Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Since humans contain a consciousness that can be controlled, and since consciousness is thought, then each individual is actually a co-creator with the Divine.



This is the lesson we have journeyed to Earth to discover.  This is the reason for life and for our incarnation in this lifetime.  Few will find the answers to these mysteries, for an individual has to experience enlightenment to be able to grasp this truth.  Most will scorn this principle, for to accept it demands accountability for our actions.  Not many are ready to accept this kind of responsibilty.  Most, in fact, will try to provide explanations contrary to these facts.  Therefore, few are ready for the transformation that is destined to consume the Earth over the next several years.

A Phenomenal Shift

The leap of consciousness into the Fifth Dimension of time/space, this remarkable phenomenon, will consume all that has existed before.  Some will not recognise their abilities as they are today, but will actually take on a higher form of what is closer to what our Arcturian friends described as the Adam Kadmon species, which is a highly evolved group of beings with abilities not presently understood on Earth.

The world will be in the at-one-ment with the Creator.  The planet will understand the harmony and peace for which it has yearned for many centuries.  The beginning of the millennium will test many who are in doubt today, and provide each with the exact tests they will need to overcome their fears and doubts regarding this transition.

Destined to Change

Since the human form is destined to change (precisely how is not quite clear as yet), new rules and guidance must be written that will contain the information to help each soul evolve to this new state of consciousness.  Much will be transmitted over the next decades, but only the souls who are ready to receive the new curriculum will elect to raise their vibrations to match those required to enter the New Age.

The word VIBRATION is the key.  All humans who will journey on to this new world in the Fifth Dimension of time/space must have a vibrational frequency, earned through raised consciousness, that will match the vibration frequency of the New Age.  This phenomenon is absolute and will be measured by individuals´ abilities to be open-minded, loving, centered, tranquil, peaceful and devoted.

Higher Consciousness

Since these characteristics are more closely aligned with the higher states of consciousness, these individuals are defined by the Masters as being more godlike.  These individuals will command the vibrational frequency closer to the speed of Light which will be in alignment with the Age of Aquarius.

The Master Kuthumi described this whole phenomenon as a scientific one.  He stated that our physicists were already beginning to make connections among these principles and concepts and soon would be able to document the concept of Oneness which is a part of the millennium that we now have entered.

Since we are entering the home (or perhaps DIMENSION is a better word) of higher level beings, they are our teachers.  Soon, they have said, we will have an entirely new curriculum that we must master, and the souls who journey into the higher realms will have to understand and master this curriculum which includes the Universal Laws.

Part Three follows...

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

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