Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our powers, only beyond our present self-knowledge. (Theodore Roszak).
The Birthing Process
The transformation into the New Age was described once, by the Arcturians, as the birthing of a planet (Earth) into a star in the Heavens. They said that it has been written since Babylon that the Earth would journey into the Age of Aquarius and become a Garden of Eden in the Universe. They also explained that this event was happening because of the precession of the equinoxes, and that Earth´s position in this universal parade of stars was guided by forces higher than we can imagine.
Transformation certainly intrigues us because these messages implied a total change, for both humans and the Earth itself. The Masters Kuthumi, El Morya, and Sananda made this clear on many occasions. They spoke of the mysteries, keys and codes that unlocked the answers to these changes.
A Journey
Transformation, says Kuthumi, is a journey that the human race has taken since the beginning of time. Therefore, in order to understand transformation we have to research the ancient truths from the beginning of recorded history. Records and old libraries, such as the library of Alexandria, contained much of the world´s wisdom, but through the actions of unenlightened souls these treasures and gifts were destroyed. That which was not destroyed will be rediscovered in this period, for the time is right for bringing these truths to the world once again. Much of this ancient knowledge will come forth in the very same manner as this article.
The Masters
The Masters appear to be members of a group that oversees the entire plan of operations -- at least for this section of the Universe. Emphatically, they state that they work for God. They are here to assure that all details of this plan run on schedule. Throughout history, when the time was right, they have communicated with souls. They even cite Noah´s being notified of the upcoming flood or John the Baptist´s foretelling the coming Jesus as examples. These historical figures received their messages in the same way that many are receiving this kind of information today.
Defining Consciousness
Kuthumi explains that transformation takes quantum leaps around the turn of each millennium, but the effects are even more noticeable when each New Age begins. The vibrational frequencies automatically change with the precession of the planets and stars, and in this scientific motion, consciousness also adjusts.
These Masters define consciousness as the foundation for all there is, for they say that God is thought and out of thought came Light, from which all things are manifested. They also say that the world is a microcosm of the Universe which is our macrocosm. They say that all is energy and that energy is Light.
Light Energy
Out of this Light energy came sound energy in the original creation. And out of Light and sound comes the formation of all that is. Each object, whether solid, liquid, or gas, has its own code, which is a vibratory frequency. This vibration is created out of Light. Since humans contain a consciousness that can be controlled, and since consciousness is thought, then each individual is actually a co-creator with the Divine.
Part Two follows....
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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