Friday, 18 March 2022



Today is a brand new Time for Planet Earth. It is a "Time of Change", a Time to leave behind old ideas, no matter how precious they might have been to you. I regret that I am now in the position of having to revise the Religion that was established in my name, but the misinterpretations of my teachings are so rampant that I must set the record straight. Would you not want to do the same if you knew you were misquoted so frequently and so deliberately it changed the message that had been the work of your Heart and Soul?
It is not a matter of pride for me. It is a matter of Truth. The ones we call Prime Creator or Mother/Father God - Creators of our Multiverse - which currently consists of ten Multi-dimensional Universes - and I worked together for aeons developing the "Plan for Planet Earth". Our Dream of the Blue Planet was always that she and all upon her would be able to descend into lower vibrations, to create a 3rd and 4th Dimensional World for Humankind to experience with Free Will and to offer Prime Creator Source - Mother/Father's children an arena to learn and practice Co-creation.
Of course the only way to experience Free Will is behind the "Veil of Forgetfulness", such as encircles Planet Earth, since that is the only way you can feel separate from Universal Law and fully learn the consequences of your actions. Being veiled and feeling separate allows your senses to suggest to you that things "happen" independent of one another. You feel dissociated from the "cause and effect" dynamic that is so obvious to us in the Higher Dimensions.
You see, in the Higher Dimensions, although we have Free Will, the outcome of every major choice is so apparent and obvious that there is far less latitude to experience imbalanced or aberrant choices and behaviours. It is easier to foresee the outcome of your actions when the possibilities and probabilities are laid out before you in vivid colour.
The fruition of the Dream was to be the day (in Cosmic terms, of course) when Terra, Planet Earth, would rise back again to the 5th Dimension and beyond in triumph with her beloved family of Humans, animals, plants and other Sentient Beings. All were to rise along with Terra in a glorious Ascension that would lift the entire Cosmos along with her. Yes, it was what we foresaw, and what we expect to see now. Our faith in Humankind has not been misplaced.
Even though the Dark Ones slowed the process by creating havoc with the thinking and feelings of the people, Humankind has shown the resilience and true nature of our Cosmic Creator's special Explorer/Creator Race designated to take over from Him/Her at a future time. As a special Adamic Race placed in severe training on Earth, many of you nonetheless have managed to cling to your ability to sense what is fair, right, just and true. You have done it with your sturdy hearts and with your far-ranging minds, and yet you also cannot help but turn to some form of Faith when you feel yourselves slipping.
You are built for flexibility, courage and determination. These are qualities that provide a powerful foundation for your Creativity. You nevertheless see yourselves as chaotic, unable to control your emotions and your thoughts. You feel at the mercy of your instincts, your experiences and your environment. Yet we see you as brilliant, lacking only the skilled coaching that will help you raise yourselves to the levels of intelligence and command you were specially created to embody.
This is the purpose of these Messages: to help you raise the vibrational level at which you operate in your everyday lives to the point where you will be able to Ascend with your Dear Mother Earth in the very near future. Some of you are ready now, but the promise of Ascension we all made to each other long ago in the Dreaming Time was that all would come together. We envisioned creating the most wonderful, joyous uplifting of Hearts to carry every one over the threshold into the 4th and 5th Dimensions at the same time.
Now, by "everyone at once," we did not necessarily mean in the same exact moment. You will each make your "Shift" when you feel ready. Some have been preparing for years, and will sail through on the First Wave Ascension because they are fully informed of the discipline and elevation needed to make the transition. Others will take a few more months to acclimate to the idea that their entire lives are going to change, regardless of whether they hang on for dear life to their old familiar ways or not. And of course, the old familiar ways for many are steeped in religious tradition.
It has been an area of conflict across the globe - one religion against another - with each claiming to be "The One True Word of God". Dear friends, I can tell you now with complete confidence, there is no one True Religion at this time on Planet Earth. There are many truths and many falsehoods in every religion, from Christianity to Islam, from Buddhism to Hinduism, from distorted New Age views to the tribal belief systems of the most remote forests and mountains (although some of those come closer to Truth through their simple acceptance of God in themselves and in every living thing). 

(Article from Yeshua and "The New Scriptures" ). --

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