Nothing in the Universe exists seperately or in isolation. Everything we do, say or believe affects everything else immediately. When we behave in a positive, nurturing way it has an effect not only on the environment around us, but also on the many complex planes of the Universe, as was discussed in a previous article - "Universal Law of Divine Oneness".
El Morya continues his instruction :
Sleeping Giant
"We smile at the term "gods in exile", for it depicts the situation and frustration that we perceive Humanity to be in today. The physical, manifest world around is so strong that it keeps many in a state of unconsciousness. This state of mind is likened to that of the sleeping giant, who, when cloaked in the sleep state, is quiet and subdued. Awakened, the giant´s potential can come forth to achieve great things. Magnificent deeds are destined to come forth from these sleeping giants in the Seventh Golden Age. Those who awaken will usher in this new millennium for the Children of the Golden Dawn.
All Exists Simultaneously
The Law of Correspondence (Corresponding) is the law that holds the Oneness together. As mentioned, its name is synonymous with the Golden Liquid Light. Contained within this pulsating, vibrating field of endless energy is all that is and ever will be. It is the etheric, or cosmic glue that holds everything together and connects the physical planes with the mental and spiritual ones.
Knowing that all exists simultaneously in each moment of time / space means that the Initiate has the power to affect any and all things in any moment of time. The reasons why many have not accomplished this thus far on their journeys are because :
1) They have not understood this law and consequently have not known that they could do so.
2) Humanity´s will is weak.
The mind, connected with the Universal Mind of the All, is the key to change and to creation. The strengthening of the mind comes from discipline and will power. The strength of will comes from the heart. Individuals have been distracted by the physical, manifest world, spending much of their time entertaining their five senses. Focusing attention on the outside has contributed to their forgetting the power within.
Connecting The Mind
Going within allows the Initiate to connect the mind to other planes and dimensions of reality, for it is here that the soul connects with the All. When this connection is made, all power is returned. In the journey comes the awakening that all dimensional realities are connected. It is the wisest of souls who learns how to access these other realms.
The physical plane vibrates at the lowest vibrational rate, while the plane of Spirit vibrates at the highest. Within each plane are also subplanes of existence, but it is not necessary to describe that phenomenon here. It is only significant to know."
Part One & Three -- Write title in search box, top left, and add "Part One" or "Part Three"
This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".
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