Saturday, 16 February 2013


Why haven´t the Biblical scholars paid more attention to the significant assertion : "The Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them of them wives of all which they chose"??


The Sons of God

What Sons of God, and where had they come from??  Genesis makes no particular explanation for the creation of any Sons of God as contradistinguished from the descendant of Adam.  And these mysterious "daughters of men" -- where did they originate , especially in view of the the fact that Adam and Eve had no female progeny??  For that matter, how came it that there were females over in the Land of Nod when Cain got romantic and decided he needed conjugal affection??  Who created these people in the Land of Nod??  Where was Nod in respect to the Garden of Eden??

If the Bible be the infallible "word of God", as the fundamentalists insist that we accept, why weren´t there explanations of record about those Nod folks??  Was there a contemporaneous creation over in the Land of Nod, and if so, why has Genesis remained silent about it??  Why wouldn´t one creation be just as consequential as the other??  Let´s face these discrepancies.  We can´t have the Bible both accurate and inaccurate  --  it has to be one or the other.

The "Sons of God" were the people of the arriving migration, coming, or finding, this solar satellite here in universal space, twirling about our sun, and settling down to seduce these female indigenous people and give them children that were neither one thing nor the other -- neither beasts indigenous to this Earth nor celestial spirits coming from another system of creation.

The Arrival

Now life came to Earth from the planets of the star-sun Sirius... so called by men.  On those planets is centered "Thought Incarnate", ruling that which we know as the Universe.  Life came to the solar planet Earth at the behest or command of Thought Incarnate presiding over all planet-systems and watching the movements thereof.  Man was despatched to this small planet Earth as a prison of pain for education.  He came first as Thought himself, made manifest in physical flesh over many generations.  Gradually he learnt lessons and grew vigorous of stamina and deceit.  Gradually he took and misused the knowledge of heavenly origin, manifesting his abominations in experiment with thought-forms.

Over many aeons did he grow stronger and stronger, priding himself on his infallibility of structure and endurance.  His heart was heavenly in divine creation, his body was physically handicapped by weight.  Slowly he acquired proficiency in altering his body.

The head was first bird-like.  His hands were like claws, conceived for destruction.  Feet were reversible, making him able to locomote forward or backwards.


Conception was twofold:  by physical contact yet lacking organs of generation externally.  Also he created by thought, clothing his thought in etheric covering and calling it Material.  Contact creation was made cell by cell, male and female embracing and leaving on the ground excretions which when developed became life!  Man came to know pain of education, but having come, he practiced abominations as a relief from tedium.


Man had a head like an eagle and a body like a lion.  Not at all like a man/woman of today in any form.  He did have the Spirit of an angel in his heart, but not for long.  Man had the opportunity to put "Thought" into practice, to create abominations because he had no means of expression otherwise.  Creating Thought Forms and abominations gave him relief from tedium upon a planet where all his physical wants were supplied without effort.

Realise now, that man had no body when he first came to Earth;  he looked upon beast and bird and chose a body most likely to give him attributes producing qualities of spirit.

Losing Control

The spirit of man was essentially Thought Incarnate, coming to Earth and taking body of beast for self-expression on the physical plane.  Thereat came tedium and the desire for relief from that tedium.  He began making a mock of Thought Celestial and abominations grew up on every hand.  Beast was progenitor of angelic spirit;  angelic spirit was progenitor of beast.  Strange beyond belief was the bastardy thereof.

Eventually Man lost his lion shape;  he started walking as an ape.  He lost his bird cranium having beak and crossed eyes.  He came into possession of having hands with a thumb.  He made use of many tools.  Slowly he lost control over thought-generation.  More and more he sank into sporting with etheric forms of matter.  Matter became his fetish and way of life.  Matter became his world.


It was this Great Abominatory Period, apparently, that produced the notion of "redemption" with which the Bible is very full.  The celestial race had to be "saved" from its admixture of species with earth-beasts.  And curiously enough, therein lay the reason for the arrival of the Christ Avatar upon this planet.  He had to "head up" the job of separating the two forms of creation -- the people of the Original Migration and the Earth Beasts with whom they cohabited -- and get them back to their original status.  And this is the Work of "redemption" that is the true explanation for all the processes of "salvation" that is maintained even down into modern times.

 (For a more detailed account of the history about the Great Abominatory Period of Mankind, I would recommend one to read the book "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley of which this abbreviated account is taken).

Thursday, 14 February 2013


We as human beings might just as well face it.... we are "angels in the forms of apes"!


Two Orders of Animate Spirit

We have two orders of animate spirit, in other words, when considering the human as compared to the simian (anthropoid apes).  In the human there is the Higher Essence that came here a-visiting and remained here to sublimate the indigenous primate organism into the half-monkey and half-angel that we call the human race today.  In the ape pattern we have the indigenous pattern of biologic consciousness still going its hetic way to what "improvement" it can develop with the star-guest mortal in supervising competition with it.  Hmmm... it is something to think about.

Today we have human beings procreating human beings from these sublimated monkey-organisms, just so long as the parents are human.  And we have the ape-forms always and forever procreating apes just so long as the parents are primate.  Something distinctive transfers in every case of conception as between the forms so that they never mix up.  But what is it??

Angels And Apes

We as human beings -- we might as well face it -- are "angels in the forms of apes" and we keep on breeding our progeny as little angels in forms of little apes.  But the ape goes on breeding apes to the seventieth generation.  Darwin and his fellow biologists sought to establish a "missing link" between the two forms, and from time to time various evolutionary scientists all over the world have raucously proclaimed that by turning up a bit of bone in China or Java they have discovered the connection.  But what they have discovered is merely the physical attachment between the primate and the star-guest, as the latter brought the primate up toward the organically sublimated.  And marvel though we will, that hypothesis makes sense.

Encased In Bodies

The origins of our species are probably of academic interest only.  What difference does it make to us as individuals whether we descended from star-guests or antediluvian Chinamen?  But in our practical problems of incarnation and reincarnation, the lore is of stupendous interest to us.  We are "Angel-apes" trying to get out of the inhibitions of the animalistic and climb upward and onward to our waiting celestiality, but the experience nonetheless does hold profit for us.

We are, apparently, Star Guests on this planet who find ourselves encased in bodies of primates in order to learn something spiritually ennobling.  That we have been here for aeons and will undoubtedly be here for aeons longer, is nothing in point of cosmic time.

What is Time in eternity?  The real issue is, by giving a tuppence of credit to the theory, we have a stupendous lot made clear to us that only yesterday was black enigma.  At least we are lifted out of the category of beings made conscious by chemical affinities.  We are lifted from the category of beings who simply perish.  We live over and over and over, apparently, in successive ape-sublimates, and gradually pass off to ineffable states of spirit in extenuation of the consciousness apparently begun in some solar system outside our computing.  And it is all part of the growth we get for godhood.

Residents of Cosmos

Our spirits are eternal and non-perishable!  We are residents of all Cosmos, apparently.  We dwell at present upon this planet Earth.  What planet we may have come from originally is immaterial, since its location can only be marked by the position of all the other planets, hanging in a void, and outside of which there is no means of determining location.

But there are certain Earth Forms evolving upward upon this earth planet, indigenous to this particular terrestrial ball as the evolutionanry scientists proclaim.  But what the evolutioary scientists do not know is, that somewhere back fifty to thirty million years ago, there came a great migration of alien spirits to this planet from some other world in interstellar space, who settled down here and began to cohabit with the animal forms it discovered developing here, producing a hybrid race of beings, half-celestial and half-bestial that gave us the unspeakable Sodomic period described in the Bible.

The Time Element

The trouble with the Bible is, that the time-element recorded is all wrong.  The ancient authors of the Bible, having some psychic inkling of what happened but supposing that this Earth-Planet was the center of the Universe, tried to fit the events attending upon the Great Migration into the time-calendar of the past four thousand years.  Actually, the time cosumed or covered was millions of years.  The ancient Hebrews were trying to apply these celestial occurrences to the history of their particular race, and they took liberties with Time, striving to compress it down into reasonably acceptable terms of the last few thousand years.

A Bastard Creation

These superior beings from another celestial planet, cohabiting with the earth-forms of life they discovered here on their arrival, began to fill up the earth with a race of monsters that were neither bestial, human or divine.  The result was a confusion that almost defeated the original plans of creation.  Beast forms and celestial forms were fused together in an insufferable bastard creation from which certain specimens of the two creations are evincing even still.

Part Three Follows...

This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley


The plan and pursuit of the whole celestial scheme was only one plan and one pursuit:  that evolving particles of consciousness would attain to degrees of self-awareness and ennoblement where they literally became gods!

Gods In School

Men and women are not vile creatures of the dust, or chance accidents of what some call atomic chemistry, but literally "gods in school", serving their educational time either in classrooms of experience or under the instruction and enlightenment of great Mentors who delayed their own progress up the constellations to give lesser developed beings the benefits of their enhanced intellects and observations about what was taking place in the Great Cosmos.

It was all a self-evaluating process, so to speak.  Men and women were "gods in school" learning to emphasize that thought till it truly penetrated their understandings, and as such were required to know all mundane experiencings in order that they might comprehend every phase and aspect of them by conscious participation in their essences.

Cosmic Bits of God

The next question we all might ask is this... How did men and women acquire the physical form they possess, making them human creatures?  And, why and how did they adopt this solar planet as a basis for their operations in the first place?  And how far might they be going with it, as a proposal in cosmic eugenics and spiritual development?  Just WHAT were men and women?

They were cosmic bits of God, to put it in ecclesiastical terms, who had found this solar planet off here in this particular "northern" corner of the heavenly galaxies, on which to perform unto themselves over untold aeons and develop their consciousness into pattern that did justice to the plan of creation.  But where did they come from originally?  Had they derived biologically from the essences of this residence-planet, as some purblind scientists assume?  No, they had not according to the Higher Intelligence of the Masters and their teachings.  There were biologic forms that did derive from the major essences of this particular planet and they were  and are the indigenous forms.

Men and women, in the creative sense, seemed to have been derived from some other planet, or some other set of star worlds, from which they had voyaged celestially to arrive on Earth and found it passably habitable.

Something Happened

Somewhere along in the grand procession of evolution, just after the cat and ape had attained to maximum physical facility, something happened!  That "something" was a vast horde of migrating spirits (souls) from a wholly separate distinction of creation, arrived within the aura of this physically habitable Earth and began to manifest in the forms and creations they found here.

But men and women ARE different creatures from anything else observable in the form of created life on this solar planet.  The evolutionist says that this is due to the fact of gradual improvement upon lower forms of life.  But the evolutionist doesn´t go overly much out of his way to explain why and wherein there are forms similar to "man" that haven´t evolved, or developed, from the early forms.  To be specific, we have the great apes with us in the jungles of tropical countries today equally as primordial as when "human evolution" is said to begun.

The Mentor Explains

Terrestrial conditions over the whole planet have not been so unique as to "evolve" one section of the ape-family and pass by another section.  Yet the biologist, lacking the secret of the unknown "human ingredient", solemnly asks us to accept that is what happened.  But the subliminal Mentors contend that it did not happen in that way at all.

Their general explanation for the events that had gone on, making human society what we find it in history and what we observe it to be today, embodied the hypotheses that "people from somewhere" came to this Earth in discarnate aspects, found animal forms in their own rights, drawing what benefits from such residence as they could. 

Star Guests

These "star guests" -- for we have every right to term them that -- found conditions here on this terrestrial ball precisely congenial for the development of their consciousness by the expedients of experience in fleshly forms, and settled down upon this planet to remain.  And by all the signs they have remained, up to this hour in terrestrial history.

They came here and settled down here to "get something" by residing in the indigenous beast forms which they found here and when they achieved it we had the beginnings of HUMAN  evolution as distinct from primate evolution.  The bodies were in a measure the same, but the "spiritual essence" inhabiting those physical organisms was different.

So, the human essences have gone on breeding and multiplying organically and the animal forms that were not interrupted by the intrusion of the star guests, have also gone on breeding and multiplying, and today we have the exhibit of the two in propinquity -- the primate inside the cage at the zoo, and his "visiting guest" outside, pay admission to view him, but the "visiting guest" enwrapped in a physical ensemble which he improved or "evolved" because of his surpassing psychical difference.

Part Two follows...

This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley.

Friday, 8 February 2013


We have the privilege of serving; we have the privilege of enlightening.  It is like being a bodily physician who thinks nothing of making calls on his patient again and again until the afflicted one´s cure is complete. 


The Secret of Control

There is nothing to be solved in this problem but the question of technique.  You have the spiritual Light.  The more often you succeed in bringing the Light into consciousness by thought of Truth, the nearer you come to knowing the secret of control.  When an author first begins to write fiction that interests the multitude, he blunders technically.  So when you first begin to regain your one-time angelic bodily control, you may blunder technically.  And the same thing goes for emotional control, or control of thought that brings you back into a true appreciation of yourself, AND WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN BEFORE THESE PRESENT LIVES.

You must see that the first steps of physical care are taken, and then that responsibility is up to your minds.

A Focal Point

By acknowledging and being interested in these matters, and absorbing this doctrine which we have for you richly, you are identifying yourselves as spirits who are either winning out in their fight over the one-time "beastly" ingredient, as we have said, or spirits who came to this earth planet originally to aid in the task of cosmic regeneration of your fellows.  Try to keep this thought in mind.  Whichever you are, you are a focal point for the spreading of Light and Knowledge for which the world suffers most in its present extremity.  Coming into earth life again and again, we tell you, for the Sons of God is never any hardship...  it is more to be regarded as a privilege.

You have the privilege of serving and you have the privilege of enlightening.  Would a true physician bemoan the fact that he had to call upon his patient again and again because he was unable to work a cure in a single visitation?  Get the thought of your earthly predicament out of your thinking and concentrate on the joys of remedying that and those who are afflicted and who need you.

Are You Serving?

What difference does it make WHERE you exist, if you exist in the happy knowledge that you are serving?  We tell you there is no greater happiness.  In fact, that IS happiness, and anything else is a form of sensuous enjoyment which you are striving in your fineness of spirit to surmount...

Not all, of course, are aware of this necessity for earthly return, until they have progressed enough through the Planes of Thought awaiting them in the more intricate dimensions.  Thousands of people arrive in the discarnate state daily believing they have attained to the heaven of Biblical allegory because they find themselves surrounded by peace and dignity and order, with the turmoils of earth ceasing to be of moment.  But sooner or later they "miss something"...  it occurs to them in their new environments, they are to all intents and purposes the people they have always been, and they wonder about it.

The Thought Planes

Only after lengthy instruction and awakening of their cosmic memories on the Thought Planes, do they become convinced that earthly re-existence must be an important part of life, and they proceed around the Thought Cycle to arrive at the conclusion that re-entry into physical conditions is not only desirable but necessary, if they are to achieve what they aspire to achieve for their souls´ eternal profit.

Do not be troubled by this at present.  We have much to say to you upon it that requires days and weeks and perhaps months to make clear to you.  Some parts of it, we tell you, even souls old in wisdom do not comprehend entirely.  However, we will instruct you as we can.  Not all persons "go around the Thought Cycle" in full awareness of where they are travelling.  It is a process of Nature and they acquiesce to it.  We beg you to have patience until you come to understand it...

This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley.


In the human equation, Love is the creator of all that is in harmony with Universal Spirit.  Then when this equation is accomplished, Love is its perfect flower.





Bear with us while we develop this theme on Love a bit further...  We have said that you must learn first, last, and always, the real meaning of Love.  Wisdom you must also know, for Love without Wisdom is a paradox.

Wisdom is the highest point ot which humanity may aspire because it is the perfect synchronisation between Love and Intelligence -- hence between Soul and Spirit.

When Love becomes sentimentality, or mere emotionalism, then it is Love divorced from Intelligence and therefore not Wisdom.

When the world uses the word Love, it means almost always the emotion that attends on Love, which may have no kinship whatever with the divine force.  It is thus that we see the apparent impossibility of selfish love, or even foolish love, or too indulgent love.  There can be no such thing.  If love is more than an emotion, it is wise with the instinctive  wisdom inherent in the Great Creative Force in the Universe.  When Love is truly Love, it sees first and foremost and clearly the highest need, utterly regardless of return or reward.  There are few in the flesh who can so love, and fewer still who can love not only those whose destiny is linked with theirs but all the world.  Love is the Creative Force!  LOVE IS SPIRIT IN ACTION!

The Creator of All

So is Love the beginning and end of Man the Microcosm, as of the Universe the Macrocosm.  So is Love the beginning and the end, and so there is one beginning and one end, and hence no beginning and no end.

Love is harmony, as we have said.  But do you know how complex and wonderful are the laws even of musical harmony?  Do you know the part that mathematics must play in the composing and rendering of the most spiritual and ethereal music?

There is harmony, indeed, in the whole universe and its laws are no less accurately worked out than the laws of music.  You need not, of course, learn mathematical formula.  The only thing to remember is, that for a really intellectual grasp of such problems as that of the Fourth Dimension, you would need the mind of an astronomer or even a musical genius.  Death itself is but a passing through into this Fourth Dimension.  You live in it then, and FEEL its meaning, without being able to convert it into words.

The Use of Harmony

All these laws of Love by which the Spirit works in the Universe and in the souls of men, are not our immediate concern.  From time to time we can give you glimpses into their workings and into the Inner Meaning of the Fourth Dimension.  But it will come out in connection with other matters and will be a feeling such as those on This Side have, rather than an intellectual realisation.  Now to return to Love...

Love must accomplish its end by the use of Harmony, but after your many visits to Earth in pursuit of the brevet (agreement) you have taken upon yourselves, you will have learned the mathematics of that Harmony and become able, so to speak, to compose by instinct.

So when your human soul is in its highest developed state it is able to operate in accordance with laws of Harmony it has no conscious knowledge of.  But these intricacies are safely stored in Subconscious Memory.

It is this which you mean when you say that you have recognised a "kindred spirit"...  you have become conscious of the synchronisation of vibrations of whose very existence you were hitherto unaware.  Your task is to keep yourself so finely and exquisitely attuned that you may never be unaware of the beauty of the tone that comes from such synchronisation.

Creative Forces

We have heard you remarrk that it is rather a sort of subcoscous compatibility that you recognise between yourselves and others, for which vibrations are responsible.  But this is not quite so.  Compatibility usually implies and intellectual parity of some kind and you may have this sense of Oneness with a child, a genius, or a moron.  This is the explanation of many strange friendships and marriages.

Love, as the world is accustomed to use the word, is synonymous with almost everything in the universe excepting Love.  Weakness, sentimentality, possessiveness, selfishness -- all these are hidden under the sacred name of Love.  But there is a touchstone...

If Love be truly present, you may know it by the miracles it works.  Weakness becomes strength.  Sentimentality becomes sympathy without pity.  Possessiveness becomes the desire to serve.  Selfishness becomes selflessness.  And all of life flows together in one joyous rhythm until earth is lost in heaven and heaven is in man´s heart.

When you are vibrating at a rate that raises you above the ordinary run of human vibrations, you have the power to carry others with you to a higher point than they could get alone.  Love and Harmony are the only creative forces -- the ONLY forces in the creative sense of the word.

Part Three follows...

This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley.


Wisdom is the highest point to which Humanity may aspire because it is the perfect synchronisation between Love and Intelligence -- hence between Soul and Spirit.

Higher Than Angels

Over long series of ages the spirits of men who were once higher than angels, have sunk lower than beasts in their own satisfactions, and mischievous self-indulgences.  But they can --  and will -- eventually come back.  That is the Plan of Salvation, we tell you solemnly.  They will eventually all perceive the "unrighteousness" of following their own selfish desires and sensuous pursuits, and return to what originally was their "holy angelic status"...

That means they will give serious attention to the business of being angelic as now, at this time, they are prone to give serious attention to the business of being "beastly".

Allotted The Privilege

You dear brethren who open your hearts to Light and keep them open, may have come so far already that you are almost graduated out of the "beastly" defilements in your essence, or you were among the Minions of Light who volunteered to accompany the Great Avatar and do what you could, life after life, in helping to restore the "perverted creation" back to what God Itself originally visualized it.  If the latter -- and only in your own bosoms is the true secret of identity locked -- then do not bemoan the privilege of coming back age after age and life after life to make good on your original agreement and ministration.  You are not consigned to a treadmill of endurance.  You are allotted the privilege of helping the Christ and augmenting His success.

And that is too wonderful and marvellous to even discuss in your present purblindness of concept and envelope of earthly flesh.  Just trust that it is truth and that the time will come when all of you who belong to the original Goodly Company will have it revealed to you in flashings of brightest radiance.

The Real Force

The "Work of the Lord" in restoring the original plan for and on planet Earth is going forward, we repeat, and going higher and higher, generation by generation, and age by age.  It is something to glory in...

There is no reason why you Sons and Daughters of Radiance should ever be in trouble of any kind if you will only let your original Love Spirit guide you consciously in everything you attempt.  It is the only real force in the world that truly accomplishes what you term Miracles, and brings you the things constructively that you seek.  People you are not aware of, feel it, and act upon it in your behalf when they do not recognise the source of their cooperations.  The whole fabric of society is becoming motivated by it, and absence of it brings complications, fret, misfortune and failure.
You want to remember that as the Great Teacher extended His love to you, so you want to extend it to others, to bring out the best that is in them and help them fastest to get back to their lost angelic status so that the Work of the Lord may at last know completion.  Your problems are really but one problem then --  GIVE OF YOURSELVES AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE.


You are commended to go forward to the work of your days in freedom and poise and love.  When you feel pangs of doubt, think of the words we have been able to get through to your understandings by this route and instrument.  The ways of God are NOT the ways of Humanity, but you can make them so by obedience to His will. Thousands of you, even those of you who have spent endless ages here at work of assisting the Elder Brother, do not fully trust even today His promise to provide for you.

We tell you He is in your hearts every moment, if you will but acknowledge His presence there.  The trouble afflicting most of you lies in your subconscious minds, and you will not be able to "straighten yourselves out" till you give Him one hundred percent cooperation in your hearts.  There is only one way to do this --  RELAX TO HIM ALTHOUGH BUSY TO THE WORLD!

Part Two Follows...

This article is from "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley.