Sunday, 16 October 2022


Whether your work within the great divine plan requires you to live in abject poverty or to hold a high position and command a great fortune, you must regard either of these merely as a means to a great end. Neither of them must change your inner attiitude.
Learning to accept everything in this way is divine. On the other hand you must always be able to decide when you, as a representative of divine guidance, must defend yourself against humiliation or calumny. In the same way, there are times when you must be able to decide that it´s the right thing to do to withdraw modestly from glorification by the crowds and masses. To accept everything must never be allowed to degenerate into apathetic indifference or cowardly lack of character.
Always choose the best and don´t be satisified with what is inferior. You must be able to differentiate and distinguish what´s beautiful from what´s ugly, the good from the bad, the true from the false, the divine from the satanic. Without a completely developed power to differentiate and distinguish, one can´t be a useful co-worker in the great plan.
If you want to be useful, you must also be able to fight with all your energy. With the sword of truth you must be able to fight the shadow of error in order to help bring about the victory of divinity on Earth. But your noble and courageous willingness to fight must never be allowed to degenerate into stupid quarrelsomeness.
Even though you must often fight bravely, you must not forget that you have to fight with spiritual weapons in order to bring peace to Earth. You must fight to restore unity to what has been torn apart, to restore peace to those who are fighting. But your love of peace must never be allowed to turn into a cowardly or comfortable kind of not wanting to fight.
In order to be a useful co-worker you also have to learn caution, at the same time being able to decide the right time and the right place to use this divine gift. You can save yourself and others from great dangers, harm and useless sacrifices through the proper exercise of caution. But the divine gift of caution slips over into satanic cowardice when one doesn´t dare to do something because of fear or lack of self-confidence.
One must possess unflinching courage, and you must not fear any danger. You must stride forth courageously to face any difficulty, valiantly fending off any attack against the divine when the great goal you´re working for requires it of you. But divine courage must never be allowed to dteriorate into dare-devil recklessness.
As a co-worker within the great plan you must also understand what it means to possess nothing. Whether your task demands abject poverty of you or gives you the greatest wealth, you must always remember that nothing, absolutely nothing, ever or anywhere really belongs to you. On the contrary, everything is God´s property, and from his/her property you receive something only for your actual needs, corresponding with your task.
Just as it´s a matter of indifference to a canal whether more or less water flows through it, because the water doesn´t belong to it, you too must regard everything fate gives you as something that comes to you from God, and something you must pass on. What you will have to live on is something you don´t need to worry about. You will always receive as much as you need. And no matter how rich you might be, you must always remember the fact that you really possess nothing. But this divinely positive attitude must never slide down into not caring about anything or contempt of things material. You must never expect the people about you to maintain you without work on your part.
(Article is from the book INITIATION by Elisabeth Haich -- Highly recommeded reading.)

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