Everything in the Universe is in motion, and objects and entities vibrate on a continuum.
El Morya Speaks :
Namastè, my Sisters and Brothers of the Universe. I AM El Morya, Master in charge of describing the nature of the Universe. Through understanding Cosmic Laws, human consciousness will move to a state of enlightenment never experienced before on Earth.
A Law of Power
The Law of Vibration is known by the ancients to be the law of power. Understanding the context and application of this law allows each aspirant to move closer to his or her destiny and carry the torch within to the higher mode of Spirit. This knowledge also assists all to understand the conflicts experienced on the dualistic plane of matter and enables the souls to use the principles contained within the law to balance and control individual lives.
The Mind of Oneness
In the mind of Oneness, everything is in motion. Energy exists in all forms in the Golden Liquid Light. This pool of energy that permeates all universes is never at rest and serves to carry the smallest particles of energy into various states of action, thus causing effects to be felt constantly.
Inherent within this understanding is the fact that everything vibrates within the universes to various degrees that lie on a continuum. To say it in a way easier to understand: there are degrees of motion experienced within the Earth plane that lie on a continuum that spans from physical manifestations of the most dense matter to the higher existence of Spirit. Matter, energy, thought and Spirit form the continuum of this range of vibration experienced by all. Yet, regardless of the variations of the vibrations, all is absorbed and contained within the Universal Mind of Oneness.
Everything is Connected
Everything is connected through the Divine Mind of Oneness. All is seen as the absolute, although each item tends to carry its own identification and appears to be seperate. In the nature of higher realities, everything experienced is part of the Oneness, and the individualistic vibrational pattern (or frequency) of each item determines its position of influence and strength.
All is Energy
The Law of Vibration reveals that higher powers, and higher consciousness and understanding, reside on the end of the continuum that comprises the highest vibrations of Spirit. Spirit is associated with such terms as pure Light, the Merkabah, Love, and God Consciousness. Physical dense matter is defined as that which one experiences with the five senses. Physical dense matter also represents the human body (the vehicle that carries the soul). It is also defined as the lower, heavier and more subtle vibrations, such as the energies experienced in the heart and mind that cause mental pain and anger.
Since all is energy, it is easy to understand how all objects and actions impact the total human being, which is composed of nine subtle bodies. Body (the physical body), mind (the mental body), and Spirit are affected most by the Law of Vibration; yet the influence of the ALL is present in everything that we are.
Part Two Follows...
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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