Monday, 20 May 2013


Always remember that if you  help others, you will be helped, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a thousand years, but you will be helped.  Nature must pay off the debt.  It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics.

The Master Morya continues his transmission on this Law :

Promises and Contracts

"Another factor that enters into just compensation is the fulfillment of promises and contracts made between lifetimes.  Each soul who comes to Earth is on a mission from God, whether it realizes it or not.  Contracts are made in the etheric and reviewed periodically n the dream states, assessing the standards and measures of performance for the individual in embodiment.  When promises are kept, the soul is rewarded tenfold.  This is the mark of those who possess the `Midas Touch´.

When the word is not honoured, a lower vibrational frequency is initiated which sets the individual up for what are termed `disappointments´ and `frustrations´, which are not readily understood on the Earth plane.  When one assesses the complexity of all the dimensional realities and vibrational frequencies that impact the soul, one quickly sees that alignment with the Light of the Higher Self is the only way out of bondage.  All must be in the highest vibration and truth to control one´s destiny.  Connection to the Higher Self and to God´s will grants peace, harmony and a fulfilled life.

Integrity Is The Key

Free Will is God´s gift to Humanity.  This allows all individuals to choose their own rewards in life, based upon the application of integrity.  Integrity is the key which grants the soul on the spiritual path greater gifts and rewards, including both spiritual and material offerings.

When a soul feels helpless to change life events, invoking the Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Radiant Energy (in cooperation with the Higher Self) is the way to remedy the situation.  Apply this law and wait for the returns.  Applying this law creates Divine Order, and the compensation that comes surpasses all understanding.

Love Yourself

Speaking of compensation, there is another important aspect of this law which includes payment to oneself.  Too often individuals give to others and do not give to themselves.  This depicts a lack of self-love and creates an imbalance in the energy fields that support the natural flow of energy.

All must learn to love themselves FIRST, and from this state of mind, all else flows.  The more you love yourselves, the more love you have to give to others.  It is like a cup that is always full.  The cup that overflows is the cup of Divine Love that spills out into the Universe, touching the robes of all others.

By not treating oneself with the same kindness bestowed upon others, a cycle for deprivation is established.  Positive thoughts, attitudes, words and actions are needed at all times to keep the energy flowing.  Blockages create inequities, although from the universal perspective, inequities are only perceived and are not reality.  Nevertheless, all must be kept in alignment with harmony and love, and this includes the love of self, which is contained within.

The Wrong Motive

Overcompensation to others is another stumbling block to the smooth operations of this law.  The human psyche is clever and can deceive one to believe that if one gives more to another, then that soul is deemed more worthy and loving.  Therefore, giving must be a good and honourable thing in that it justifies one´s own self-worth.

As was stated earlier, giving and giving freely IS an honourable thing and THE action which grants freedom.  But if giving is done with the wrong motive, such as giving to make up for the lack of love within, then the energies once again are blocked.  All must give equally to themselves and to others to keep the energy balanced.


Yes, BALANCE!!  This is the only path to follow when achieving mastery.  If balance is maintained at all times and the truth and integrity are adhered to, then the Law of Compensation shall be realized.

In honour of the God within, I, El Morya, do complete this transmission for the Divine.  Go in Peace."

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

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