Sunday, 19 May 2013


This Law helps us to understand abundance.  It deals with the material and spiritual gains we receive in life.

Firstly, understand that we need to overcome the programming of the past that was fed by statements such as :

a)   Money is the root of all evil.
b)   The rich cannot be spiritual.
c)   To be spiritual means that we must renounce money and things in life that give us pleasure and comfort.

The Master El Morya describes the Law of Compensation in the following transmission :

"Greetings, Oh Sisters and Brothers from the Stars.  I come forth to deliver this next piece of information which is pertinent for understanding the full context of the Universal Laws.  It is with great pleasure that I deliver the following instruction to you, the recipients of the Divine knowledge of the Universe.  I come as your servant and elder brother, as I provide you the secrets for increasing your wealth."

A Basic Foundation

"Allow me to begin by asking you the question,  `In what way may I serve you?´  I begin in this way, for doing so provides an example of what comprises the basic foundation for the application of the Law of Compensation.

The Law of Compensation is an extension of the Law of Cause and Effect, in that it reflects the `just rewards´  or  `punishments´ individuals receive for the seeds they have sown.  It is an exact law, with its own deviations, that works to provide to the individual greater things than ever imagined.  This occurs when the soul aligns with the Higher Self in service to others.

Giving and Receiving

The Law of Compensation is about giving and receiving.  It is the law that guarantees that each will be provided for by God.  It is the manifestation of Divine Order in all things and that which grants freedom to the minds that work to dissolve the attitudes of poverty consciousness and insatiable needs.

The law is flawless in its design.  Basically, it says that for everything given there shall be a return.  But there is a twist to this law that not everyone realizes.  This twist is called the Law of Tenfold Return.  What this law reveals is that once a person learns to give freely from the heart, the Universe returns the gift with a tenfold yield.  This supports the premise that `It is better to give than to receive.´

Tenfold Return

I give this knowledge freely from my heart, Dear Ones.  Furthermore, I freely ask, `What more can I give in this moment of time?´  In so doing, because my attitude, motive and heart are all aligned with truth, I reveal to you now that I shall be rewarded tenfold for this offering.

For most, the Law of Tenfold Return goes into effect primarily when the individual learns to release fears that sends the message that  `there is not enough. ´  Another condition that facilitates enactment of this law is when the auric fields of the Initiate are attuned to the higher vibrations of Light.  Attaining a higher frequency in the Light automatically raises the body, mind and Spirit ito a higher dimension of mind, which releases the old programming that keeps one in bondage.

Multidimensional Thinking

One cannot separate the laws and their influences on individuals in a Universe of Oneness.  Therefore, it must be reinforced that compensation is also the reflection of a person´s multidimensional thinking.  The Most Radiant One stated this when He declared, `As a man thinketh, so shall he become.´

This command assures that what is reaped is the just consequences of all that is sown.  The Law of Compensation assures that everything is fair and all is in alignment with the Divine, for the laws are not biased.  Each soul is treated impartially and indifferently by the laws.  Each soul is its own judge while on the Earth plane, for free will dictates the gifts that will be given to each."

Part Two follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

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