Remember you are one with the Force. You are the spark of Divine Creation, come to Earth to be the co-creators with God. Remember Oneness!!
Continuing the Message and Instruction from Lady Master Pallas Athena :
Once an individual resonates to the frequency of Divine Oneness, the mind connects with symbols and patterns that reside in this force field. These, in turn, enable the mind to use this connection for creation and manifestation. The key to accessing this "power" lies in the person´s ability to remain totally calm, balanced and at peace during all situations.
Mind, body, Spirit and Earth are all interconnected within the Golden Liquid Light. They are all one, yet each affects the other in subtle ways. Humans moving into the Fifth Dimension must understand this concept, and also understand the subtlety of the mental body´s and mind´s influences on the creative process. This is especially true for scientists. If this is not understood, evolution will be stalled and chaos will result, causing pain to those moving through this portal of time/space.
Magnetic Flux
A magnetic flux exists in the Universe which will be expereinced more fully when Earth is integrated into the Fifth Dimension. It is sensitive and fluctuates easily through the stimulus-response patterns being emitted constantly by various energy sources. For example, whenever there is a disruption in the force field, a momentary disturbance is created in the magnetic resonance patterns around individuals.
The cycles of the moon and the subsequent effects on human behaviour illustrate this point. When such disturbances occur, information received by individuals is disrupted, and the mathematical symbols are disturbed. This causes "inaccurate" information to be received and assembled within the mind.
Accurate or Inaccurate
I placed the word inaccurate in quotation marks to make a point. In reality, no information received is inaccurate, because all information is received as a result of the magnetic patterns that form around an individual. Students of Universal Laws know this to be true and recognise that this statement is in reference to the Law of Attraction.
By using quotations, I emphasize that information exists that is more stable and conducive to the growth of the individual´s nine bodies, and that this greater wisdom can be accessed through higher vibrational patterns within the Divine Mind. When an individual is calmer and more stable, his or her ability to receive higher forms of information with fewer distortions is increased. Therefore, information received under these conditions is deemed to be more "accurate".
Phases of Development
Another way to assist one´s understanding is to provide another explanation. Accurate also can be defined in terms of information received through stages of the evolutionary development of the soul. What is understood and accepted as truth and accurate in one phase of development is discarded later as the person evolves into higher fields of understanding. Thus, this explains how science has evolved throughout the centuries. As wisdom and knowledge expand and become stabilised, concepts are received at higher levels of understanding and development. This, then, changes the face of truth.
Awaken, my dear Sisters and Brothers of the Stars! Feel this life force connection and integrate it into your existence through the stillness of the mind. Connect with it to become one with its power. If you can achieve this state of Oneness, you shall slowly become "enlightened", which will begin your journey to freedom.
In Conclusion
Remember you are one with this Force. You are the spark of Divine Creation, come to Earth to be co-creators with God. Remember Oneness! All is mind. All is thought. All is All.
In the Universal Mind of Oneness, I, Pallas Athena, born out of the mind of Zeus, conclude this discourse. So Be It!
A Brief Summary
Everything in the Universe is connected in a force field of Oneness. All is mind. All is consciousness. All is God. Since we exist within this field, we are ONE with it. Therefore, our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are powerful forms of energy.
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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