Heaven is a place of endless Love. There is no punishment, no Judgement and no retribution. It is what you would think of as a democratically governed multidimensional place beyond time or space. There are no limits to the possibility for each Soul to evolve, to learn and to thrive. All creativity is celebrated, all individuality respected, and all efforts toward Love and Light are supported by Prime Creator and the Ascended Masters who are his Legions of Light. In the Milky Way Galaxy [also known in the Higher Spheres as the Local Universe of Nebaron], which is home to Planet Earth, the governance of the Galaxy is overseen by Mother/Father God, those great Enlightened Beings of Pure Love who have created "All That Is" within this Galaxy.
You have been taught that there is a Trinity of Leadership which is responsible for you here on Earth and beyond. We are Prime Creator, the Creator of all Creators, Mother/Father God, and further down the line, I, Jesus-Sananda, the one you also knew in my most recent incarnation as Yeshua ben Joseph. Mother God has been known as Sekhmet, Isis, The Empress, and has been represented as the Lioness, the great Sphinx. Father God has been known variously as Alcyone, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva and more recently, Zorra. Prime Creator is the Invisible Hand behind all creation, the Source of All Things, and the one we Honour and Love above all. There is no designation to describe Prime Creator, such as he/she/it. We simply Honour and Adore our Creator, who is Love, the Source of all Light.
Within the great Cosmos, which includes many Universes with their Star Systems, visible and invisible to your Human eyes, there are many Races, many inhabited Planets, and Infinite Energy. It is this Energy which is managed and used by the powerful Cosmic Creators, the "Creator Gods" who create all Beings, all Souls, all Planets and Stars. The mystery of Creation is known and taught by them, and is the height of the Ascension Ladder - the ability to create. This ability is held sacred, a Holy responsibility which is only carried by the Highest of the High.
There are many Dark Ones who have tried to command the power of Creation, but their efforts have always come to naught, as in their efforts on Planet Earth to clone Beings artificially, engineer plants, and manipulate the sacred DNA structures. It will not continue, now that the originators of these projects are gone. In addition, the massive poisoning of Mother Earth through the extraction and use of fossil fuels will be completely discontinued, because it is an unholy invasion of her Sacred Body.
There have long been technologies which could have taken the place of these destructive practices, but their use has been forbidden by those whose hold on power and profit would have been weakened. This stranglehold on technological progress has been lifted with the removal of the Reptilian Race. You will now see a blossoming of invention as never before, and your access to advanced knowledge will be unlimited as your Brothers and Sisters from other Star Systems will now be able to share their own knowledge in every area of life.
Not only will new forms of energy and transportation be available to you. All the problems of agriculture, water supply and management, and all the comforts of living will be brought into new light by cooperation and inspiration from everyone and anyone whose expertise you wish to draw upon. This cooperation will be offered, but never imposed, because that is not the way of the peaceful and loving members of the Intergalactic Federation of Light. Of course, this English translation of their name does not capture the sense of freedom and cooperation they stand for. It is an organisation of Planetary Leaders from all over our own Universe within the greater Cosmos who have pledged their allegiance to the work of Prime Creator, which is the action of Love and Light in the interest of all Good.
The Supreme Commander of the Fleet of spacecraft belonging to the Intergalactic Federation within your Solar System is the one you have known as Commander Ashtar. He has long been present in Earth orbit, and has often been channelled by various Ones among you, as he gathered and organised the Great Intergalactic Fleet which has come to be of assistance to you. His large Mothership, "The New Jerusalem", has been my Home since my last incarnation as Jesus, as together we have overseen the coming Ascension of Planet Earth. It is Ashtar who has been in charge of the protection of Mother Earth from any outside influence as she has gone through the process of her own Ascension.
Yes, there are still some in the lower dimensions of the Universe who would bring military force to disrupt the movement of the entire Planet into higher vibrations, but they are not as dangerous as they imagine themselves to be. The Intergalactic Federation of Light would always prefer peaceful means to settle any conflict, and will not use their considerable might if it is at all avoidable. This gives the Dark Ones the impression that we are afraid to fight them, an idea that is of course entirely false; we simply prefer not to use force. The Intergalactic Federation of Light has taken action when it is completely necessary, when a Planet calls upon them to do so, as in the current removal of the Dark Ones from your midst.
So you see, you are entirely protected and overseen by the Legions of Light, who have been given permission by Prime Creator to carry out the mission of aiding Mother Earth and Humankind in their coming Ascension. They will help, but only in so far as it is not considered intervention. I wish to emphasise here that this process is not something that will be done to you or for you. It is something you will accomplish individually first, and as a group next, for no one will Ascend who has not completed their own learning process.
This means you must each learn to heal the residue of discontent, anger, resentment and fear which you have been steeped in for lifetimes. Each person must lay down their weapons, whether they be the tendency toward aggression or the inclination toward self-centred control of others. All dark energy must be purged, all dark actions forsworn. This is what many of you would consider a "tall order". Indeed it is. You may find it difficult at first, as you are newly adjusting to your physical and emotional freedom, but We have trusted in the resilience and great potential which is inherent in the Human Soul. We are here to help you, and our presence will be felt increasingly, as the energy of Light spreads across your Planet.
Rejoice, Beloved Ones. Your Apocalypse has been written in the Stars. It is "The End of the World" as you have known it, and the World you have known was one of Darkness, War, Suffering and control by the Forces of Evil. No more. Now in these few years following the initial process of Earth's Ascension in 2012, begins a New Era in the life of the glorious Blue Planet, Mother Earth. You who have chosen to be here at this time, all who came as Souls from distant origins across the Universes, including the many who are part of the Explorer/Creator Race, will share in the triumph and the joy which is your destiny.
I too have chosen to be here, to help lead this magnificent Ascension, filled with Love and admiration for the courageous Souls who are the Brothers and Sisters of my Heart.
I AM Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus of Nazareth.
(Article from Jesus-SANANDA -- THE NEW SCRIPTURES).
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