Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Every cell within us contains intelligence and the whole pattern of our essence.  We are beings with interacting systems which make up our wholeness.  Similarly, we are part of others and of the World around us.  There is a basic wisdom and knowledge within the Universe which is beyond our physical reality.

El Morya finishes his discourse on this subject :

Vibrational Rates

"Let us use the thermoeter as an example to explain these concepts and show how easy it is to visualise the Law of Correspondence at work.

The thermometer registers numerical readings ranging from low to high.  Nowhere are there markings which indicate absolute divisions separating one from another, such as hot or cold.  Yet we are aware that all measurements are contained within, and each division has its own unique vibration or measurement, different one from another.

Universal Mind

The various different vibrations contained within the All exist simultaneously like the variations within the thermometer.  These range from the physical to the spiritual planes, for the purpose of this instruction.  The difference between the thermometer and the Universal Mind is that there are billions of unending variations within the Universal Mind, whereas the thermometer registers a limited range.  Yet every change of condition will affect the reading of the thermometer.


What is significant about the Law of Correspondence is that ALL LAWS EXIST WITHIN THIS CORRESPONDENCE;  THEREFORE, ALL IS CONTAINED WITHIN IT.  One plane of existence is affected by another and one plane affects another.  All occur simultaneously.  Consequently, all changes in one plane of existence affect the other planes as well.  This includes thoughts, words, emotions and actions.  The Celestial Realms and angeelic, devic and elemental kingdoms all are interconnected with decisions humans make on Earth.  There is no escaping this.  All are one and all correspond to one another.  This also applies to humanity´s decisions and how they affect other people and the World.

The Power Within

When the aspirant begins to realise this truth, the world takes on a new meaning.  With this knowledge, power within the mind and heart begins to grow.  This is the beauty of this understanding.  This knowledge is destined to transform the World when Initiates everywhere rise and begin to increase their individual Light frequencies through the power of the inner journeys and the mind.

Since the Light is the highest vibrational frequency known to Humanity, it is reasonable to conclude that Spirit is Light.  Since Spirit is the Creator with the power of manifestation, learn to illumine the mind and the heart with the Light of the God Force, Dear Ones.  Work with this state of mind to further your understanding of the Law of Correspondence.  Become that which you already are.  Become your destiny.

Working With El Morya

I, El Morya, will work with any Initiate who calls my name in the Light of the Most Radiant One.  I shall direct the attention of the soul to finding the corresponding path that shall enlighten your world.  Ask and Ye Shall Receive!  THE TIME IS NOW!  Come forward out of exile and build Heaven on Earth.

Adonai.  In the Light of the Most High, I AM El Morya."

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

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