Why haven´t the Biblical scholars paid more attention to the significant assertion : "The Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them of them wives of all which they chose"??
The Sons of God
What Sons of God, and where had they come from?? Genesis makes no particular explanation for the creation of any Sons of God as contradistinguished from the descendant of Adam. And these mysterious "daughters of men" -- where did they originate , especially in view of the the fact that Adam and Eve had no female progeny?? For that matter, how came it that there were females over in the Land of Nod when Cain got romantic and decided he needed conjugal affection?? Who created these people in the Land of Nod?? Where was Nod in respect to the Garden of Eden??
If the Bible be the infallible "word of God", as the fundamentalists insist that we accept, why weren´t there explanations of record about those Nod folks?? Was there a contemporaneous creation over in the Land of Nod, and if so, why has Genesis remained silent about it?? Why wouldn´t one creation be just as consequential as the other?? Let´s face these discrepancies. We can´t have the Bible both accurate and inaccurate -- it has to be one or the other.
The "Sons of God" were the people of the arriving migration, coming, or finding, this solar satellite here in universal space, twirling about our sun, and settling down to seduce these female indigenous people and give them children that were neither one thing nor the other -- neither beasts indigenous to this Earth nor celestial spirits coming from another system of creation.
The Arrival
Now life came to Earth from the planets of the star-sun Sirius... so called by men. On those planets is centered "Thought Incarnate", ruling that which we know as the Universe. Life came to the solar planet Earth at the behest or command of Thought Incarnate presiding over all planet-systems and watching the movements thereof. Man was despatched to this small planet Earth as a prison of pain for education. He came first as Thought himself, made manifest in physical flesh over many generations. Gradually he learnt lessons and grew vigorous of stamina and deceit. Gradually he took and misused the knowledge of heavenly origin, manifesting his abominations in experiment with thought-forms.
Over many aeons did he grow stronger and stronger, priding himself on his infallibility of structure and endurance. His heart was heavenly in divine creation, his body was physically handicapped by weight. Slowly he acquired proficiency in altering his body.
The head was first bird-like. His hands were like claws, conceived for destruction. Feet were reversible, making him able to locomote forward or backwards.
Conception was twofold: by physical contact yet lacking organs of generation externally. Also he created by thought, clothing his thought in etheric covering and calling it Material. Contact creation was made cell by cell, male and female embracing and leaving on the ground excretions which when developed became life! Man came to know pain of education, but having come, he practiced abominations as a relief from tedium.
Man had a head like an eagle and a body like a lion. Not at all like a man/woman of today in any form. He did have the Spirit of an angel in his heart, but not for long. Man had the opportunity to put "Thought" into practice, to create abominations because he had no means of expression otherwise. Creating Thought Forms and abominations gave him relief from tedium upon a planet where all his physical wants were supplied without effort.
Realise now, that man had no body when he first came to Earth; he looked upon beast and bird and chose a body most likely to give him attributes producing qualities of spirit.
Losing Control
The spirit of man was essentially Thought Incarnate, coming to Earth and taking body of beast for self-expression on the physical plane. Thereat came tedium and the desire for relief from that tedium. He began making a mock of Thought Celestial and abominations grew up on every hand. Beast was progenitor of angelic spirit; angelic spirit was progenitor of beast. Strange beyond belief was the bastardy thereof.
Eventually Man lost his lion shape; he started walking as an ape. He lost his bird cranium having beak and crossed eyes. He came into possession of having hands with a thumb. He made use of many tools. Slowly he lost control over thought-generation. More and more he sank into sporting with etheric forms of matter. Matter became his fetish and way of life. Matter became his world.
It was this Great Abominatory Period, apparently, that produced the notion of "redemption" with which the Bible is very full. The celestial race had to be "saved" from its admixture of species with earth-beasts. And curiously enough, therein lay the reason for the arrival of the Christ Avatar upon this planet. He had to "head up" the job of separating the two forms of creation -- the people of the Original Migration and the Earth Beasts with whom they cohabited -- and get them back to their original status. And this is the Work of "redemption" that is the true explanation for all the processes of "salvation" that is maintained even down into modern times.
(For a more detailed account of the history about the Great Abominatory Period of Mankind, I would recommend one to read the book "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley of which this abbreviated account is taken).