Tuesday, 21 May 2013


 Our inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which we vibrate.  The level of our vibrations attracts things and people operating at the same level.  So, what is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside.

The brilliant teacher and Master, El Morya, instructs us on this Law of Attraction :

"It is with pleasure that I return to deliver another message regarding Universal Laws.  For this communication I shall focus on the Law of Attraction.  This is the law that serves to frustrate many souls on the spiritual path, for it mirrors to them what is hidden within."

Power of the Mind

"The Law of Attraction demonstrates the power of the mind, heart and will, to project what is within, and the universe´s ability to respond to this energy.  It is likened to a comic magnet that draws to the person everything he or she focuses on or projects into the etheric.

The Inner Frequency

In an earlier transmission it was established that manifestations are a result of multi-dimensional forces impacting the conscious and subconscious mind.  Because this is so, it is essential that all persons watch carefully their thoughts, words, emotions and actions, to assure that hidden, negative images, surrounded with emotions, are not stored within.  This is emphasized because this is key to understanding the Law of Attraction.

Inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which one vibrates.  This is truth.  One´s vibrational rate is a frequency.  This inner frequency creates a signal that is emitted outward.  Once emitted, this signal begins to draw to it other things that reside on that same frequency.  What is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside.

Personal Growth

What the Law of Attraction also draws to the soul are one´s Tests of Initiations, for the Higher Self understands every weakness within that creates a `void´ or character flaw that must be `polished´ .  The Higher Self is programmed to fill each void (frequency) that has not been learned or mastered with experiences needed to assure personal growth.

The beauty of this law is that once lessons are learned, and the individual´s vibrational rate rises higher, the tests never come again.  They do not, because the soul rises above the vibrational level of those tests.  The soul, now residing on a higher level, will receive only experiences that vibrate on this new level.  The miracle is that the higher one goes, the better and better life becomes.


Demonstrating Control

The Law of Attraction controls the rate and sequence of events that impact a person´s life.  Quickness of mind and control over the emotional body are the key elements that dictate the rate at which events occur.  Once individuals master control over their mental and emotional bodies, they then experience only that which has been carefully programmed into their conscious and subconscious minds.  It is at this point that they demonstrate more contorl over what happens in their lives.

But if a person has not mastred the mental and emotional bodies, and often performs erratically and negatively, the the law returns to that person events and people that reside on the same level of discordance.  These individuals feel as if they are constantly swatting flies, often wondering if they ever will get rid of them.  This is the state that makes many people feel helpless and victimized.  Often inidividuals believe they are like ships being tossed about on stormy waters."

Part Two Follows....

This article is from "The Light Shall Set You Free".

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