Sunday, 14 June 2020


The following is a brilliant teaching given us by the Masters of the Far East....


As the body represents the lowest degree of thought activities, so the Spirit represents the highest thoughts of Divine Mind. As the body is the outer expression of thoughts, so the Spirit is that in which the form takes its initial impulse direct from the Divine Mind. It is the immortal and real Self, in which reside all the potentialities of Divine Mind.

The thought atmosphere is a real, substantial thing and has in it all that makes the body. So many people consider the things that they cannot see as unsubstantial; and although they are told, over and over that they cannot conceal themselves, they go right on believing that they can. It is well for us to know the truth that we carry around with us the open book of our lives, out of which all mankind read whether we realise it or not.

Some people are good thought readers, while others are dull; but all can read a little and we cannot conceal ourselves. Also our thought atmosphere is constantly precipitating its slowly cooling words on our body and there it is seen by all. We can, with a little practice, feel the thought force of this atmosphere that surrounds us and gradually gain a realisation of its existence as real as that of the outer world.


We have learned that just as mankind may touch the earth with their feet, so on the wings of aspiration one may soar to celestial heights. Like those of old, mankind may walk the earth and talk with God and the more they do so, the more difficult it will be for them to discover where Universal Life ends and where individual existence begins.
When mankind forms an alliance with God through spiritual understanding, the boundary line between God and man disappears. When this point is reached, one will know what Jesus meant when He said, "I and my Father are one."


The great philosophers through the ages have accepted the idea of man as a trinity but it never was their belief that he/she has a triple personality. They have considered a person a being who in their nature is triune.

The tendency to personalise all things has degraded that which is called the Blessed Trinity into the impossible conception of three in one, when it can be best understood as the Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience of the Universal Mind, God. As long as mankind considers the Blessed Trinity as three persons in one and as something that must be accepted even though it cannot be explained, they will dwell in the wilderness of superstition and thus, of doubt and fear.

If the Triune nature of God is spiritual rather than physical, then the trinity in man must be seen from a mental rather than from a material point of view. One of the wise philosophers has said, "Despising everything else, a wise man should strive after a knowledge of Self, for there is no knowledge that is higher, or that brings more satisfaction of power, than a knowledge of one´s own being". If a person knows their real Self, they cannot do otherwise than discover their latent possibilities, their concealed powers, their dormant faculties.


Of what avail, if a person should gain the whole world and lose their own soul?? Their soul is their spiritual self and, if one truly discovers one´s spiritual self, one can build a whole world if one is serving one´s fellow man by doing so. We have learned that he who would attain the ultimate goal must search the depths of one´s real Self and there one will find God, the fullness of all good. It is because mankind is a trinity in unity -- composed of spirit, soul, and body -- that, in a state of spiritual ignorance, they have the tendency to think on a level with the lowest degree of one´s nature, which is the physical.

The ignorant person looks to the body for all the pleasures one gets and there comes a time when one gets from the senses all the pain that one can stand. What one does not learn through wisdom one must learn through woe and, after repeated experiences, one will not deny that wisdom is the better way. Jesus, Osiris, Buddha and Muhammad all said that with all our understanding, we must get wisdom.

(Part Two  -- Write the title in search box, top left, adding "Part Two").
(Article from "Life and Teaching of The Masters of the Far East" -- Volume 2.)

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