(Remember these facts... Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is a name for a Law not recognized; There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes The Law.)
An Introduction
The Master El Morya speaks -- "Peace to the Children of Light who are ready to become self-realized! It is I, El Morya, tending today´s lesson that is destined to bring freedom to the masses. I come on the wings of the dove and hold the olive branch in my hand, offering it to all who are willing to accept it. The olive branch symbolizes peace, as it is through peace that humans will master the Law of Cause and Effect. If my humble gift is accepted, then the words in this passage will further your power because they shall describe the steps required to overcome the bondage of the human soul.
Universal Order
The Law of Cause and Effect is complicated on the surface, yet simple within the order of the Universe. The law briefly states that `Every cause creates an effect, and every effect has its origin in a cause.´ On the surface it appears complicated because there are so many forces than can produce effects. For example, there are the thoughts, feelings, words, or actions produced in any moment of time that affect the outcome later on; or there are forces set into motion from previous lifetimes or through genetics that must be realized.
It is difficult to discern the cause when one is in the midst of solving a dilemma or learning from an experience. In the midst of confusion, what is important to remember is that all is created through perfect cycles of energy. This is truth because there is universal order in all things. That order says that everything moves in a circular fashion. This includes all experiences in every individual´s life, as well as the forces of nature.
Interconnecting Phenomena
The Law of Cause and Effect contains certain interconnecting phenomena that must be understood when proceeding on the path to mastery. These phenomena are :
# The strength of will
# The clarity of the aspirant
# The fear of the unknown and its effect on events
# Forgiveness
Every person participates in creating his or her own reality through individual actions. The difference between an "average" individual and a master is that the average individual is tossed about like a boat on a high sea, following the stronger wills of others. Masters learn that by using higher laws against lower laws and applying high principles with strength of commitment, they create their own destinies and environment. Subconsciously, this is the state in which all wish to be. This, however, is a state few have achieved because the hearts and minds of most individuals are not strong enough to assume responsibility for creating their own realities.
No Such Thing
Several planes of existence are operating simultaneously in the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything happens for a reason; there is no such thing as chance. All occurrences are continuous and unbroken, although the individual often does not understand the reason for the event. The higher planes are those that build mastery -- the lower planes are those that complete unfinished business. The soul stays on the lower planes of existence for many lifetimes until it has released itself from karmic debts and responsibilities that have been harmful to growth.
Tests of Initiation
When an Initiate begins to assume a higher state of consciousness, the Higher Self (which controls the higher planes of existence) brings experiences and lessons to the individual that build character. Karma is dissolved and replaced by Tests of Initiation to strengthen the soul. The Higher Self then defines personality characteristics that need refinement or strengthening and brings lessons with individuals (opponents) into a person´s life to help that individual understand how to grow in the Light. Such examples might include :
# Overcoming pride
# Asserting with love
# Learning unconditional love
# Controlling fears
# Surrendering ego to the will of God
# Controlling the emotional and/or mental bodies
# Desiring to be of world service".
Part Two follows....
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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