Saturday, 22 February 2020


Know that Christ or the Christ Consciousness is a state of Be-ing, a state of mind and awareness, and it is through the power of our own mind or thought action that we are able to bring forth or realize the Christ Consciousness.


Through the power or process of thought we can transmute and evolve our bodies, or our outer conditions and surroundings, through recognition of this Christ Consciousness within ourselves, so that we will never experience death nor any change called death. This is done wholly through mankind´s power to visualize, idealize, conceive and bring forth that which one gazes upon.


This is done by first knowing or perceiving or having faith that the Christ is within ourselves, seeing the true meaning of Jesus´ teaching ; holding our body one with God, made in the image and likeness of God and merging that body into the perfect God body just as God sees us. We (these great Masters of the Far East) have idealized, conceived and brought forth into manifestation the perfect God body. We are "born again" truly of and in the Spirit Kingdom of God.


It is in this way that we can return all things to the Universal Mind Substance, from which they sprang, and bring them back or return them perfect into outer form or manifestation. Then, by holding them in their pure, spiritual, perfect state, the vibrations are lowered and the things we wish to create come forth in perfect form. In this way we can take every false belief, every old condition, every sin, all of our past life -- it does not matter what it has been, how good or seeming bad, it does not matter what mountain of false belief or doubt or unbelief or fear we or anyone else have erected about us or in our paths -- we can say to them all, "I now return you to the great ocean of Universal Mind Substance, from which all things come forth and where all is perfection, and from which you sprang, there to be again resolved into the elements from which you were created. I now return you or bring you back from that pure substance as perfect and pure as God sees you and hold you always in that absolute perfection."

We can say to ourselves, "I now realize, in the old order of things, that I brought you forth imperfectly and you manifest imperfectly. Realizing the Truth, I now bring you forth perfect as God sees you. You are reborn perfect and `so it is´."


We must realize that the inner alchemist, God within, has taken hold of this and has transmuted, refined and perfected that which seemed imperfect, that which we brought forth and are now returning. We should realize that it is refined, perfected and transmuted just as our bodies are refined, perfected and returned to us as God´s body, joyously perfect, beautifully free. Finally, we should realize that this is the perfect Christ Consciousness in all and for all. This is "Hid with Christ in God."

(An excerpt from "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East".)

Wednesday, 12 February 2020



  A person´s Being -- the Self -- and God are ONE!


The evolution of spiritual concepts has been very slow. Even now in the world, there are people who adore departed Souls as their gods and guides. Practically, we can say that this concept has been the base of spiritual progress. From this concept the idea of duality came, that mankind is separate from God, the creator. This idea persists in most religions. But Hinduism declares that all people are living Gods, everything is God and there exists nothing except God. Other religions preach dualism and pantheism. They teach that God is a separate Being, sitting somewhere in the heavens and ruling the Universe like a dictator. And yet they define God as all-pervading and Omnipresent.

If God exists, He/She exists equally in all Beings. It is easier to seek God within one´s own Self than elsewhere. Again, some religions preach that human beings are separate from God, having individual Souls. This only highlights the confusion of the logicians. A person´s inner Being -- the Self -- and God are One. If not, a person cannot become divine. Human beings are God, but we must learn to manifest our divinity. It is spiritual cowardice that frightens people from acceptance of this fact and provides them shelter in the comforting thought that they are only ordinary people and as such, are condemned to a life of sin.


Hinduism not only boldly asserts the spiritual truth, but it also offers various methods to realize this truth. This made India, from time immemorial, a land of spiritual guides with an ancient and highly developed civilization. India was advanced in every field. The dengeneration of India began when it abandoned spiritualism for materialism and forgot its noble heritage and culture. As a natural corollary, Hinduism also degenerated into dogmatism, fanaticism and rituals. But there are undercurrents in India at present and when they come to the surface, India will once again find its rightful place in the world. The day is not far off.


The spiritual truths propounded ny Hinduism are not the products of speculation, but are the result of centuries of patient investigation. The date of the origen of Hinduism cannot be fixed. The Ultimate cannot be discovered in a few thousand years. Hinduism has discovered the Ultimate and worships IT through symbols. As such, there is no idolatry in Hinduism. A particular idol simply and only represents a particular aspect of the divine. The idol can be destroyed, but the ideal cannot. These ideals combine the manifold aspects of the Ultimate Truth that can onky be realized through spiritual practice.


Endeavour for Self-realization is the tradition and speciality of India. From time immemorial, India has been specialized in Soul Culture. It is the land of pilgrimage for all those who seek soul culture and Self-realization through "yoga" (communion with God). Only by the practice of yoga can one attain peace, happiness, bliss and Self-realization. The physical sciences have failed to provide happiness. Material. progress has left a feeling of emptiness and lack of purpose. It is evident everywhere. Advancement in materialism has eroded cultture and has dealt a hard blow to moral and social values. Only by complete withdrawal from the external world and the exploration of the internal world can a man or woman be at peace with themselves and attain bliss. Yoga (private communion with God) shows the way.

This word "yoga" means union and denotes union of a person with God. This union is always present and has merely to be realized. The Gita say, "Equanimity is yoga" and further states that perfect severance from all personal desires and hatred is yoga. Detachment is yoga. This detachment cannot be achieved by reasoning or intellectual convictions, but only by a technique. The best technique is Kriya Yoga. Once perfect detachment is achieved, a person gains knowledge of hidden things.
Kriya Yoga is the panacea for all the ills of humanity -- physical, mental and spiritual. It is the answer to all sufferings on these planes and produces all-around development and peace. It transforms a person and leads one to their goal. It can transform societies and nations, ushering in an era of peace, prosperity and happiness in the world.

(Article is an exerpt from the book "Kriya Yoga".)

Saturday, 8 February 2020


It is through the "ladder of consciousness" which each of us must climb before we can enter that silent secret place of the Most High....


When we reach the place of silence in the mind, we have reached the place of power -- the place where all is one, the one power -- God. "Be still and know that I Am God." Diffused power is noise. Concentrated power is silence. When, through concentration (drawing into a center), we have brought all of our forces into one point of force, we have contacted God in silence, we are one with Him (Spirit) and hence one with all power. This is the heritage of mankind. "I and my Father are one."


There is but one way to be one with the power of God and that is consciously to contact God. This cannot be done in the "without", for God manifests from within. "The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the Earth keep silent before Him." Only as we turn from the without to the silence of the within can we hope to make conscious union with God. We will realise that His power is for us to use and we will use it at all times. Then we will know that we are one with His power.

Only then will humanity be understood. Mankind will learn to let go of self-delusions and vanities. They will realise their ignorance and littleness. Then will they be prepared to learn. People will realise that the proud cannot be taught. They will know that only the humble can perceive the Truth. Their feet will feel the firm rock, they will no longer stumble, and they will be poised in decision.


To realise that God is the only power, substance and intelligence may be confusing at first. But when one realises the true nature of God and brings Him/Her forth into active expression, one will use this power at all times. One will know that he/she consciously contacts God´s power at all times -- when one eats, when one runs, when one breathes, or when one does the great work before one. Mankind has not learned to do the greater works of God because they have not realised the greatness of God´s power and have not known that God´s power is for mankind´s use.

Remember God does not hear us through our loud and vain repetitions nor our much speaking. We must seek God through the Christ (Consciousness) within, the invisible connection which we have within ourselves. When the Father/Mother within is worshiped in Spirit and Truth, God hears the calls of that soul which sincerely opens to God. The one who makes the connection with the Father/Mother in the secret place of their own soul and there abides, him or her will God reward openly.


How often Yeshua (the Master Jesus) disclosed his individual contact with the Father/Mother. See how he constantly held himself in conscious communication with God within. See how he talked with God as though he were personally present. See how powerful this secret inner relation made him. He recognised that God does not speak in the fire, the earthquake, or the great wind, but in the still, small voice deep in our own souls. Mankind must realise and understand that the real gate to heaven is through ones own consciousness.

(Excerpt from "Teaching of the Masters of the Far East".)