Saturday, 2 January 2021



Remember that the pivot of all the psychic centres (chakras) in the evolved type of person is the heart, which is like the Sun of our Universe. The heart centre breathes in and breathes out. It absorbs -- it takes in -- sunlight. As the physical Sun sustains life in the body, so the spiritual Light and warmth behind that Sun sustains the spiritual life in man.
The brain is the vehicle though which the soul-conscioiusness expresses itself or works, and there is a part of the brain, the cerebellum, in which the soul "resides" -- the centre of the soul-consciousness. In front of this portion of the brain is that mystifying pituitary gland, which has a most important work. The pituitary gland is the "eye" which receives the vibrations of the next step, of the etheric plane. The physical eye receives only the vibrations of physical light. The pituitary gland reflects the etheric light; and you should, when you focus your attention there, become aware first of light, and then of colour. Through that centre the soul-consciousness is maintained.
The pituitary gland, situated behind and between the eyes, is linked with the pineal gland. These two glands are attached to the psychic centres of the etheric body, and in the course of development they will meet. Then development will follow on the crown of the head, until all the head centres are fully awakened and there is complete soul-consciousness. With growth and development of the soul-consciousness, the lower centres also become controlled, brought into union with the higher: the heart, throat and head centres.
We have an example of this with the crowning of the Master Yeshua (Jesus) at Calvary, with thorns. They crowned him: the crown of thorns was pressed into the head, where this sacred centre is to be found. With the bridging or union of these two centres of spirtual power in the head -- the pituitary and the pineal glands -- there comes illumination, or birth. This cannot occur without the crucifixion of the lower self, the body, or without the resulting birth, or ascension, of the Christ (Christ Consciousness) into the heaven world -- that sacred centre at the crown of the head -- thus quickened into illumination.
Gradual development, control and use of these psychic centres will bring about that illumination and the complete soul-consciousness we have described -- the "marriage" or union between soul and spirit. The soul represents the feminine aspect, and the divine spirit represents the male. The perfect union is the marriage of these two; or in another image the fusion of the higher triangle of the heart, the throat and the head centre, with the lower triangle of centres. Through this is brought about the perfect child of God, the perfect human being.
To be exact, the pituitary and the pineal glands are both closely associated with the creative centre at the base of the spine. Before there can come complete illumination, the birth of the Christ into fullness of life in every individual, the creative urge of the lower centre must resign its power to the head, to the "mountain top". Then the crown of thorns is changed into the circlet of gold. It becomes a crown of jewels giving sovereignty to the soul, and perfecting all.
(Article is from "The Light Bringer".)

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