The Solar Force, the sun power, is directly connected with the world of Fire and also with the heart and the human spirit. It is the cohesive power holding all life together. It is the pivot, first of the greater universe and then of the smaller universe of humanity.
We put it to you that it is the spirit of Christ: it is the sun within; and the sun within manifests in human life as human love, human kindness. As it unfolds it manifests with greater power. You know it by various names. Shall we call it the power of the I AM?? You remember the quotation "Before Abraham was I AM". The Son of God; the Son of the Father-Mother, the I AM; the solar force; the Sun-light; the love within the human soul.
The love within the human soul is the same power that can create universes. In the individual it can transform a life from darkness to light. You can witness it for yourselves very simply. Look carefully at those of your friends whom you know are following the inner path of Christ (the Higher Consciousness). You are aware of their aura of light, power, peace and tranquillity. That is a manifestation -- in perhaps a minor degree, and maybe even a major degree -- of this solar force.
Solar force is also a healing power. You can depend upon the guides, upon the healers and the angels to bring you healing power when you realize that within you is the sun and centre of that force. You will then become not only healers of sick bodies but healers of nations, healers of life -- animal life, vegetable life, physical life -- and then healers of the soul and mind, because this solar force works through all the planes surrounding the Earth and the bodies surrounding the physical body.
The Water Element is concerned with the emotions and passions, and you will realize how important it is for the Water to be under control under the command of the Master. Hence the parable -- do you remember it?? -- of the boat tossing on the lake. The disiciples were fearful. They were seeking their Master, remember, just as you may be disciples seeking your Master. When you become storm-tossed by fear, anxiety and passion, the divine power, the force which should control you, is sleeping. The disciple calls "Master, carest thou not that we perish?". You call in your daily lives. "I am afraid". Everything is tumbling around you. The boat of your soul rocks in a great storm. When the soul calls rightly the Master hears. In you rises the divine power which causes you to be still, to be tranquil. Be at peace. Your Master takes over control of your boat -- which is your soul -- and you become calm.
Do you now see the true meaning of Christ being the saviour of human kind?? It is not the fact of a physical body being nailed to a wooden cross which saves humanity from its sins, but you yourself when you rise (or go within) to that supreme plane of consciousness where you contact the solar force: your solar self, the Christ. The Christ takes possession of all the vehicles and bodies. This is what salvation is -- not the death of another human like yourselves on a cross, although that too has a wonderful symbolism.
Such symbols as these have been used all through the ages to convey to the human understanding the divine mysteries. Do you not see the way before you and the glory which awaits you?? Even the bitterness and disappointment and frustration of your plans -- all these things will be smoothed away and will be as nothing to you when you have caught the vision glorious.
The mystery teaching which we are imparting in a minor degree has existed over aeons of time. Great temples in remote parts of the world are mysteries to your investigators today, and they will remain mysteries until men and women learn the inner secret. When they become possessed of spiritual secrets, then they will understand the purpose of the temples of Egypt, Tibet, China, the Andes, Mexico, Atlantis.
They will understand the purpose of the temples in Britain where the priests of the Sun, the priests who had the wisdom of the solar force, worshipped and worked to control and direct the elements; and worshipped and worked to direct the great masses of beings belonging to those elements for the creation and the projection of a rich and beautiful life in a beautiful world. This is God´s gift to humanity -- God´s plan for humanity -- not the present state of greed and selfishness which exists. Cannot you see that the only way for true reform, for evolution to come, is not the way of rebellion and revolution amongst the masses and the nations, but the way of spiritual evolution?? Then there will come true and lasting peace, and the golden age will be ushered in.
( Article is from "The Light Bringer".)