The way to Truth is through the Spirit. In the outer world there is turmoil and chaos and unhappiness. You think with the mortal mind, with the mind which is part of the substance of Earth. You should think with your inner mind, you should approach problems through the inner self, through intuition. The very word explains itself... IN--TUITION, training inside yourself. You are looking outside yourself for help, and all the time the help you want is inside. The world of Spirit that so many talk about and believe in, and long to touch, is all within.
In this new age a new religion is being established, which will not deal in words only. It will not only preach the gospel -- it will interpret for its followers the mystic signs and symbols of the age. It will teach people how to unfold their own Godlike powers, so that they may use the spiritual forces for the blessing of human kind. It is not knowledge alone that humanity needs, but the development of an inner power which is sometimes called, in its early stages, INTUITION.
Intuition can evolve to such a degree it becoes knowledge, absolute and certain knowledge of the God-life. This power flows through the hands, through the eyes, through the aura of people who have unfolded it. Such brethren walk the world carrying with them healing power. They are the peacemakers. This is the ability to reach and enter that higher plane of consciousness at any time, in any condition of life.
Psychic phenomena will become of greater moment to many people in the new age. The ancient wisdom is stirring in the hearts of many. Some of you have already received certain training in opening up the sacred centres of power within your being. With the advance of spiritual growth in the race of mankind, already a sixth sense is developing. In the near future Scientists will discover, or are already discovering that life and even physical matter has a spiritual origin. It will be proven that life is not material (as it appears) but is in reality a state of consciousness which is fluid and spiritual.
In the mystery schools of the past, the pupils were taught how to unfold these inner powers, but the knowledge was not given to all because of the danger that those powers might be misused either ignorantly or with knowledge and selfishly. We want to make absolutely clear the dangers and the blessings of unfolding the inner powers and tapping into the spheres of consciousness beyond the normal mind. Candidates in the ancient mystery schools had to pass severe tests of their integrity, purity and loyalty before they were admitted.
It is not wise to force the development of the psychic centres, but it is in the plan of evolution that these centres must be vivified, and in full operation, before a man or woman is complete. At the present time human kind -- or many members of the human race -- have reached a point where the vitalizing of the centres is now desirable.
(Article is from the book "The Light Bringer".)
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