Let's start by saying that if reincarnation does not exist, how is it that one person can have a longer lifetime than another?? It must be understood that the person with the longer life, theoretically speaking, will always have many more chances and opportunities in life than the person who perhaps died as early as 35 years old, a teenager, or an infant for that matter.
No, if there is any justice from our divine parents, and there is, then there must be an entirely different explanation, REINCARNATION!! We are simply putting on a new body just like we put on a new set of clothes. We are the same soul, the same " I " but with different "clothes" and circumstances. Now we can better understand and accept the various challenges and circumstances we have to go through in our lives.
We should actually look at reincarnation as a very beautiful grace and gift from God instead of thinking of it as some "hokus pokus" creepy and scary fantasy which we don't want to deal with. Just think that we will be allowed the opportunity to correct bad actions and negative behaviour, etc. and develop us on the righteous path home to our Divine parents. And we should learn to recognize and accept reincarnation as God's love and compassion shown in full force.
Regarding the worry and fear of losing family and friends which make many people insecure, there is absolutely no need to be sad or afraid of not seeing them again. Heart-friends and family-souls recognize each other immediately, no matter which "suit" they have put on — and the same applies to one's enemies.
Many Cosmic Laws exist, but the one I will mention to you is undoubtedly connected with reincarnation. It is the Law of Cause and Effect. Also known as the Law of Karma or the Law of Justice, it comes into effect according to how we have acted in thought, emotion, word and deed from one incarnation to the next. So always remember "we reap what we sow" and "what goes around comes around".