Wednesday 12 February 2020



  A person´s Being -- the Self -- and God are ONE!


The evolution of spiritual concepts has been very slow. Even now in the world, there are people who adore departed Souls as their gods and guides. Practically, we can say that this concept has been the base of spiritual progress. From this concept the idea of duality came, that mankind is separate from God, the creator. This idea persists in most religions. But Hinduism declares that all people are living Gods, everything is God and there exists nothing except God. Other religions preach dualism and pantheism. They teach that God is a separate Being, sitting somewhere in the heavens and ruling the Universe like a dictator. And yet they define God as all-pervading and Omnipresent.

If God exists, He/She exists equally in all Beings. It is easier to seek God within one´s own Self than elsewhere. Again, some religions preach that human beings are separate from God, having individual Souls. This only highlights the confusion of the logicians. A person´s inner Being -- the Self -- and God are One. If not, a person cannot become divine. Human beings are God, but we must learn to manifest our divinity. It is spiritual cowardice that frightens people from acceptance of this fact and provides them shelter in the comforting thought that they are only ordinary people and as such, are condemned to a life of sin.


Hinduism not only boldly asserts the spiritual truth, but it also offers various methods to realize this truth. This made India, from time immemorial, a land of spiritual guides with an ancient and highly developed civilization. India was advanced in every field. The dengeneration of India began when it abandoned spiritualism for materialism and forgot its noble heritage and culture. As a natural corollary, Hinduism also degenerated into dogmatism, fanaticism and rituals. But there are undercurrents in India at present and when they come to the surface, India will once again find its rightful place in the world. The day is not far off.


The spiritual truths propounded ny Hinduism are not the products of speculation, but are the result of centuries of patient investigation. The date of the origen of Hinduism cannot be fixed. The Ultimate cannot be discovered in a few thousand years. Hinduism has discovered the Ultimate and worships IT through symbols. As such, there is no idolatry in Hinduism. A particular idol simply and only represents a particular aspect of the divine. The idol can be destroyed, but the ideal cannot. These ideals combine the manifold aspects of the Ultimate Truth that can onky be realized through spiritual practice.


Endeavour for Self-realization is the tradition and speciality of India. From time immemorial, India has been specialized in Soul Culture. It is the land of pilgrimage for all those who seek soul culture and Self-realization through "yoga" (communion with God). Only by the practice of yoga can one attain peace, happiness, bliss and Self-realization. The physical sciences have failed to provide happiness. Material. progress has left a feeling of emptiness and lack of purpose. It is evident everywhere. Advancement in materialism has eroded cultture and has dealt a hard blow to moral and social values. Only by complete withdrawal from the external world and the exploration of the internal world can a man or woman be at peace with themselves and attain bliss. Yoga (private communion with God) shows the way.

This word "yoga" means union and denotes union of a person with God. This union is always present and has merely to be realized. The Gita say, "Equanimity is yoga" and further states that perfect severance from all personal desires and hatred is yoga. Detachment is yoga. This detachment cannot be achieved by reasoning or intellectual convictions, but only by a technique. The best technique is Kriya Yoga. Once perfect detachment is achieved, a person gains knowledge of hidden things.
Kriya Yoga is the panacea for all the ills of humanity -- physical, mental and spiritual. It is the answer to all sufferings on these planes and produces all-around development and peace. It transforms a person and leads one to their goal. It can transform societies and nations, ushering in an era of peace, prosperity and happiness in the world.

(Article is an exerpt from the book "Kriya Yoga".)

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