Saturday 4 January 2020


The Master Yukteswar continues.....


There are many astral worlds teaming with astral beings. The inhabitant use astral vehicles or masses of Light, to travel from one planet to another, faster than electricity or radioactive energies.

The astral universe, made of subtle vibrations of Light and colour, is hundreds of times larger than the material cosmos. The entire physical creation hangs like a little solid basket under the huge luminous balloon of the astral sphere. Just as many material suns and stars roam in space, so there are also countless astral solar and stellar systems. The astral suns and moons are more lovely than the physical ones. The astral luminaries resemble the Aurora Borealis -- the sunny aurora being more dazzling than the mild-rayed moon aurora. The astral day and night are longer than those of Earth.

The astral universe is infinitely beautiful, clean, pure, and orderly. There are no dead planets or barren lands. The terrestrial blemishes -- weeds, bacteria, insect, snakes -- are absent. Unlike the variable climates and seasons of the Earth, the astral spheres maintain the even temperature of an astral Spring, with occasional luminous white snow and rain of multicoloured Light. Astral worlds abound in opal lakes and bright seas and rainbow rivers.


The ordinary astral universe -- not the subtler astral heaven of Hiranyaloka -- is peopled with millions of astral beings who have come, more or less recently, from the Earth, and also with myriads of fairies, mermaids, fishes, animals, goblins, gnomes, demigods, and spirits, all residing on different astral planets in accordance with karmic qualifications. Various spheric mansions or vibratory regions are provided for good and evil spirits.

Good spirits can travel freely, but evil spirits are confined to limiited zones. In the same way that human beings live on the surface of the Earth, worms inside the soil, fish in the water, and birds in the air, so astral beings of different grades are assigned to suitable vibratory quarters.

Among fallen dark angels, expelled from various astral worlds, friction and war take place with "lifetronic bombs" (finer electronic energies), or mental Mantric (a chanted seed-sound discharged by the mental gun of concentration), vibraratory rays. These outcasts dwell in the gloom-drenched regions of the lower astral cosmos, working out their evil karma.


In the vast realms above the dark and astral prison, all is shining and beautiful. The astral cosmos is more naturally attuned than the Earth to the divine will and plan of perfection. Every astral object is manifested primarily by the Will of God, and partially by the will-call of astral beings. They possess the power of modifying or enhancing the grace and form of anything already created by the Lord. He has given His astral children the freedom and privilege of changing or improving at will the astral cosmos.

On Earth a solid must be transformed into liquid or another form through natural or chemical processes, but astral solids are changed into astral liquids, gases, or atomic energy solely and instantly by the will of the inhabitants.

(This article/teaching is from "Autobiography of a Yogi".)

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