils. Astral-world dwellers consume fruits and vegetables, and drink a nectar that flows from glorious fountains of Light and in astral brooks and rivers. Just as the ordinarily invisible images of mankind on Earth can be summoned from the ether and made visible by a television device, later being dismissed into space, so the God-created, unseen astral blueprints of vegetables and plants and fruits that float in the ether are precipitated on an astral planet by the fiats of the inhabitants. In the same way, from the wildest fancies of astral beings, immense gardens may be materialized, returning later to etheric invisibility.

Although dwellers on heavenly spheres like Hiranyaloka are almost freed from the necessity of eating, still higher is the unconditioned existence of nearly perfect beings in the causal world, whose only food is the manna of bliss.

(Article and Teaching is from "Autobiography of a Yogi".)

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